Episode 9: A Presence That Can Ruin You If Overused Too Casually—That’s What Beautiful Girls Are.
Hello! It’s me, the meddlesome original work destroyer!
Not even a beautiful girl, and already destroying the original work—maybe I no longer have any reason to exist! Someone, please give me a reason to exist! Or some gender-swapping medicine!
“That guy over there seems too scared to move. Eh?”
Saying that, the red-haired man in front of me taunted me.
That’s exactly right!
After hearing that Mizuki Senpai had headed towards the experimental facility beyond the beginner dungeon, I hurried over.
Since it would be a major issue if anyone were to come into contact with the Demons Gear, even by accident, I rushed over without hesitation. However, when I arrived, Senpai was already fighting someone.
Thinking it might be a regular student from another school who had successfully infiltrated Phectom, I eagerly joined in to assist.
But upon getting a good look at the face of the person she was fighting, it was familiar.
“…Enforcer of the Apis Council, ‘Rokuhara of Prosperity and Decline.'”
“To think you’ve gone so far as to memorize my title along with my name—it’s touching, really. Though I don’t care about you, kid.”
I don’t either! Idiot!
His name is Rokuhara.
In fan circles, he’s always referred to as “Mr. Rokuhara.”
He made his debut in Volume 1 of the original series, and from then until the latest volume, his name consistently appears in discussions about the strongest characters.
Just like Tourak, he owns Demons Gear, which is why he often picks fights with other Demons Gear users like Tourak.
In the original story, Rokuhara is depicted as both an obstacle to overcome and a rival-like presence.
All Demons Gear users are absurdly powerful.
Moreover, Rokuhara is one of only seven S-Rank Explorers in Academy City, making him strong even without the Gear.
So what happens when someone like that wields Demons Gear?
In short, it’s incredibly dangerous.
“Mizuki Senpai, let’s retreat.”
“Do you really think that’s possible?”
“…You’re right.”
One of the terrible traits of Mr. Rokuhara:
Once he recognizes you as an interesting opponent, he’ll relentlessly challenge you to fight, much like stubborn grease stains. Remember how he acted toward the original protagonist?
“Hey, hey, running away won’t do us any good. I’m all fired up because I haven’t found anything worthwhile yet!”
Another terrible trait of Rokuhara:
He’s ridiculously self-centered.
A complete freeman who does whatever he pleases. How on earth did someone like this become an enforcer???
“Kei, I’ll distract him while you contact Miroku. With a few more people, we might stand a chance.”
An S-Rank individual is fundamentally different in terms of existence.
There are two conditions for being designated S-Rank:
One is the ability to conquer dungeons of the highest difficulty alone.
The other is the capability to single-handedly subdue any academy.
Only those judged capable of defeating all students except other S-Ranks simultaneously can become S-Rank students.
Which means, with the current strength of Factom General Academy, there’s no way we could win.
“That guy over there seems to understand the situation—we’re checkmated. All you need to do is entertain me, you sandbags!”
“Ah, here he comes!”
Mizuki Senpai’s warning came just as Rokuhara appeared before me unexpectedly.
Is he targeting me!?
“There you go, first victim down!”
“Huh?! Kei!”
I heard Mizuki Senpai’s scream.
The dual blades wielded by Rokuhara loomed before my eyes.
And yet—I dodged them.
It tore through the space where I had been standing, sending up a violent cloud of dust.
“…Hmm, didn’t expect you to dodge that. Not bad.”
“…Thank you.”
Danger. I feel like I’ve been locked onto.
“Then, how about this!?”
Rokuhara began swinging his blades continuously at me.
Though they seemed chaotic at first glance, every strike was connected seamlessly, leaving no openings for counterattacks.
Any hit from such an attack would surely result in instant defeat. And yet, I kept dodging.
…Why am I able to dodge? Why???
“What’s the principle behind this? Care to explain?”
How should I know!
At that moment, I noticed the red armband wrapped around my left arm.
It must definitely be this, right?
This is clearly the only plausible explanation for why my dynamic vision has improved to monstrous levels.
The moment I realized this, the armband started directly appealing to my brain.
It feels like someone poured soda directly into my brain—a completely new sensation.
Apparently, it’s demanding that I call out the name “Solciera.”
“Absolutely not.”
“Ah, so it’s something you don’t want exposed, huh?”
Not to you!
This red armband, constantly on standby, keeps insisting, “I’m ready whenever you need me!”
While subtly hiding it under my uniform sleeve, I continued dodging attacks without drawing attention to myself.
“Hey, keep dodging and you’ll die eventually!”
“Is that so?”
Then, what should I do?
If I pull out the Star Reader’s Staff here, I could probably escape.
But in that instant, it would be revealed that I am the mysterious “Ultra-Strong Invincible Ultimate Beautiful Girl” from last night’s broadcast.
I want to avoid that at all costs.
Not only because of the risk of getting unnecessarily entangled in the original storyline, but also because…
…I wouldn’t be able to enjoy cross-dressing anymore!
“Something I absolutely cannot lose.”
Exactly! I cannot afford to lose this prime opportunity for role-playing as a mysterious beautiful girl.
The topic-of-discussion (planned) mysterious girl of Academy City,
who appears nightly in the dungeons and vanishes like foam,
with a melancholic expression and occasional sad looks,
her cryptic words and otherworldly beauty,
her solitary aloofness that draws people’s eyes like a silver moon!
I want to play the role of a main heroine straight out of a 2000s eroge!
But if it turns out that “that beautiful girl was actually a male pretending to be female!?,” everything would be ruined!
“Sorry, but I can’t indulge your provocation right now.”
If I fight here, my life as a beautiful girl impersonator will end.
But losing here would also be unacceptable. He’d likely head towards Mizuki Senpai next.
Therefore, I decided to use just a little knowledge from the original work.
“You mentioned you were looking for something—was it the Demons Gear?”
“Yeah, that’s right. Looks like you know something about it.”
“Hmm, we’ll see.”
While dodging countless sword strikes, I continued talking with Rokuhara.
I carefully maintained an attitude of equality and pressed on with my words.
“You got it? If you do, taking you down would serve two purposes.”
“Even while attacking, Rokuhara laughs ferociously without showing any signs of fatigue.
“No, I don’t have it. Either another academy has already taken it, or it fled on its own due to possessing willpower.”
Avoiding the blade, I spun around to create distance.
Then, I pointed at Rokuhara’s dual swords.
“Ask Eina. That Demons Gear has superior perception abilities compared to others and should be capable of locating other Demons Gear.”
Instantly, the sword heading towards my head stopped.
Was this man really about to split my skull open while discussing important matters?
“…How much do you actually know?”
“That’s none of your business. Sometimes ignorance can work in your favor.”
“Tch, hey Eina! Is what he said true?”
With a single glare, Rokuhara lowered his sword.
Then, he addressed his dual swords.
It may seem strange, but knowing the original work, I understand what he’s doing.
He’s conversing with her in weapon form.
For a while, it seemed like they were exchanging words, but eventually, Rokuhara shouted loudly.
“…What? Why are you making excuses?! Hand it over!”
Rokuhara threw his dual swords, and the figures of a timid girl with two braids emerged from their tips.
She was a shy-looking girl with two pigtails.
“Li, Leader, I’m sorry! I wasn’t trying to hide it intentionally!”
“Shut up! Eina, we came here to capture Demons Gear, didn’t we? We got woken up early this morning by annoying calls from both the council and Kisou Academy!”
Eina sat seiza on the spot.
Rokuhara stood towering above her.
“Never once! Did I hear that you had such a convenient function?! Huh!?”
“Hieee! Well, it was to protect you, Leader! Surely, if you were going to die anyway, wouldn’t you prefer an easy death?”
“Who’s saying that?! Hey, search for the Demons Gear that should have been here. If you don’t find it, I’ll make you prepare your own meals for a month!”
“Eeeh!? Understood… Just wait a moment…”
Muttering complaints, Eina placed her hands on the ground and closed her eyes.
After confirming this, Rokuhara looked towards me.
“Honestly, I owe you one. Good thing I asked before killing you.”
“Is that so?”
“But, I also have more questions now. …Who are you? You seem to understand not only the existence of Demons Gear but also Eina’s functions.”
Rokuhara raised his left arm.
In response, Dive Gear summoned a single sword.
A weapon different from Demons Gear—his originally owned equipment.
The design of the sword resembled two swords twisted together into one.
Pointing the tip of the sword at me, Rokuhara said,
“Hey, looks like we have a reason to fight now…”
Uh, eh?!
If Demons Gear can detect things, shouldn’t it take precedence?!
Somehow, I need to get him to overlook it. I need to beg for my life!
“Calm down.”
“The appropriate time will surely come soon. Battles and meals are best enjoyed on fine days, don’t you think?”
Didn’t Rokuhara say something similar in the original work?!
Tourak also spared lives without delivering finishing blows after beating people up, sometimes even helping when necessary, right?!
Please leave me alone, a regular student with a cross-dressing hobby and a desire to transform into a beautiful girl, and enjoy the original storyline!
“It’s not time for the decisive battle yet…” (trembling voice)
My half-crying words.
Just as Rokuhara was about to respond, a flash of light passed between me and Rokuhara.
Looking closely, Miroku Senpai and Toa were there with weapons drawn.
They’ve come! …No, this will only increase the number of sacrifices, right?!
“I see now.”
Rokuhara alternated his gaze between me and Miroku Senpai before nodding.
“Peeling Eina off me and increasing the numbers of your team. Ha ha ha, no wonder people say I have a nasty personality.”
“They used to tell me that all the time back at my previous academy.”
Mainly referring to me, not the male pretender though.
“Ordinarily, this would be a reversal point, but I’m S-Rank, you know? You understand what that means, right? Killing all of you would be no trouble at all.”
Upon hearing Rokuhara’s words, everyone became alert.
However, seeing their reactions, Rokuhara chuckled dismissively and made his weapon disappear.
“Just kidding. Hey, what’s your name?”
“…Na Takikai”
“Got it. Kei, having so many weaknesses isn’t fair, is it? That’s no fun… You’re definitely hiding something else, aren’t you?”
“Don’t play dumb!”
I really don’t know anything.
No, no, Star Reader’s Staff, you don’t count.
You’re purely a cash conversion item.
I felt a strong protest from the red armband but decided to ignore it.
“Kei, you’ve played all your cards right now. As a result, you’ve increased the zero percent chance of victory to a few percent. Considering your guts, I’ll let you go this time.”
“Is that so?”
Thank you! Thank you so much!
“Then, don’t you have somewhere you should be going?”
Hurry up and go find the Demons Gear. Ignore me from now on! Please!
“Understood, understood. I’ll play along with your persuasion for now. Eina! Did you locate it?”
“H-hai! It’s in the southwest area of the central district.”
“Alright, let’s hurry up and go. It’ll be troublesome if another academy takes it first.”
Lifting Eina onto his shoulder, Rokuhara quickly departed.
Goodbye! Don’t ever come back!
I exhaled.
Man, I’m exhausted from this morning! Maybe it’s healthier to stay away from the original work crowd!
“Kei, you…”
I turned towards the sound of Mizuki Senpai’s voice.
There, the other two had also joined, looking at me with complex expressions.
Damn, that’s right.
I was so focused on sending Rokuhara away that I completely forgot about this side!
Right now, I’m just some guy who suddenly started babbling nonsense. Every word is top-secret level stuff.
It’s like a clearance sale of suspiciousness.
Until now, I’ve been living as an ordinary student!
“Um, well…”
How should I explain?
Lying to Rokuhara about Eina won’t hold up since the truth about Eina is already known.
Should I admit involvement with Demons Gear? …Ugh, I don’t feel like it’ll end well.
As I hesitated, Miroku Senpai stepped forward.
Then, with a smile, she said,
“Let’s go home, shall we?”
Miroku Senpai said that and called out to Toa and Mizuki Senpai before leaving the scene.
Mizuki Senpai also started walking accordingly.
“Yeah, let’s go back.”
“Miroku-chan!? Mizuki-chan!?”
Toa hurriedly followed after them.
I couldn’t help but call out to their backs.
“Hey! Isn’t the current me pretty suspicious?”
“Yes, but… weren’t you here to protect us?”
Us? I came here to keep Mizuki Senpai away from the Demons Gear…
Well, if Mizuki Senpai were gone, Factom General Academy would practically collapse, so the phrasing isn’t wrong.
“That’s true.”
“Then, that’s fine for now.”
Miroku Senpai turned around to look at me.
“However, if you ever need help, please tell us. We will definitely support you.”
I don’t know why, but it’s reassuring…
Being in a school with people like this makes me feel silly for wanting to cross-dress or pretend to be a beautiful girl!
“Come on, Kei-kun, let’s go.”
I followed after the seniors.
I’m glad we weren’t misunderstood.
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