After a long journey, I returned to the General Staff Headquarters from the Barthenplatz Plains, my whole body radiating exhaustion as I stepped out of the car.
“Ugh… I’m gonna die…”
Except for rest and food, I’d been driving nonstop for nearly three days. Even back at the Military Academy, physical tests always left me struggling, and this forced march was utterly ridiculous.
I didn’t want to visit the eastern region if I could help it, but with news of an oil discovery, I had no choice but to go inspect it myself.
Turns out, the black liquid found in the Barthenplatz Plains really was oil.
“Huh… well, obviously.”
Unless Logistics Department personnel were idiots, there’s no way they’d confuse sewage for oil.
Still, the real reason for my inspection was to subtly lower the HQ’s focus on me. It seemed more rookie-like to hustle around confirming whether it was real rather than sitting casually in the Operations Staff office acting like the discovery of oil was no big deal.
Not that doing so would tarnish my accomplishments anyway.
With a sigh, I loosened my tie and headed toward the headquarters building. Though exhausted, I couldn’t skip the return report—I am a soldier after all.
“Ah! Captain Daniel Steiner! Welcome back.”
Entering the Head of the Operations Staff Office and saluting, Colonel Ernst greeted me with a kind smile.
Don’t be fooled by that gentle smile. Maintaining my salute, I began my report.
“To report: Following the inspection of the rear lines in the eastern front near the Barthenplatz Plains…”
“There’s no need to report about the oil discovery; everyone in the headquarters, even the citizens of the Empire, already know. Just relax.”
Since he gave permission, there was no need to keep saluting. I lowered my hands neatly and leaned slightly forward.
“Lately, everyone’s been praising you, Captain. Upper command too. Discovering the oil reserve is an achievement not even high-ranking officials have managed.”
“You flatter me.”
It wasn’t false modesty—this really was excessive praise since I hadn’t intended to find it.
But Colonel Ernst chuckled lightly, assuming I was being humble.
“There are suggestions to promote you specially. I agree with them, but some individuals are opposing, so things aren’t going smoothly.”
“Yes. They say we can’t promote someone twice in such a short period without combat experience, but I think it’s more about your background.”
Ernst was speaking indirectly, but it seems some figures in military leadership believe giving more power to an orphan like me isn’t wise.
I understand. Despite the Holy Bavarian Empire abolishing class distinctions when it transitioned from the Bavarian Kingdom, remnants of discrimination still linger. Most political and financial elites come from noble families, and some areas are still called Viscountcies or Baronies.
Given this reality, it makes sense they wouldn’t look favorably upon an orphan gaining recognition through achievements.
If I hadn’t regained memories from my past life, I might’ve gotten angry, but now, these people just seem helpful in their own way. Blocking my promotion? Honestly, I feel like bowing in gratitude.
“If that’s the decision of higher-ups, I’ll follow it.”
Seeing how calm I was, Ernst looked at me with admiration.
“I thought you’d be mad, but impressive. You truly are a model officer. Now I understand why Major Heinrich speaks so highly of you.”
Then Ernst suddenly turned serious.
“In a fair society, those who deserve higher ranks should get them, right, Captain?”
Caught up in the moment, I nodded.
“That’s correct.”
“Good to hear. With that in mind, I’m sending you to the northern front.”
…Northern front?! What the heck? That came out of nowhere. After hesitating for a moment, I quickly asked:
“The northern front?”
“Yes. As you know, momentum has shifted in our favor there. It’s the perfect time to shine. Go earn some credits there. If upper command wants combat experience, let’s give it to them.”
Though Ernst was saying this as if he’d gone out of his way to help me, it made absolutely no sense to me.
Who wouldn’t scream hearing “Go fight on the frontline” when all they want is to retire peacefully?
Still, I couldn’t show any outward signs of distress, so I cautiously inquired:
“Does this mean a reassignment? Am I joining a northern front unit?”
“Not at all. You’ll be dispatched temporarily with a direct-command unit. Gain combat experience, return, and then Heinrich and I will push for your promotion.”
He leaned forward conspiratorially.
“Once this happens, you won’t be Deputy of the Operations Staff anymore—you’ll be full-fledged Operations Staff. You’ll even get an aide, making work much easier.”
In short, he’d paved the way for me, expecting me to suffer briefly and come back.
Why do everything without consulting me?! I wanted to yell, but the rank gap was far too great.
There was still a glimmer of hope though.
“Head of the Operations Staff, may I inquire about the composition of the direct-command unit?”
“Considering your current rank, it’ll likely be a platoon-sized unit.”
“Can I personally select the members?”
Personally? Ernst blinked several times before folding his hands.
“Shouldn’t be a problem. Who do you plan to recruit?”
“Since the frontlines are already stretched thin, I intend to focus on selecting from the rear units.”
“Do you have anyone specific in mind?”
“No. I’ll post an announcement, gather applications, and select from among them. Everyone deserves equal opportunity to serve on the battlefield.”
Apparently pleased with my response, Ernst nodded approvingly.
“Good thinking. Proceed with that plan.”
Saluting Ernst, I left his office and sat down at my desk. Immediately, I pulled out a fountain pen and drafted a recruitment notice.
[Recruitment Notice for Northern Front Support Forces]
[Attention All Officers!]
A fierce battle to defend our homeland’s sacred soil is currently raging in the north!
Therefore, I seek those willing to sacrifice themselves for the glory of the Empire!
You there! Don’t live to covet the Empire’s grain; die to become fertilizer for its honor!
Join me in annihilating, destroying, and eradicating the enemy until death!
We shall only desire the death of our foes!
Recruitment Details
• 20 support force members needed for the northern front
• Those willing to offer their hearts for the Empire
• Those who don’t expect to survive combat
• Those who wish to contribute to the Empire even if they die tomorrow
• Operations Staff Lieutenant Daniel Steiner
• No combat experience, but unmatched dedication to the Empire
Glory to the Empire!
Holy Bavarian Empire
Frontline Support Recruitment Office
What a masterpiece. There’s no mention of survival, only emphasis on death! Naturally, no one would willingly die for the Empire.
And specifying that the commander lacks combat experience ensures no sane person would sign up.
Surely, the comfortable soldiers stationed in the rear would scoff at this.
With low application rates, I could easily reject the few who do apply, forcing Ernst to abandon his plans to send me north.
Promotion would also fall through, achieving two goals at once! Then I’d just need to stay buried in the staff headquarters while figuring out a dishonorable discharge.
Satisfied, I took the notice to the Personnel Department.
The next day.
Starting my routine work as usual, there was a polite knock before the door opened. Looking up, I saw a Personnel Department official approaching with a document folder.
“Captain Daniel Steiner? Regarding the recruitment notice you sent to the rear units yesterday…”
Seeing the official carrying only a single folder, I assumed either zero or very few applications had come in. Internally grinning at the success of my plan, I maintained a disappointed exterior.
“It seems there are no soldiers willing to dedicate themselves to the Empire. Disappointing.”
“Hmm? Actually, quite the opposite.”
Opposite? Confused, I watched as the official clapped twice.
“Come in.”
Then five soldiers entered, each staggering under towering piles of application forms.
“Congratulations. In just one day, over 2,176 people applied. I figured further recruitment wasn’t necessary, so I came directly to you. Your notice was brilliant—better than I expected.”
While the official praised me…
‘Wait, why are people signing up?’
I was utterly baffled.