“Alright, choose between number 1 and 2 and place your point bets.”
[I’m feeling number 1]
[My mom called me a beast, so I’ll show you my calm beast’s heart]
“Must be an animal.”
[Why are you hitting me, Sipryeon?]
They set up the ladder and started placing point bets.
The ratio, which had been going back and forth, started to even out as time passed.
1st 2nd
48% 52%
“Wow, it’s pretty close, huh?”
[I went all in, please…]
[My beast’s heart is roaring]
“Guys, you know the entrance banner is limited edition, right? Don’t go all in and ruin yourselves, just bet a little.”
[Hey, you damn ladder brat, if you don’t wanna die, behave yourself]
[Isn’t it all in since it’s a limited edition? Those who’ve been watching Ga-eul’s room from the start have the same amount of points]
“It’s not like this is the only round. We’ll keep doing this, so are you just gonna sit around sucking your thumb?”
[Now that I think about it, you’re right LOL but I already bet]
[Yeah, true, but I already bet]
[The room master is wise, but I already bet]
“Why do you keep betting, you little beasts?”
[My mom called me unemployed, maybe I’m a lion?]
While chatting with the viewers, the betting time was coming to an end.
“Ugh, betting time’s over. Let’s go.”
[Let’s go!!! I trust you, room master]
“Let’s go!”
With a click, the 1st ladder slowly starts descending.
At a glance, it’s a complicated ladder. Thanks to the options tweaked, it twists and turns like a rollercoaster as it comes down.
[Huh? Huh? Where’s that brat going?]
[Damn ladder brat, where are you going?]
[Let’s go!!]
The ladder, which had been falling in such a complicated manner, suddenly changes its path right before hitting “lose” and lands on “win.”
“Number 1! The 48% group wins. Life’s all about the underdog, right?”
[No way LOLOLOL this ladder’s messed up]
[The underdog with just 2% less wins? LOL]
[Ah, life…]
“See, I told you not to go all in.”
[Red Parade sponsored 1,000,000 won]
[Can’t you just press number 2? LOL]
[LOLOL this chairman brat’s crazy]
[It’s been a while since sashimi’s been on]
“Red, thank you, you’re the best. But we gotta keep this fair.”
[Wow, Ga-eul’s really dazzling]
[For real LOL this chairman brat’s insane]
<1st wins>
Clicking on the side where they had input number 1, a victory message pops up, dividing people into those laughing and those crying.
[Ah, I couldn’t get it]
[Losing the money hurts, but this sadness is worse…]
[Siri, tell me the temperature of the Han River today]
[LOL underdog taste is the best LOLOLOLOL]
[Ding! The water temperature today is perfect for jumping in. I recommend going in quickly]
“Guys, calm down. It’s just points. You get these points for watching my broadcast for an hour or checking in.”
[But the prizes are insane]
[For real, it’s like a wish ticket or an entrance banner…]
It seems like the viewers are going all-in first and then thinking about it, probably because it’s a product with limited quantity.
“Hmm… Let’s do this. Even if it was done as a joke, it still counts. We can’t let the friends who won the ladder game lose their meaning, so let’s increase the wish ticket points so they can take it slowly.”
[Yeah, I strongly agree. Does it make sense that you almost have no chance just because you lost one round?]
[How much are you increasing it by?]
Wondering how much would be appropriate, I searched and found a post saying that viewers of broadcasters who have been streaming for a long time usually have points in the hundred thousand range.
“How about 200,000? It seems quite a lot, but I think at least one person will come up within a month or two. It’s just one wish ticket anyway.”
[Isn’t that too much?]
[Can we even gather 200,000?]
[Seems fine. If you look at the viewers of other streamers, many long-time viewers have over 10 million.]
As the murmurs among the viewers grew louder, I pondered and then suddenly voiced a thought.
“If it really doesn’t work out, we can just lower it. Since when have we been doing things so precisely? Right?”
[Yeah, right lol]
[Has Ga-eul been drinking American water? She’s got that American style lol]
“I haven’t even tasted American water, let alone air. My brother should take me to America sometime.”
[Lol the room master’s dialect is so cute lol]
[Lol Ga-eul is cute]
Thanks to our simple viewers, the overly heated atmosphere also became more relaxed.
“Umm, is Ga-eul really that pretty?”
[Lol don’t cross the line, do you want to die?]
[Teacher, you’re cute, but just this once. Next time, wear a bulletproof vest. I’m bringing a shotgun.]
“You jerks are really not accepting it. I’m upset, so everyone get lost.”
If others saw this, they might vomit or grab each other by the collar and fight.
But this is our own way of communication and interaction.
A damn intense back-and-forth.
[It’s pretty king-like lol]
After that, we did point games whenever there was a chance, and if there wasn’t, we made one up and proceeded.
“Let’s go with a shitty game this time. I saw one before.”
[What is it?]
[Damn;; Has Ga-eul finally gone off the deep end?]
It’s a very simple game. A side-scrolling game with only left, right, and jump. Just move to the right and reach the destination. So-called Puppy Mario.
As I moved the puppy-like character to the right, suddenly spikes shot up from the ground.
Death 1
The death count starts as soon as the scream dies down.
“This game is insane.”
[Lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol]
[Playtime just 2 seconds]
[Suddenly dead lol]
I moved the character to the right again. As I jumped over the spikes I had seen before, a cloud in the sky fell and crushed the puppy.
Death 2
“Ah, this crazy game.”
[Lol lol lol lol lol I spit out my coffee]
[Where did you find such a game?]
A few years ago, a YouTube game creator had cleared this game without dying once, easily.
“But there should be some kind of sign. The spikes just pop out of nowhere, damn it.”
“How to avoid this bloodshed.”
[LOLOLOL the room master picked this game, grit your teeth and endure it.]
[For real, this game is trash.]
[OMG the smell is killing me LOLOLOL]
Let’s keep going. Inside the pit dug below, there was an item that looked undeniably appealing.
“Let’s grab that.”
[No no no no no]
[Don’t do it!!]
As I jumped to grab the item and get out of the pit, a hidden transparent block blocked my head.
“What the heckkkkk!”
Every time I moved left and right and jumped, another block appeared, eventually filling the entire pit.
Tip: The suicide button is F5, press it.
“Ugh, damn it…”
[LOLOLOL this game is hilariously ridiculous]
[Is this even… a game?]
“My hands are free. I’ll start the betting. Option 1: Clear with less than 50 deaths. Option 2: Clear with 50 or more deaths. Trust me and bet on the right one.”
I opened the point game and started the betting.
Option 1 Option 2
2.1% 97.9%
[LOLOLOL why does the room master think it’s the right bet?]
[Ga-eul, sorry but you’re the underdog]
[LOLOLOL this trash game is a national betrayal bet]
“Kids, I’m so disappointed. Why are there so many traitors?”
[LOLOLOL this is hilarious]
[Look at the game you brought, does it even look like a national betrayal?]
[Why is your tongue so long, Han boss?]
[Just looking at that damn dog makes me want to swear LOLOLOL]
I was planning to have some fun, but seeing the 2%, I got competitive. The kids would freak out if they knew, but looking at this damn game, I thought this was the only answer.
“Here I go.”
『Heavenly Eyes』
If I focus too much, I won’t last long, so I use the technique I learned at the training ground to moderate my strength.
The spikes that rise from the first area.
[What, are you dodging that with a backstep?]
[What the heck LOLOLOL]
The dog’s foot almost touches the spike, but I step back just in time.
After that, it was smooth sailing. The clouds I thought were just background suddenly fall, and the ground collapses.
“Patriotic kids, open your mouths. Points are coming in.”
Suddenly, the left side of the screen pushes to the right, forcing me to go fast.
Stop. Backstep. Jump to avoid spikes. Use a fake jump to remove obstacle mechanics.
[No way LOLOLOL Han Ga-eul, did you practice this?]
The map passes by in an instant. Shortly after, I reach the last point, and as the dog picks up the flag, a message appears.
[Arrived, woof]
“It’s over…”
As the victory message appears, I see the flag in my hand break and fall above my head.
I quickly backstep.
[Damn, are you dodging this too?]
[LOLOLOL either you practiced or your reflexes are inhuman]
[It’s really over, woof]
“Ah, our pretty patriotic kids, open your mouths.”
[Option 1 wins]
[Wow, they actually won LOLOLOL patriotic betting indeed]
[So delicious lololololol How much is the dividend? Bleh]
“Trust me. Anyway, let’s move on to the next game quickly.”
I opened an internet window and started a game where numbers were drawn like a lottery machine.
“Alright, this time we’re playing a number-drawing game. Numbers will come out from 1 to 13, and each number will be drawn twice. The side with the highest combined number wins. But if the sum goes over 10, only the single-digit number counts. And 11, 12, 13 are automatic busts. Not hard, right? If the sum of two numbers is less than 10, meaning the number is 9, you automatically win.”
[No, you crazy girl, that’s literally gambling.]
[Ga-eul is really opening a baccarat table lolololol]
[Why do you know the baccarat rules…?]
“It’s not baccarat, it’s a game of adding numbers to make 9. Shut up and pick.”
[We decided to call that baccarat.]
[I was called a loser before, but I’ll show my skills.]
Banker Player
57% 43%
[Look at them writing down banker and player lololololol]
At first, it was just like ladder climbing, a point-based toto.
“The player won. Let’s add one rule and move to the next round.”
Rules were added one by one. Pair rules for matching cards. Side bets. It was becoming more and more like a real gambling table.
[Mom… I’m learning something weird.]
[Something feels off??]
“Let’s change the game. The next game is about making 21. Sounds fun, right?”
[We decided to call that blackjack.]
[I lost everything, life feels meaningless now.]
[Ah, I just got used to baccarat.]
“It’s not baccarat, it’s a number-adding game. If we keep doing this, it’ll get boring, so let’s do it a few more times and then call it a night, okay?”
[Ga-eul’s night streams are so fun lololol]
[This is why people gamble, it’s so fun lololol]
At first, it was just for fun, but now even the viewers seem to be seriously thinking about it.
“Alright, my little ones, let’s stop now. Too much isn’t good. Let’s go out and play.”
[ㅇ_ㅋ This was fun enough lololol]
[All my points got drained, so I wasn’t feeling it, but this is good.]
[Let’s go night streaming! I should order chicken.]
Just as we were about to wrap up after a few more rounds for fun.
[Red Parade sponsored 1,000,000 won.]
[Room Master, I collected all my points.]
[What the…]