Chapter 181

Long live the republic!

Long live!

Natural rights, popular sovereignty, elected power, separation of powers, rule of law, responsible politics!

Surprisingly, all these things about the republic were exactly what Governor Pastel loved~!

Pastel was confident that no one in this world understood republicanism better than herself.

And it wasn’t just an understanding.

Skipping the elections since she knew she’d be elected anyway, Governor Pastel, with the support of all the staff and students, became the top leader of Sky Island, truly embodying republicanism.

She was a good power figure opposing the evil royal court that ruled over the Empire’s subjects like slaves.

Just because someone places a shiny crown made of gold on their head doesn’t mean they gain any more dignity than others!

The so-called Emperor? Just a laughable person walking around with a crown!

Agreed! Agreed!

Popular Pastel, who wouldn’t be captivated by such a time-warped regime as the Empire, definitely didn’t have a weak heart!

A popular person is one who’s given more equal rights and status than others by those guaranteed equal rights by natural law.

The now even more equal Pastel couldn’t agree at all with the Empire’s proud class system.

An institution where one’s life is determined by family and blood? Such an unreasonable system deserved to be abolished.

Of course, if someone placed a crown on her head, she felt obligated to wear it out of consideration, but that only proved how kind Pastel was to others.


If they gave a crown, she’d have no choice.

Because crowns are expensive and beautiful, and a lot of effort goes into making them. And why does it take a lot of effort? Because they are beautiful and expensive.


An undeniable logic.

So there was no helping it, considering the giver’s goodwill.

But apart from this minor compromise created by such a kind heart, Pastel was the strongest supporter of republicanism.

Even if the Republicans advised that they were the culprits of the prophecy.


When Duke Nastasha’s visit to the Demon Realm was announced, Pastel shivered.

I didn’t do anything wrong, so why is my body shaking like this?

Could it be caffeine overdose?!

That was a reasonable guess.

Feeling incredibly thirsty, Pastel was gulping down green tea poured by Count McKenna’s secretary.

Gulp, gulp.

Drinking this much green tea, which contains caffeine, was bound to take a toll on her fragile body.

“The railroad should definitely use the infrastructure of our Demon Realm Stock Company for a widespread establishment. The United Kingdom’s royal family and parliament are being cautious because they fear the Empire’s diplomats, but in my view, acting quickly would be safer. It’s business-wise too.”

The girl’s teacup shook nervously.

“Marquis Craft? What’s wrong?”

Count McKenna was perplexed.

Oh, in a business meeting, no less.

Pastel quickly collected herself.

“Excuse me for a moment.”

She set down the teacup and rubbed her cheeks.

Rub, rub.

Finding stability by rubbing her own cheeks like mochi, she thought, it’s okay, it’s okay.

Though she had no idea why the Duke was coming all the way to the distant Demon Realm, it didn’t matter to her, so it was no big deal.


A sudden bright idea struck Pastel.

Thinking about it, it really wasn’t a big problem.

Panicking at the news of the Duke’s visit, she had missed it, but in reality, Governor Pastel had never snitched.

Really, though?

She only advised that ideology and thought were key elements in the country’s grand strategy. Mentioning the Republicans and pointing them out as traitors of the prophecy was not Pastel, but Mr. Penguin.

Her pink eyes widened.

That’s right!

Mr. Penguin was the cause?!

Pastel had done nothing wrong at all.


Pastel wiped her cold sweat. Normally, she wouldn’t sweat like that, but given the circumstances, a droplet slipped away.


What a relief!

Politically almost died!

Her heart began to slowly calm down. As her panicked mind found some normalcy, she started to have a little more room for objective thinking.

But thinking about it, I don’t think I’m a republican.

Honestly, doesn’t republicanism seem just a tad outdated?

With the great Emperor still alive and well, wouldn’t it be disloyal to say such ominous things?

Loyal Pastel couldn’t at all empathize with such ominous talk.

Anyone is free to think whatever they like, but she hoped it wouldn’t ruin the Emperor’s peaceful reign.

Feeling relieved, Pastel took a sip of green tea. Unable to handle the unbearable bitterness, she carefully set it down.

“Are you feeling better?”

Count McKenna smiled.

“Oh, I’m sorry. I usually don’t drink green tea. I overindulged in receiving such high-quality tea and got a bit too excited.”

“Is that so?”

Count McKenna’s eyes scanned the girl. Suddenly realizing her age, his mouth slightly opened.

“That was inconsiderate of me.”

He gestured to his secretary. The secretary cleared away the tea set and brought lemonade instead.

The Count took the first sip of lemonade.

“I’ve heard that some people have sensitive constitutions, and the Marquis is one of them.”

“That seems to be the case.”

Pastel checked the lemon concentration, then gulped it down. The cold liquid rattled with ice as it traveled down her throat.


The glass, now half-empty, sat on the table.

“Where were we?”

“We were discussing the part about using our company’s infrastructure for widespread railroad construction.”

“Wouldn’t the diplomats residing in the embassy feel the usefulness of the railroad and report it to the royal family? It would be problematic if business got interrupted in between.”

That was a worry posed by Elly. That’s why the railroad was built first in the outskirts of the Demon Realm where there were no imperial diplomats.

“Our company’s internal analysis suggests that’s unlikely.”

The secretary brought in the data.

“Currently, the railroad is giving more significant changes primarily to the lower class. It will later be utilized militarily, but for now, it’s just lowering prices for commoners through bulk transport. To feel the influence of the railroad right now, one would need to traverse through towns and observe commoner residences, but an imperial diplomat, who is of noble birth, wouldn’t do that.”

Count McKenna pulled out a cigar and cut it, igniting it.

“The United Kingdom’s royal family and parliament might think, by their logic, that imperial diplomats would investigate market changes like that, but there’s no way nobility would do such a thing.”


A clash of values.

Imperial diplomats have no reason to check on the lives of commoners in state management, so they don’t investigate, while the United Kingdom assumes they naturally would, so they are holding back.

Count McKenna took a puff from his cigar. He inhaled, and the smoke wafted thickly between his lips.

“Originally, the diplomats dispatched to the Demon Realm consisted of individuals with a deep understanding of republics. They would’ve made an effort to investigate market conditions at the very least.”

Might have been talents from the Republicans?

“However, there have been side effects where diplomats routinely collaborate with the United Kingdom to betray the Empire. A few years back, Redmond made a note to the royal family, and since then, only those loyal to the royal family have come to be diplomats. They are noble to the core and have zero intention of surveying commoners.”

Uh-oh, Mr. Penguin.

While the reason was understandable, it seemed like a misfire.

Such value clashes should ideally allow for double agents to be accepted and for an intelligence network to be built to avoid losing in information warfare. Regardless of betrayal potential, one needs to have understanding of the enemy country to properly investigate things.

One should rather think about using the spy who learned about a traitor to leak misinformation at critical moments while at times bringing over the enemy’s spies to act rather than insisting on pure principles.

However, thanks to that, Pastel could boldly expand her business, and she smiled slyly.

“That’s great! Then let’s proceed with the widespread railroad construction.”

Since the modern era wasn’t even completed yet, launching railroad construction all over the Demon Realm might raise security issues, but wielding the soldier power given by His Majesty the Emperor should work.

The Demon Realm Stock Company’s soldiers were elite enough to match the forces of the United Kingdom, perfectly suited to guard construction sites!

Oh wait.

Isn’t it simply a matter of having soldiers do the construction?!

Her pink eyes rolled.


Pastel suddenly had a zero-wage labor plan in mind.

I feel like a genius!

The issue of mass employment for construction workers was completely resolved!

His Majesty the Emperor surely gave her the sword for exactly this purpose!

Long live the foresight of His Majesty the Emperor!

Count McKenna nodded slightly at his cigar.

“We’ll cover the funds and materials. It seems it would be wise to establish a joint venture. We should also include shares for the United Kingdom so that the young princess doesn’t get upset.”


“That’s something to consider carefully for public backlash and the political landscape, so let’s take our time with the joint venture.”

“Understood. I’ll leave that aspect to Marquis Craft.”

After all, detailed negotiations were for the executives to handle, so they chatted some more before changing the subject.

“The slow speed of the trains was an issue, but we’ve recently found a solution.”

They discussed the business value of the train technology stolen from the cult.

After a long dialogue, it was agreed that the Demon Realm Stock Company’s team of gem engineers would participate in the hybrid train joint research led by the Craft Merchant and the United Kingdom.


Pastel stretched enthusiastically.


It was a tough case, but Count McKenna understood each other well, so it wasn’t difficult.

Gem engineering was something the Empire was keeping an eye on regarding the United Kingdom, so she didn’t expect such an easy acceptance.

“That should be enough for today.”

“Yes, that seems right.”

Count McKenna took the cigar from his mouth.

“We shall meet again at the Duke’s solo exhibition. I’ll send a carriage to your hotel.”


Pastel trembled.

Nothing will happen.

Nothing at all will happen……!