The book, so old that its age was beyond estimation, was difficult to read due to archaic words no longer in use, and its pages were so fragile that they seemed ready to crumble at the slightest touch.
The great flood of the south, composed of Dwarves and Fairies, had been □□ by humans for quite some time.
When the Dwarves and Fairies first □□ our ○○, there was fear of war, as when demons led Orcs and Goblins as their minions. Fortunately, they seemed to have a gentle nature, much like Elves and spirits.
What a relief.
The Dwarf race is characterized by abundant body hair, especially beards, and their most distinctive feature is their short stature, reaching only up to the chest of an adult male even when fully grown.
Their stout, log-like bodies make their appearance even more comical.
However, their short stature should never be underestimated.
Hidden within their small frames is unimaginable strength.
Even a Dwarf who has not trained physically is said to be comparable to a moderately trained knight.
But honestly, such comparisons are likely just to preserve human pride.
They possess physical abilities rivaling seasoned knights who have trained their entire lives, and their warrior class, which undergoes rigorous physical training, is truly astonishing.
Thus, those who fight the unique monsters called A-Dragons, constantly emerging from the great flood, each possess combat prowess comparable to renowned knights.
The important thing is that this warrior class is not composed of the strongest among them but is equivalent to ordinary soldiers in our ○○.
So, one can only imagine the combat prowess of a warrior chief, the strongest among them.
Honestly, I’m curious, but I hope we never find out.
Moreover, their superhuman physical abilities are not limited to strength alone.
They are resistant to alcohol and various drugs, and their delicate craftsmanship allows them to create beautiful landscapes on pebbles smaller than fingernails.
When I first encountered their kingdom, I assumed their culture would be unremarkable despite their physical prowess.
However, the Dwarf villages I encountered were adorned with sculptures so exquisite that even the simplest homes could be called works of art.
When I mistook a small, uninhabited building for a religious shrine, the Dwarf guide laughed and said it was his doghouse, leaving me utterly embarrassed.
Exceptional physical abilities, delicate craftsmanship, and a keen aesthetic sense.
The Dwarves seemed blessed by ■■.
But fortunately, they had their shortcomings beyond just their height—a despairingly dull sensitivity to mana.
They are so insensitive to the flow of mana that they could be called mana-blind, struggling even to sense it, let alone use magic.
Thus, their civilization evolved entirely without the use of magic.
This trait made them the opposite of the Fairies, who, despite their fragile bodies comparable to One-Horned Rabbits, possess magical abilities rivaling the Wizard race.
While discussing Dwarves, we should also talk about the Fairies who □□ with them, but that will be covered in the next chapter. For now, let’s focus on the Dwarves.
So, if you’re curious about the cheerful and lively tales of the Fairy Kingdom, rulers of the vast grasslands who love flowers and honey, don’t close the book and read on to the next chapter.
In the next chapter, we’ll discuss alcohol, an inseparable part of Dwarf culture.
[Appendix 1.]
For Dwarves, alcohol is more than just a hobby—it’s an essential part of life.
They even say they live by sleep, food, sex, and alcohol.
Just as Elves cannot survive outside the World Tree’s domain, it’s no exaggeration to say Dwarves cannot live without alcohol.
The following is a copy of a letter secretly obtained, believed to have been left unofficially when the Dwarf Kingdom and the human kingdom first established contact.
Reading this letter will show just how much Dwarves love alcohol.
Additionally, it offers a glimpse into their uniquely horizontal society.
Your Majesty, I hope this letter finds you well.
I will provide a formal report upon my return to the kingdom, but I am sending this letter to update you on our progress.
Following His Majesty’s decree, I arrived safely at the Dwarf Kingdom as part of the envoy.
Contrary to expectations of intense political maneuvering, the Dwarves welcomed us warmly.
The Dwarf King himself greeted us, placing his arm around my shoulders and guiding us through the kingdom, which was quite surprising. Over the days, I learned that their concept of a king differs from ours.
Their king is not an authority figure but more of a representative who consolidates their opinions.
This is important to remember for future interactions.
As previously researched, their physical abilities and senses far surpass those of humans.
Even their children possess strength greater than that of an average adult male.
However, our initial assumptions were not entirely accurate.
They are known to love alcohol, but their love for it goes beyond mere fondness.
When we presented distilled liquor as a gesture of goodwill, they went wild, losing all reason.
The Dwarf King and his minister even fought over the liquor, pulling each other’s beards, which was quite a sight.
Maintaining friendly relations with them will likely require nothing more than gifting alcohol.
Thanks to the liquor, our diplomatic efforts have been highly successful.
Contrary to expectations of fierce political battles, most important agreements were settled amicably, and the rest of our time has been filled with daily feasts.
In fact, I’m writing this letter in the middle of a feast, thinking of Your Majesty awaiting good news.
Your Majesty, did you know that Dwarves love feasts as much as they love alcohol?
It’s been over three days… no, four?
Despite the endless feasting, the Dwarves show no signs of fatigue, waking up refreshed and diving back into drinking.
It’s as if they are a race blessed with divine bodies.
Their drinking culture reflects their societal structure.
The king and his ministers drink together, singing and laughing like drunkards at a tavern.
Watching the king and his minister fight over snacks, pulling each other’s beards, was hilarious.
Ah, did I mention they fought over the distilled liquor earlier?
Maintaining friendly relations with them will likely require nothing more than gifting alcohol.
By the way, we’ve already concluded all negotiations and are now in the midst of endless feasting.
It’s been over four days… no, five?
The liquor is quite good.
Would Your Majesty care to share a drink with me upon my return?
Ah, mentioning drinking with Your Majesty reminds me of the king and his minister fighting over snacks.
It was so funny.
They could’ve just asked for more snacks, but instead, they fought over them.
Ah, speaking of snacks…
The rest of the letter became increasingly illegible, stained with what might have been saliva or alcohol, making it impossible to transcribe.
However, from what could be deciphered, it seemed the Dwarf King and his minister repeatedly fought, pulling each other’s beards.
Even as a copy, the letter seemed to reek of alcohol.
It also hinted at why this letter remained unofficial.
However, given that Dwarves were officially recognized as the third humanoid race following Elves around the time this letter was written, its historical value far exceeds that of a drunkard’s scribbles.
This concludes the discussion on the Dwarf race.
The following pages will cover the Fairies, who are said to have □□ alongside the Dwarves. Readers, I hope you’ll keep this book in hand until the very end.