Pretextat Tache once said that a novelist must have big balls and a dick.
And on that day, a certain novelist died.
All that remained was a single woman.
Pretextat Tache once said that a novelist must have big balls and a dick.
And on that day, a certain novelist died.
All that remained was a single woman.
Review time!
Note – I decided to write a review over the novels I get over 50 chapters in (and bc novel description is a lie). Starting with this mess of novel! :DD
Woah boy, this novel is HEAVY. Not going to lie, I was super confused in the first 9 chapters because I was like “where’s the fricken TS”.
And to tell you to the truth. These first 9 chapters were so hard to read. These chapters REALLY makes you hate the mc. For example, he often critics other female writers for their feminine writing. He doesn’t stop to care though, currently rising as a upcoming author with an
It’s when the mc gets TSed where things become in
This novel is mid, not particularly good or bad, just something to pass the time.
I used to love this type of story, where we see the MC’s perspective after experiencing “bad luck,” leading to the collapse or shaking of their beliefs.
An example is around chapters 26–30, where the MC is forced to make a choice that goes against their principles. I used to love how these moments were written, how the despair and anxiety of such choices pulled me in, making me wonder, “What will happen to the MC next?”
Back then, these stories left me feeling two things emptiness and bliss. But now? They feel boring, just something to pass the time.
That said, I do recommend this novel if you’re looking for a way to kill some time.
Is mc gay because she hates women?