“Stupid Silv!”
“…Selection, don’t you think it would be better to give up on Silv?”
Silv had been inadequate compared to others since birth.
He was often mentally or physically bullied by his peers when there were no adults or his brother Golb around.
Hence, for Silv, by the time he developed thoughts and memories, all his memories were of everything around him rejecting him.
The only exception was his family.
Even now, Silv still couldn’t fully understand the rules of the giants’ village.
However, Silv could tell, even with his limited intelligence, that his family had to pay a higher price because of him.
Giants eat a lot.
Actually, during his time living in the village, because there was no other life form to compare with how much giants ate, he didn’t really know just how much they consumed.
The important thing was that the number of giants who could remain in the village was always fixed.
Therefore, every certain period, giants were selected, and their numbers were controlled to determine who had the “right to live.”
And Silv quickly realized he was a useless being in this community.
In the world of giants, where only the elite survived, wasting precious food, being dull, and stupid quickly made a giant a target of bullying.
“Let’s… let’s… play…”
“No way! If I play with a dumb rock-head like you, how will I not become stupid too?”
“Get lost!”
“You bastards! You’re bullying my brother!?”
While the village was full of giants, the only ones who accepted Silv were his older brother Golb and their parents.
Though Silv was hurt by the rejection from his peers, he wasn’t lonely because he had his dependable older brother Golb and warm parents.
But that happiness didn’t last long.
Silv’s father lost in the selection.
This was due to the need for a higher class ranking which required him to participate in a higher-tiered selection.
Golb, for his part, was both clever and strong among his peers.
But Silv, despite being as strong as Golb perhaps, was too stupid and naive. And because he was someone who needed support to live, it meant his father had to exert more effort.
Afterward, when his father died, Golb left the village with their mother Bryonia and younger brother Silv.
Silv didn’t understand why his father died, why they had to leave the village, or why there was so much sorrow on his brother’s face.
“It’s because of lack of power. In this world, being weak means death.”
This was what his brother said with a sorrowful face as he stroked Silv’s head when Silv had asked the reason.
In reality, he didn’t fully comprehend. There were weaker giants than his father, and among his peers, only a few were stronger than his brother Golb.
After that, with the family left struggling outside the village, Silv’s memories became vague.
The animals they encountered were smaller and swifter, making them harder to catch, and there was barely any food available.
If Golb, who was clever, hadn’t discovered smaller humans who were similar to them, they might have starved to death long ago.
Though Silv didn’t particularly like eating humans, the same probably held for his brother and mother.
They were too much like the giants, only smaller in size, and their taste wasn’t so satisfying. Livestock raised by humans would have been a better option.
But not eating meant starving.
During their time in the village, despite being well-fed and robust, Silv was often tired and began losing hair.
Regardless, the survival of three giant family members outside their territory for nearly a decade was nothing short of miraculous.
Golb complained that surviving was all they could manage. He longed to return to the village and grow stronger.
As for Silv, while living in the village with ample food wasn’t bad, it’s true that he didn’t have many good memories aside from that. His urgency was nowhere near that of Golb’s.
Then, after nearly ten years passed:
They met a new fate.
That day, while with Golb monitoring the paths humans traversed and searching for small items to eat, they encountered their teacher Araya.
Compared to the humans they’d met before, she was a tiny girl.
She didn’t talk but rode a large deer, and her beauty immediately captivated Silv’s heart.
Staring blankly at her face, which was as small as one of his fingernails, Silv fell in love with her.
The way he wanted to live with her forever reminded him of how his parents had felt.
Golb showed a troubled expression, but when he offered to eat the deer and give Araya to Silv, the enraged Araya thoroughly beat the two brothers.
It was the first time such an event had occurred.
In all Silv’s dull and limited knowledge and experience, it was incomprehensible that two giants could be beaten so soundly by a human barely up to his ankle.
Each time her delicate hand swung, Silv’s flesh caved in, and excruciating pain traveled through his bones, causing him to cry.
After several events, with the promise not to eat or harm humans anymore, the brothers became Araya’s temporary disciples.
As Araya’s disciples, they learned to hunt, and the worry of hunger decreased even without bothering humans.
Even after Araya left, they kept their promise, helping traveling merchants and people who were attacked by beasts or monsters.
When Araya returned and officially accepted them as disciples, taking them to the human territories, their joy was unimaginable.
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry!”
Just because he’d approached a human child who was crying and missing his parents, the child and his frightened parents shied away from him.
Even among the more open-minded humans, fear rather than kindness filled their faces when they saw Silv and his brother Golb.
The exceptions were his teacher Araya, King Priegoss of the humans, and a beautiful woman named Alia.
Though he had grown stronger and better at hunting compared to before, Silb was disheartened that there were still no people who wanted to be around him.
“What’s the matter? Silv.”
Carrying Araya on his shoulder and moving a large rock to help construct the city wall with a downcast expression, she looked at him with concern.
Though usually Silv would have been jubilant at any mere conversation from Araya, this time his disappointment was too deep for him to smile easily.
“Something must be bothering you. Won’t you tell me? Remember, I’m your teacher, aren’t I?”
Under the warmth of Araya’s words, Silv carefully spoke about how humans were afraid of him and wouldn’t associate with him.
Listening quietly to Silv’s words, Araya smiled gently and stroked his cheek with a soft hand as if approving.
“Silv, do you want to become friends with humans? Do you like them?”
Nodding gently as he felt Araya’s touch on his cheek:
“Hmm. I see.”
Chin in hand, Araya thought for a moment before speaking slowly.
“To humans, Silv, you’re much too big and too strong.”
“But Brother said I needed to be strong or I’d die.”
“I know, I get it, but excessive strength can cause fear too.”
“Too difficult to understand. Why is it like this?”
“Well, wouldn’t you feel scared if you thought that someone as strong as you would harm you?”
“But I would never do that to anyone!”
The loud voice of Silv’s sudden outcry startled the humans walking nearby, and they turned to him with scared faces. Even Araya, who was right next to him, frowned and covered her ears as if her head was ringing.
“I’m sorry!”
Araya sighed.
The deflated tone from Silv’s voice due to the gaze of people around him made Araya, in an attempt to comfort her awkward disciple, gently stroke his cheek with her tiny hand. Seeing his expression brighten somewhat, she spoke kindly.
“Silv. Fear comes from a lack of trust in the other party.”
“A lack of trust?”
“Since you’re larger and stronger than others, isn’t it?”
Silv quietly nodded.
“Most beings are fragile. Animals in the forest are constantly on edge to avoid attacks from predators. Humans are no different. If they encounter someone strong, they immediately worry about whether they might hurt or harm them, which leads to fear.”
“But I don’t want to disturb others.”
“I know. You’re good that way. You don’t ask for more than what you need.”
Araya looked at Silv with appreciation.
“Wish I hadn’t been born so big. Then, people wouldn’t be scared of me for no reason.”
“Ho ho. But then I would be a little sad?”
Araya giggled gracefully.
“True, most of the others aren’t as big as you, so people are bound to be scared.”
“Isn’t there a way?”
“Really want to become friends with others?”
Silv finished constructing one corner of the city wall using a gigantic rock and waited for Araya’s answer.
“There’s a way, but it’s not easy.”
“It won’t be easy, but I can manage.”
Araya chuckled slightly at Silv’s confident answer and continued.
“What do you think of the city wall we’re building now?”
“Hmm? Ah…big and majestic?”
“Indeed. This grand city wall protects humans from wild beasts outside. Those animals, which seem like nothing to you, might be very dangerous to them.”
“Oh, I guess so.”
“To beasts or anyone threatening humans, this wall must seem large and intimidating. But the humans inside trust and rely on this wall because it protects them.”
“You were saying earlier that you wished you weren’t so big, right? Don’t feel that way. When your parents first held you, their pride in your size was also a blessing.”
“What many others can’t possess, no matter how much they desire, is a blessing. Look, even now, aren’t you taller than the wall being built?”
“If you want to become friends with humans, use your massive body and strength to protect them. Be the city wall for them. Become someone the enemies fear and the people trust. If you can do that, one day, people will rely on and love you.”
“Will it really happen?”
“Silv, I know you sometimes lack confidence in yourself. You might be held back by bad memories from your past. But there are no beings born into this world without purpose. Even the animals that seem destined to be hunted eventually become part of the hunter’s life, continuing the cycle of life. In comparison, your impressive body can protect smaller humans from all sorts of threats, can’t it?”
Araya smiled kindly.
“I’ll help you. Knowing your kind heart, if you diligently learn the martial arts I teach you, one day you’ll become an impressive city wall that protects your friends.”
Since then, Silv eagerly trained in martial arts with Araya.
Though Araya eventually stopped coming out from inside the Grand Temple, Silv, along with his brother Golb, continued helping to build the city walls for humans and protected nearby villages and cities by dealing with threatening beasts and monsters.
After some time, when both Silv and Golb came to be called the ‘Guardians of the Ijoo Faith’, humans started looking at them with respect rather than fear.
That made him incredibly happy.
During their exploration of the north with Araya, Silv felt the pride of his growth but encountered the malevolent Gal Dragon.
For the first time, Silv saw Araya struggling and, despite his fear, stepped forward.
He was the city wall.
The protector of the small and weak.
Though Araya might not have needed his help, Silv was determined to throw his body in the way if needed to ensure her safe escape.
However, once again, Araya brought him back to safety.
When Silv returned without Araya in the north, he felt immense guilt and self-blame.
If he had been just a little stronger.
If he hadn’t come back without Araya.
As the time Araya went missing stretched close to half a year, his determination and anger grew.
That anger was entirely channeled into relentless training after his recovery.
My teacher… Araya… will definitely come back.
I must be ready by then.
And that belief was rewarded when Araya returned at the end of spring.
“…The villages and towns are under attack by the giants?”
“It seems so. The problem is they’re advancing very quickly, and even before they can send messengers to nearby towns, they’re wiped out. We currently have no idea how many villages have fallen.”
That was the report from Antrea, who had lost her left arm.
“…What do you expect us to do?”
When Golb asked, Antrea immediately explained.
“The number of giants seems alarming. As of now, with the king away on expedition, we lack the forces to stop them. However, we would like you two to investigate the situation before the king returns. Humans can’t even approach them…”
With that request, Golb and Silv moved toward the village where the news originated, Belvas.
They discovered a village already devastated by the giants.
The brothers were speechless at the pitiful sight.
Respected as guardian deities, the giant brothers were even more famous than Araya, the priestess, in Fort Pohelrnia.
Because there was no town or city around Pohelrnia that hadn’t benefited from the brothers’ help.
Therefore, there were almost no towns unrelated to the brothers.
The destroyed village before them was no different.
Everywhere were the torn and crushed bodies of humans.
There was not a single intact body, and the sight conveyed a twisted, cruel malevolence.
For the first time in his life, Silv felt a surge of anger in his chest and a desire to kill someone.
As they crossed the ruins, they found a human who was still alive but wouldn’t survive much longer.
Nevertheless, Silv hurried to the survivor.
The survivor, upon seeing Silv approaching, filled his eyes with terror.
Seeing this, Silv stopped moving.
Leaving a few last words, the survivor’s breath ceased.
Silv stared helplessly at the scene.
“…Silv… Don’t take it to heart. It was attacked by giants. They’re mistaking you for another giant.”
Golb comforted Silv quietly as he approached.
Silv bit his lips hard, and Golb, after urging movement with a cold head, continued.
It was a village that had just been destroyed.
With not even a single giant remaining meant the giants were still moving.
There was a high possibility that they were heading towards the next village not far away.
According to Golb’s mental map, they arrived at the next nearby village just as the giants were attacking it.
The half-height wooden posts and stone walls presented no real obstacle to the tallest of the giant race, the Titans.
The fortunate thing was that the attack had just started.
The unfortunate thing was that there was still no feasible way to stop them.
“…24 of them… And… there’s an extraordinary individual as well.”
Golb’s face darkened.
“Silv, let’s retreat…? Silv!?”
Ignoring Golb’s words, Silv ran toward the village under attack.
After a few strides to the village, Silv’s eyes caught a giant destroying the wooden barrier and stone walls, laughing cruelly as he reached for fleeing human families. Silv stepped into battle stance and struck with a fist.
With the sound of compressed air exploding, the enormous body of the reaching giant soared through the air.
The giant’s chin crushed, his neck and spine bent into an unnatural ‘L’ shape, fell to the ground with a thunderous crash, dead on impact.
Some giants turned their gazesshocked at the commotion.
However, Silv did not spare them a glance. In his vision entered a giant reaching out to a collapsed human child.
You bastards!
You who took everything from my father and made my family suffer.
You who never recognized me.
And now, you’re trying to take away all the connections I’ve barely managed to make.
In the short time it took, memories overlapped: the mangled corpses devastated by the giants, survivors looking at him with terrified eyes, and humans crying and fleeing.
The fire in Silv’s eyes blazed as a massive anger exploded in his chest.
“You bastards!”
I will no longer let you take anything from me.
I am the city wall.
A city wall that will protect these small humans.
You who rejected me, you who rejected my brother Golb. Now, I will reject you.
Stop tormenting these small humans and look at me instead.
Assess me now with your lofty rules of yours.
I don’t want to feel powerless again, like I did behind my teacher’s back.
This massive body I was born with is meant to protect the weaker and smaller ones, so I won’t lose them.
“Look at me!”
The mighty roar of the angered giant echoed across the savaged village.