Chapter 32


A super ultra big snake friend, who looks like it could be friends with a train, just gobbled up my inheritance…!

And it even burped, saying it was delicious…!

Pastel, who’s only the top researcher with a battle score of zero, gasped in shock.


『It’s a snake.』

The Demon Lord said calmly.

The white snake turned its head, its red eyes locking onto Pastel, filled with a pink-toned girl.

The snake tilted its head in confusion.


Pastel felt goosebumps all over. Frozen like a mouse caught in a snake’s gaze.


I’m just a mouse passing by.

I don’t have anything to eat.

Please just look at me as a decoration.

『Slowly back away. You’re not recognized as prey yet, so quick movements will only provoke it further.』

The calm voice eased the tension in her body.

As expected of the Demon Lord.

Being with him is pure reassurance.

Pastel cautiously backed away, keeping her eyes on the snake. She moved her arms as little as possible, taking tiny steps to widen the distance.

Suddenly, the white snake raised its head high, its body reaching the shared ceiling. It opened its mouth, revealing its fangs. The snake sound roared fiercely.


Pastel stiffened again like a mouse.


Is it coming? Is it?

Is a snake the size of a train charging at me?

『It’s okay for now. Just a simple display of intimidation. You’re not recognized as prey, which makes this a good situation. If you don’t provoke it and slowly increase the distance, you’ll be able to retreat safely.』


What a relief.

Pastel, feeling slightly reassured, backed away a little more. She returned to the trap room and wiped her forehead.


I thought I was a goner.

I really thought I’d turned into a complete mouse~.


But while Pastel laughed to herself, she suddenly felt deflated.


She leaned her head against the wall.

What a disaster.

That snake friend just gobbled up my inheritance.

If it wanted to eat an empty treasure chest, I would have just given it to them as a friend, but it greedily devoured everything.

Pastel gripped her Demon Sword. She measured the size difference between the snake that was as big as a train and the sword’s blade.

Isn’t this just a toothpick for the snake?

If I ran and shouted, “Hah! Hah!”

The toothpick would go poke! Poke!

Would the snake eat me?

Wowah~! Chomp-!

The mouse Pastel let out a wail.

It was a scenario with a high chance of failure.

Pastel clutched her head.


Life is so hard, Pastel…!

The Demon said calmly,

『In front of a massive creature, skill and strength can be negated. In life, there are times you will encounter beings with a natural gap in power. The good thing in such instances is that you immediately recognize the need to flee the moment you see them. Thus, survival itself isn’t that difficult.』

Even the Demon acknowledged the intrinsic disparity.

『There’s really no need to fight. Humans carry little nutritional value and taste bad, so many creatures don’t bother hunting them. As long as we do our job and quietly leave, it should be manageable.』

Does the Demon Lord have a brilliant plan to solve this situation?

『Digesting the Demon King’s inheritance is likely very difficult. It probably won’t digest and will just be expelled. Since you have the fate compass, come back later to track it down and collect the waste. It’s not difficult.』

Such a practical bit of advice.

Wow wow.

So I don’t have to fight that snake!

The Demon Lord is really something!

I believe in you!

Oh yeah.

The Demon took a moment to ponder seriously.

『Of course, there’s a risk involved. The fact that it licked and swallowed the treasure chest means it has confidence in its digestion. There’s a possibility that it might damage the inheritance due to strong digestive capabilities. Even if that’s not the case, there’s a high chance it will negatively affect the inheritance.』

Pastel hesitated.

Does this mean she has to risk permanent depreciation of the inheritance’s value?

『But you can’t compare an unknown inheritance to your own life. It would be best to retreat today and come back to recover it next time.』

A sense of unease began to settle in.

Pastel shook her head hesitantly.

『Young Craft?』

She whispered quietly while eyeing the snake past the wall.

“No, it’s not like that. It’s not about comparing an unknown inheritance to my life.”

She exhaled as if shedding her fear.

In a cold voice, she continued.

“What’s at stake is my loyalty and life.”

What she needed to do was avenge the fallen servants.

What she had to protect was the life of the current head of the family.

“I’ll decide which is heavier.”

Pastel fixed her gaze firmly on the Demon Sword.

This was a journey of revenge. If the situation worsened, retreating was an option. If they could not win, she could back out. But she could not simply return for the sake of safety.

The Demon was silent for a moment.

Then, he quietly spoke.

『I understand. This will be a difficult path.』

Pastel’s expression relaxed at the Demon Lord’s supportive voice. It was a conditioned reflex.

“Yes, please help.”


『I’ll do my best. First, you should gauge the exact size of the snake. Carefully examine the traces left in this room.』

Following the advice, Pastel measured the white snake and surveyed the battleground.

『Its massive size is a threat in itself. We need to ensure it cannot utilize it effectively. Creating an environment that only confronts part of its size would be ideal.』

After planning and reviewing, they began the battle.

Pastel threw a rock, her eyes locked on the snake.

“Hello, snake friend.”

The white snake raised its head. Its body touched the ceiling, its slit pupils glaring down. Its mouth opened wide and a menacing snake sound echoed through the chamber.


Pastel jerked in surprise, shaking her head. It felt like her mind was screaming to run away.

Pushing her instincts away, she muttered consciously.

“It’s good that I can see well inside the ruins without a lantern.”

Shaking off her tense legs, she assumed a throwing stance.

In that moment, she planted her feet firmly. Her arm moved as a projectile was launched. The trajectory soared and collided with the snake’s head. The rock shattered, and a howl rang out.

Killer intent jolted through.

Pastel spun and ran towards the trap room, her hurried footsteps echoing. The giant snake’s body crashed against the ground, its massive form following after her. The earth shook and clattered with its footsteps. The noise quickly approached.

If it catches me, I’m dead, I’m dead.

The entrance was just ahead.


Pastel slammed to the side. Her legs pushed aggressively against the ground. She awkwardly shifted her direction and propelled herself forward.

The massive body crashed down into the spot she had just evacuated. The snake’s fangs crushed the earth, debris flying and nearly hitting the girl.


Pastel dashed with all her might. She burst out of the tunnel, racing past the trap room and quiz room headed for the entrance of the ruins.

Fangs crashed down right after her. The pink figure zigzagged as it pressed down on the ground. The snake’s jaws grazed her clothes. A deafening noise erupted, and bits of rock scattered.

A shard shot through the air and sliced her cheek. Drops of blood spattered everywhere.

A pale Pastel hurled herself toward the entrance. The light of the ruins faded into the dark sewer.

She turned back to see the entrance, panting heavily as she pointed her sword.

If she fought here, it would prevent the lumbering beast from using its body to constrict or strike her. She had sufficiently provoked the snake to the point where it wouldn’t just back off immediately.

The white snake, halted at the narrow entrance, roared and slammed its head against the entry. A tremendous noise erupted as the entrance shook, sending dust flying everywhere.

The snake’s head poked through the gap, its red slit eyes fixated on the girl.

Pink hair whipped around. The sword’s blade glinted. The trajectory pierced the snake’s pupil, sending a spray of blood bursting out.

Pastel grimaced, drenched in blood. She simply touched its weakened eye and felt an overwhelming sense of resilience from the creature. The outer skin’s toughness was immediately apparent.

Before she could be dragged away with the sword, she pulled it back out. The eye burst open. A howl erupted from the snake as it drew back its head.

Pastel shook the blood off her blade.

She glared at the entrance of the ruins.

“Will you run away?”

『There’s a high chance of that.』

In nature, there are no hospitals. Any animal could likely avoid a fight that would severely injure them.

From here on, it’s a long chase and hunt. A specialty of humans.

But the gap in size remained significant. One wrong move and it would be death. She could only pray that the loss of one eye would be advantageous.

Suddenly, a tremor shook the entrance. The snake collided roughly against the narrow entryway, debris exploded, and cracks appeared in the walls.


The snake lifted its head again. Pastel instinctively leapt.

Moments later, the snake’s head slammed against the entrance. The narrow entry shattered. The white body of the snake surged into the sewer.

A full view of the white snake flooded Pastel’s sight.

The snake writhed, positioning itself, glaring at the girl. As its jaw opened wide, it reached the ceiling as its snake sound echoed through the area.

Pastel exhaled, aiming her sword.

Had she really have to face the snake head-on in a straight corridor?


This is definitely facing death.

A hundred times the urge to flee surged within her.

Then, the snake lunged. Its red mouth filled her vision, teeth aimed directly at the girl.

She took half a step back. The mouth slammed shut just in front of her. A gust of wind blew past, tossing her pink hair around.

The blade of her sword flashed, its trajectory launched. It pierced the intact eye of the snake and blood erupted.

The snake roared. Pastel hurriedly retreated.

In that moment, the snake contracted its body and then rushed at her. The sewer shook with ferocity. Pastel dodged and the snake crashed into the wall, sending shockwaves through the area.

Pastel soared, slamming against the wall. Ugh! She hit the ground hard, rolling. Pain surged through her body.

She coughed and blood mingled with her breath.

Adrenaline surged within her. Her mind felt slightly hazy, and pain began to fade.

Hormone Friend, you came too late.

Pastel exhaled deeply to calm her swirling thoughts, lifting herself up.

The blinded snake flicked its tongue. It seemed to hunt for the smell of blood in the air, enjoying its sweet scent before letting out a victorious howl.


Hey, it’s not over yet.

She gaze blankly at the snake, managing to aim her sword with effort. Her hand trembled.

The snake paused, tilting its head as its dull eyes fixated on her. As if to replace its vision, its tongue flickered out.

Time passed with them both on guard.

Pastel tapped her sword.

Demon Lord, Demon Lord.

Give me some answers.

This one’s too strong.

Pastel felt overwhelmed.


In her hazy state, Pastel chuckled a little. Blood dripped from her lips.

With a cough, droplets spattered on the floor.

『Well, yeah. Hah. No.』

The Demon sighed heavily, looking distressed.

Then, in a composed voice, he spoke.

『During battle, you should always pay attention to the terrain. Various variables commonly interfere with battles. Sometimes how you deal with these variables determines victory or defeat.』


What suddenly is that supposed to mean?

Pastel cocked her head in confusion.

Sounds echoed from behind her.

A cacophony of chaos and distant cries.


Both the girl and the snake froze in surprise.

The noise grew more intense. Something rushed in like a wave.

Pastel turned to glance and her eyes widened.

Through the shadows, the eyes of beasts filled her vision. Hundreds of enormous rats the size of her knees surged in.

It was an outrageous amount of noise—far more than their last meeting. It seemed as though they kept joining in, growing their numbers.


Pastel panicked, glancing back and forth.

Giant snake in front, giant rats in back.

Pastel was surrounded!

The lead giant rat sprinted forward, its fangs aimed straight for Pastel.


I’m gonna die!

Super extreme improvisation…!

Pastel leapt towards the wall. In mid-air, she swiveled the Demon Sword. The blade embedded in a high spot on the wall, cracking the structure.

Pastel spun around the sword’s handle and landed right on it.

Hastily looking down at the ground, she saw the flood of massive rats rushing below. They rushed straight past, some glancing up before licking their lips and giving up the chase.

Phew, that was close.

She peeked back at the snake. The dumbfounded snake got inundated by the rat horde. The white scaly body was soon covered in beasts, its skin fiercely bitten.

Oh snap.

Could this be my chance to win?

Pastel suddenly felt buoyed by optimism.

“Well done! My Squeaky Friends! Charge~!”

I’ve always known you were my friends!

The snake roared in anger. As it twisted its body, a couple of rats were squished flat.



New rats leaped in. They clambered up, charging straight for its eyes. The rats burrowed into the snake’s ruined eye and began to feast on its insides.


Even more rats squeezed in.

The snake let out a howl, the scene escalating into horror.

『Cover your eyes. The child shouldn’t witness this.』

Eek! Eek!

Obediently, Pastel covered her eyes with her hands.

This must be a 19+ scene!

She squeezed her eyes shut tightly.

Such a good kid.

But then, suddenly, the Hormone Friend whispered, “Hehe, aren’t you curious?” Pastel hesitated for a moment.

She slyly opened a gap between her fingers.

The scene all came into view.

Wow wow.


Is it really happening like that…?!

Cultural shock.

After a while, the snake fell dead.

From its partially devoured body emerged an undigested treasure chest.

Pastel cheered from the sword’s handle.

“I did it!”

That was an incredibly tough battle.

But ultimately, it was a victory for Pastel, who has lots of friends!

Is this the fate of a popular person?!

Oh yeah!