Chapter 106

The anti-demon sentiment has nestled deep in the hearts of the Empire’s citizens. Given the history of confrontation with the Demon Realm, the rivalry mentality has taken root as a sentiment.

However, now that the competition has ended with the Empire’s overwhelming victory, this sentiment has softened considerably. As the victorious nation, there’s no reason to stress over the vanquished.

Currently, the atmosphere is relatively mild. The Demon Realm is in a state similar to a vassal state, so demons have become second-class citizens. They can peacefully come and go on Sky Island, a military stronghold.

But that doesn’t mean everyone is fond of this relaxed atmosphere.

Instead, ever since the prophecy of the Demon King’s return was announced at the Great Temple, a clearly defined vigilance among patriots has turned towards demons.

They shout for the expulsion of all demons from Sky Island.

“This is Elly’s revenge!”

Pastel threw a gem. An explosion ensued. Trees were crushed and fell.

“This is the revenge for my unjust heart!”

I didn’t do anything!

The gem soared and blasted a rock.

“Unjust! Unjust!”

The Craft family was the one leading the charge against the anti-demon sentiment. They had successfully conquered the Demon Realm and used ruthless methods in the process.

Right now, this academy was a sacred place for demons, but it had been transformed into a military academy to invade the Demon Realm!

And it wasn’t established for rational or military reasons; it was with the malicious intent to humiliate the sacred place and demoralize the demons!

Such twisted intentions only amplified unnecessary hatred, ultimately preventing the Demon Realm from entering peace talks.

“Ancestors, why did you live like this?!”

Thanks to that, the moment some unknown professor started advocating for the expulsion of demons, it was immediately suspected to be a backhanded remark from Lord Craft!

What should I do, I feel so sorry for Elly!

It’s like hearing that a friend who was close to me is backstabbing me!

Thinking about the reason for my leave of absence, it doesn’t seem like a rumor was swirling, but human emotions are not driven by reason alone.

The disheveled pink hair trembled.

The pink eyes coldly gazed at the shattered wooden debris.

“I understand the intention to keep me in check, but the method is too vicious.”

While I appointed Professor Horace as the acting president, some professors pushed Marius.

I can guess why it’s quiet now when I understand the situation.

There’s conflict with the Knight Order. And the Craft merchant’s reports that maintaining soldiers is starting to become overwhelming must have reached them. They probably believe that showing strength at the right time will lead to a compromise.

That’s a good judgment.

Even though, in the few days since the professors moved, I’ve already gained control of the Knight Order through the privileges of Camelot’s imperial decree.

“If it weren’t for Melissa, it would’ve been a headache.”

To target Elly, who is in charge of administration among the only two student council members, and paralyze the student council.

Is this a coup starting with the paralysis of the loyal forces?

If it had really happened, I would’ve been in utter chaos.

After that, the furious Pastel Love Craft would have worked overtime in true business mode, no doubt.

“Vicious, vicious.”

I know it’s an effective method, but they didn’t consider the wounds Elly would receive at all.

What’s more infuriating is that the professors, who are supposed to aim for compromise, judged that Elly receiving such treatment wouldn’t be a problem.

They didn’t think that the Craft would actually get upset just by a little bullying of a second-class citizen.

“What do you think of me?!”

The problem is really the family title!

I look completely innocent!

And my heart is genuinely the kindest in the world!

Yet no one believes me…!

“I’ll fire everyone!”

There may be patriots, but I don’t care!

I don’t feel any sense of belonging to the Empire anyway!


When I turned around, Dustin flinched.

“I brought Professor Marius.”

The professor stood in the back.

Is this person the culprit?

“Thanks for your hard work. You can go now.”

Pastel waved her hand but then paused.

“No, bring back the professors. We need them soon.”

“Got it.”

Dustin left.

Pastel roughly tidied her disheveled hair with her hands.

I wonder how much of a tough guy he is to take the lead among the professors.

Or maybe all those who strongly opposed the normalizing of the academy have already left, and he’s just a sly person trying to raise his own value.

“Professor, I wonder if I’ve made you feel uncomfortable in any way.”

I tried to lighten the situation and looked back at the professor.

Upon closer examination, aside from the name, he really looked like someone I had seen somewhere.

Where have I seen him?

I racked my brain.

Ah, right!

During the entrance practical exam!

Pastel, who was late due to smuggling, had crashed the airship in the practical exam area, and he was the first professor to rush in to rescue Pastel!

The professor approached with a serious face.

You can feel the determination of someone poised for an important moment.

Is he challenging me?

Pastel subtly placed a hand on her sword’s hilt.

“Lord Viscount!”

The professor suddenly knelt on the ground.


“Please punish my disloyalty!”


“I’ve admired the Craft family’s reputation since I was young! I never intended to offend your lordship’s mood!”

The professor’s head was pressed to the ground.


Pastel gasped at the sound of his forehead hitting the floor.

“Why are you doing this suddenly?!”

While proudly boasting about his admiration for the Craft’s infamous reputation…!

“With my foolish judgment, I have disturbed your wise lordship’s plan!”

His voice was close to a scream, full of self-recrimination. He even sounded like he was about to cry.

“After forming the anti-demon agenda, my insufficient intellect aimed to hold the Knight Order responsible for letting terrorists enter Sky Island! I had no idea your lordship already had the privileges of the Camelot family in mind!”


I didn’t know that either?!

“Furthermore, I tried to collect the academy’s unruly elements who held grievances against your lordship! I believe your lordship must have had plans behind that too! Punish me for acting on my own!”

I had no such plans?!

“So, so, so….”

My heart softened rapidly.

An unexpected loyalist who knows I’m smart!?

Every powerful figure needs loyalists by their side.

There’s no way a loyalist who knows I’m clever can be a bad person!

Pastel thought that but suddenly snapped back to reality.


But there’s no mention of Elly in these apologies.

“And then?”

The professor struck his head to the ground again.

“Also, I had no idea that the demons you’ve shown mercy to would be so irresponsible! No matter how much you’ve tamed them, I should have known better than to trust those black-haired beasts, even for just a moment! That’s also my mistake!”


This professor doesn’t treat demons as people!

Now I understand why he admired Craft!

My feelings became complicated, twisted, and delicate.

It felt like meeting a loyalist who views me as their master.


Is there no one who can communicate with me?

Is it the age difference?

Is it the difference in experience?

Either way, communication is impossible.

“Elly is my friend.”

Professor Marius nodded with a serious face.

“I will take that as is. There are many who cannot properly manage themselves and feel pity for the demons, so it would be better for them to be informed.”

No, no.

“She’s really my friend.”

We’re on a first-name basis right after meeting, instead of using titles.

Considering how long it took even Melissa to get to that point, it’s quite a remarkable relationship.

Professor Marius placed his fist on his heart.

“I will not speak of this to anyone.”

His expression felt like someone with a sense of mission. There’s a firm belief that the Craft family would never treat demons as friends.

Pastel, who had been explaining for an hour at the café, squeezed her eyes shut.


What kind of deeds did you commit in the past that even when I’m making an obvious clarification, it’s received as image control?!

She gulped down the cold cocoa. The rich sweetness of the gem powder and cocoa calmed her heart.


Now that it’s come to this, I should choose a comfortable path for Elly, even if it means my kind nature is misunderstood.

Pastel thought for a moment. Various bits of information gathered and connected to create a fake plan.

“You understand well. Regardless of personal feelings, treat Elly with utmost kindness outwardly. You should apologize as well. Since the Demon King’s appearance has been prophesied, it’s crucial to build good ties with elite demons.”

Professor Marius flinched.

“Could it be that, due to the rigid trade ban from the Demon Realm, your lordship is trying to use the clever deception that the former head of the Craft family used to get the Great Demon Demonius to assist in smuggling?”


The Demon Lord has such a history?!

Uh-oh, this isn’t good.

“In our family, there’s this saying.”

On the spur of the moment, Pastel adjusted the lie according to the information she had.

“Betrayal is less about success and more about the aftercare.”

She rested her chin and stirred her spoon. White granules floated up and dropped into her cup.

“Once you obtain what you desire, induce internal division. Then, choose a side and propose an alliance again.”

The girl lifted the cup and took in the scent.

“A powerful method involves the current head betraying while the next head offers a heartfelt apology to rekindle the alliance. Create a scheme spanning generations. The opponent will fall helplessly.”

Her pink eyes twinkled with mischief.

“Since the generation has changed…”

Somewhere, a cherry blossom scent wafted through the air.

“It’s time to apologize.”

With sincerity.

“So, please apologize too, Professor.”

Let’s create a wonderful world together.