Episode 65. The Abyss, The Abyss, and The Abyss (1)
The Special Forces Team Leader nodded.
“First, we’ll approach using a rubber boat. The interior of the target is likely either fully or partially flooded.”
“It seems we’ll need to dive, so we should prepare diving equipment. I’m not sure if there’s custom gear for the Director, but there should be diving equipment on the ship. The target’s depth is only a few meters, so the Director should be able to handle it.”
Deep-sea diving is impossible without special training and equipment. Even with training and equipment, most people can’t do it due to physical limitations. This time, the goal is to stay within 10 meters.
“Director, have you ever done scuba diving?”
“Scuba? No.”
The Team Leader pondered for a moment.
“Have you at least swum before?”
“Swimming in the sea is tougher. We’ll be carrying oxygen tanks and wearing underwater propulsion devices on our backs. They’re a bit tricky to use, so I’ll personally escort you.”
“We have radios, but underwater communication only works within 3 meters. You must not leave my sight.”
I nodded.
“Is there any way to assess the interior of the structure beforehand?”
“Of course. That’s why we’re going in, isn’t it?”
Simple. So, no way then.
“Alright, gear up and come back.”
The diving suit was more uncomfortable than I expected.
A black rubber diving suit covering my mouth and nose, breathing equipment connected to a tube, and diving goggles with a transparent display to help assess the surroundings.
I wanted to bring my FR-105 as planned, but since underwater combat wasn’t feasible, I ended up carrying a rifle that fired needle-like projectiles.
An underwater propulsion device was attached to my back, and my bag only contained items that could get wet.
This time, the breathing apparatus covered my entire mouth and nose, so speaking wasn’t an issue thanks to the radio mounted on the helmet.
“The objective of this mission is to explore the interior of that structure and deactivate its functions. Have you done similar missions before? Can you handle it?”
The Team Leader nodded.
“Then… let’s move to the target.”
The Pine Man Ship launched smoke grenades to the side, and the rubber boat sped toward the silver structure floating on the water. A 200-meter-wide structure. Our target is the hole in its center.
The smoke was a bit excessive, enough to cover the entire area.
Currently, half of the structure is submerged. We’ll dive and enter it. The mission’s goal is to explore the interior and deactivate its functions.
[We’ll dive about 20 meters away from the structure.]
This is strange.
That unidentified flying object—is it not military? Even Foundation or South Korean military ships would have multiple machine guns on guard. Is it a problem to think in those terms?
It feels too easy to allow the rubber boat to approach. Or maybe the side holes have disabled such functions?
I’m not sure.
“We’ll dive as soon as we stop.”
We finally reached the structure. The Catfish Team Leader raised his hand, and the Special Forces soldiers jumped into the sea one by one.
I jumped in too.
The seawater was cold. I took a moment to assess my surroundings. The sun was visible, and the rubber boat was above me. The opposite side was below.
Below, endless darkness stretched out. It felt like looking down from a great height. A wave of nonexistent acrophobia washed over me.
I took a deep breath.
[Director, activate your equipment.]
[No, not that. That thing. Ahem, not that. Yes, level it and turn it on.]
I activated the Reality Anchoring Device. It’s portable and small, but it should last for 30 minutes.
Sea creatures were gathering around the UFO. Fish and squid. Similar to what I saw on the disc at 150 meters deep. Though not deep-sea creatures, given the shallow depth.
The sound of jetpacks firing up. The Catfish Special Forces members began moving slowly toward the structure. I followed with the Team Leader.
We finally entered the UFO.
It was… surprisingly…
Both bizarre and mundane. A sterile white corridor, like something out of a hospital or research lab. The strange fluorescent light made it hard to tell where the light was coming from. No shadows.
Maybe the murky seawater was scattering the light. We slowly moved through the corridor, cutting through the water.
I gripped the needle rifle tightly. Honestly, I’m not sure if I’ll need to use it, but holding it makes me feel safer.
We swam for a while, but nothing stood out. Just a few fish swimming around inside the UFO. Or maybe we just couldn’t find the door?
Surely, if it’s a structure, it must have some function, and for that, there must be equipment inside. Why is there nothing?
“Popo, appear.”
I’ve never tried summoning them underwater… but I don’t see why it wouldn’t work. Soon, Popo began appearing one by one in the water.
As planned.
Luckily, being underwater doesn’t seem to prevent summoning or breathing.
“Popo, search this structure with me.”
The Popo started swimming ahead.
“Good. Keep up the good work.”
The Popo disappeared in an instant.
“Let’s move.”
[It seems the doors inside this structure aren’t easily visible. We’ll find a way to open them.]
This UFO is only about 200 meters in size. Even if there’s something hidden, it shouldn’t take long to search.
I looked around.
Nothing. Just a marble corridor. Or maybe not marble?
[We’ve found a door.]
A circular door with a faint outline. The Special Forces Team Leader opened it, and I peered inside. That’s…
I frowned.
It looked like some kind of science lab, but the equipment was unrecognizable. Probably not made for human use. The tools didn’t seem designed for human fingers.
This is tweezers, that’s a micropipette? A vial? I’m not sure. The tools felt like they were made for children or women—small, thin, and delicate compared to human tools.
I’ll record this for now.
There must be a way up.
We started swimming upward. No need to use the jetpacks; fin kicks were enough.
Once we left the corridor, things became slightly visible.
But not in a recognizable way. Just strange objects mimicking human tools. A sense of unease crept in.
“Whatever this structure is, if it’s a vessel or facility, there must be a control room. Let’s find it and move there.”
We’ll head up for now.
[Air is visible.]
[Entering the building interior.]
We emerged onto land, guns at the ready. The fins on my shoes made a splashing sound.
I swapped my waterproof bag’s rifle for a standard one and pressed close to the white wall.
“Special Forces team, before we proceed, may I say something?”
[Go ahead.]
“I’ve analyzed the walls here with an optical scanner. This structure, excluding the outer walls, isn’t made of real matter. It’s ectoplasm, illusions, or something non-physical.”
[Is that so?]
“This isn’t real. It’s no different from ghosts or spirits. It’s only half-real. Look.”
I loaded an osmium bullet into the rifle. Osmium is the densest element—the most real element.
The osmium bullet pierced the wall.
I clapped to summon the Popo again.
“Popo, we’re moving. Kill any hostile entities you see, and destroy all enemy equipment.”
I turned back to the team.
“Let’s move.”
We rushed into the building like entering a combat zone. The Popo ran ahead like hunting dogs, charging into dangerous areas.
[Humanoid hostile entities spotted!]
I expected as much. Something flew toward us—not bullets, probably an optical weapon. The laser’s trajectory was faintly visible in the air.
Aliens or whatever, they’re weak.
They don’t even know their own weapon’s weakness. I threw a smoke grenade into the combat zone. The smoke revealed the laser’s path.
“Popo, charge!”
The Popo charged into the smoke.
I emptied my magazine into the fog along with the Special Forces, following the laser’s trajectory. Unhuman screams echoed. Whatever the enemy is, we can kill it. We can win.
“Let’s move in!”
[!– Slider main container –]