[ Since the narrative was reversed, the tradition should also be reversed! Deliberately mispronounce the name! ]
Upon hearing the Grimoire’s words, Iserin whispered to Ella, instructing her to repeat the name as she said it. Once Ella nodded to indicate she understood, Iserin removed her hand that had been covering Ella’s mouth. With the hand now gone, Ella, who had been pooling saliva, spat it out and shouted loudly.
Upon Ella’s shout, an eerie silence fell outside the door.
But this silence did not mean peace.
A chilling, calm intent to kill, a purified, icy rage, lingered outside the door.
In the form of a fairy, imitating a human to bewitch them, lay something horrifying.
It screamed without hiding its insanity.
“That’s not my name! Say my name!”
Ella trembled with fear, her mind shaken by the horrifying intent to kill, but with Iarin’s tight embrace warming her, soothing her, she managed to steady herself.
“Ah———No! No! No! That’s not my name! It’s wrong! You’re wrong!”
The fairy beat wildly against the door like a madman. Its strength was so intense that the door rattled as if it were about to break, and the room shook as though an earthquake had struck. Strangely, though the objects on the shelves shook as if about to fall and dust should have rained down, not a single thing was disturbed.
“You idiot! An idiot indeed! Lazy and boastful, and now you prove how stupid you are! You’re wrong! H-H-H! You’ve got one chance left! The last opportunity! The final question! The final answer! Speak my name! Name! What is my name?”
“What is my name!”
Ella trembled at the terrifying fury of the fairy, which she feared might even haunt her dreams. Yet, drawing courage from Iserin’s whispered suggestion, she shouted:
This was the final chance and the last answer.
And with that answer, silence returned outside the door.
The earlier atmosphere, as volatile as an erupting volcano, transformed into something resembling the deep, frozen sea. The air grew heavy, the shaking house turned cold as ice, and the atmosphere itself changed, inducing an ominous chill.
“Stupid girl! You don’t deserve to have your wish granted!”
What had happened to the earlier rage?
The fairy cheerfully shouted and began to distance itself from the door.
Whistling merrily and tapping its feet with joy, it seemed overjoyed with an unseen pleasure.
[ It has been defeated. ]
Spin, spin, my dear daughter (Spinn, spinn, meine liebe Tochter),
Spin, girls, spin (Spinnt, ihr Mädchen, spinnt),
So you may secure a treasure (daß ihr einen Schatz gewinnt).
She who gets the best man (Die bekommt den besten Mann),
Is the one who spins the finest thread (die am besten spinnen kann).
Spin, girls, spin (Spinnt, ihr Mädchen, spinnt),
So you may secure a treasure (daß ihr einen Schatz gewinnt).
The devil sighed upon hearing the retreating whistling of Rumpelstilzchen.
‘Geez, is it over?’
[ Yes. At least Rumpelstilzchen has retreated. ]
The devil licked his nose with his tongue.
The Rumpelstilzchen Mimic Ritual of Magic.
Commonly abbreviated as the ‘Rumpelstilzchen Ritual,’ this ritual of magic creates and uses an imitation of the ‘Rumpelstilzchen’ from stories, and is primarily wielded by those called fairy shamans.
Naturally, what is created by this ritual is not the real Rumpelstilzchen, but merely an imitation—a magical artifact (呪物). And unlike the original fairy, who could grant countless wishes, this imitation is merely a cunning entity that bewitches humans.
Therefore, as long as one is careful not to be bewitched, it is not too difficult to repel.
[ There couldn’t be just this. ]
If the attacker wasn’t a fool, it was unlikely that they had prepared only this one thing.
Especially considering the nature of those who are shamans.
They take pleasure in using unpredictable methods.
Unlike warriors who fight with martial arts or mages who fight as if playing chess or go, a shaman’s fight is akin to war with no rules or prohibitions. They fight using every means at their disposal.
Having grown accustomed to paying the cost of magic, they care less about their own wellbeing than warriors do.
Having grown accustomed to their existence being altered by magic, they refuse to be bound by rules.
Most shamans, however, are those who seek the way and pursue truth.
Without a specific reason, they don’t usually go out of their way to fight…
[ Prepare yourself. Another attack is coming! ]
Unfortunately, it seemed that the uninvited guest who wanted to enter their room at the moment had a reason to fight—like a wild boar with bloodshot eyes who spares no expense in battle, treating its own body like oil for a torch.
Right after the devil’s exclamation ended, the speakers installed in the suite emitted a sharp sound, along with the tapping of a hand lightly hitting the microphone and the sound of blowing away dust, followed by crackling interference.
The simultaneous sound of footsteps echoed in the formerly quiet hallway.
It was the sound of footsteps, accompanied by the rolling of a cart.
They approached the door like an ordinary hotel staff member and knocked.
Then, just like the fairy had done earlier, a calm and serene voice spoke.
“Hello, customer. I’ve come to inform you about the emergency procedures.”
At the same time, a deep male voice came through the crackling speaker.
“Ah-Ah-. This is an announcement for all customers inside the hotel. Due to a power outage, all electronic devices within the hotel have ceased operation. Please avoid leaving your rooms as much as possible. Once again, due to a power outage, all electronic devices within the hotel have ceased operation. For your safety, please do not leave your rooms while the power is out.”
The faint voice of a woman outside the door.
The deep voice playing through the speaker.
The devil clicked their tongue.
[ One who uses magic to bewitch and confuse. ]
Confusing the spirit and enchanting their consciousness.
Confusing the heart and causing enchantment.
[ You must clear your mind and regain your senses! ]
The devil shouted this at Iserin, who then suddenly snapped back to reality, grabbed Ella and Iarin by the shoulders, and shook them while repeating the same words loudly.
“You, stay focused on your senses!”
Iserin, having called out, hugged Ella and Iarin tightly. Since Iarin was already holding Ella in her arms, it was easy for her to embrace them both. In this frightening situation, while Ella was sandwiched between the two like lettuce in a sandwich, she found their warmth reassuring and extended her arms to pull them closer.
Uncertain whether this was calming her enough, she began handling the bracelet on her left wrist.
It was a chunky bracelet with a simple design but adorned with a crude metallic decoration shaped like a crescent moon.
“Customers, I will now explain the emergency procedures. Our hotel prioritizes the safety of our guests, and in such situations, our well-trained staff personally appear to provide instructions, so please follow these guidelines without hesitation.”
“Ah, yes. While our hotel is designed to activate emergency power during a blackout, unfortunately, due to some reason, we have been unable to activate the emergency generator. Thus, all electronic devices within the hotel have ceased operation. Our staff is working tirelessly to restore normalcy, but we kindly ask you to remain in your rooms and avoid stepping outside until the situation is resolved.”
The staff and the broadcast.
The two voices attempted to bewitch those within the room.