Following the revelation of Serasie Hiart’s mental image, chaos naturally erupted in the social circles of the Claire Empire.
Of course, it was to be expected.
All the young noblewomen had been tirelessly striving, even shedding blood, to possess beautiful mental images.
And then, following Eliana, another mental image-carrying mage revealed herself—Serasie Hiart.
Not only does her family belong to one of the four noble families that support the empire, but Serasie herself is a person of extraordinary talent, having independently learned magic.
Even though she’s from the Northern region, and despite being deemed unsuitable to wield a sword, she taught herself magic.
Magic is not something one can easily master simply by teaching oneself—it’s not as though one can throw away vast sums of money finding teachers and not learn. Those who fail to master magic after such attempts tend to fall behind.
Thus, there were very few people who were unaware of her talent for managing to learn magic on her own and reaching even the second-tier level.
Let alone now that she’s actively participating in social events at the Eclecia Salon.
Such a prodigy has awakened a mental image.
Following Eliana, it is now Serasie’s turn.
Coincidentally, both girls belong to the Eclecia Salon.
The gossips all focused on that point.
With its long-established pedigree, each member of the salon is the child of a powerful family.
For two mental image-wielding young noblewomen to emerge from the same place—it can’t be overstated how much the current social circles revolve around Eclecia.
There are always others inclined this way.
When everyone else focuses on the big trends, these individuals dig into their depths.
Someone shifts their focus from Eclecia Salon to Eliana and Serasie because of the unveiling of their mental images.
Among the facts occasionally brought up, lies something that captivates everyone’s attention.
“It is said that depicted within the remarkable mental images are the figures of a boy and a girl.”
Of course, even though it is said that the mental images portray a boy and a girl, this alone is enough to shatter existing perceptions; most dismiss it as nonsense.
But, if one pauses to think about it, it’s hard to believe that this is possible.
Are the aristocratic young nobles and noblewomen fools?
If it happened once, one might be lenient, but this is the second occurrence.
Clearly, there must have been someone who witnessed it directly.
Could there be a more perfect validation than that?
They have reached a conclusion.
The driving force behind the current social trends is neither Eclecia Salon nor the two maidens from the great families.
It is because of the boy depicted within the mental images.
“…That is how it is.”
“This is serious.”
“Indeed, a serious matter.”
Kalen carefully observed Blamia’s expression and then lowered his head.
“I apologize, Master.”
“What exactly is your apology for?”
“Well, you told me not to attract attention, although unintentionally, I…”
“Is that truly the issue?”
When Kalen glanced up, the old man’s gaze piercingly locked onto him.
Kalen swallowed hard and revised his statement.
“I apologize for unintentionally crafting mental images for those noblewomen.”
“So you do understand. Eliana, Serasie—and if that wasn’t enough, you even created one for my granddaughter.”
Creating a mental image is not something one can simply accomplish at will.
The fact that Kalen’s presence seemed to generate mental images was certainly strange, though it was hard to argue that it was intentional.
Moreover, mental images are something everyone dreams of obtaining.
There was no reason for Kalen to bow his head.
However, he could not hold his head high.
The problem lay in the scenery depicted within the mental images.
These scenes, which could be called breathtaking, caused the noblewomen to gaze upon them with affection.
And Kalen.
To any outsider, the atmosphere and appearance would undoubtedly be interpreted as those of lovers.
And now, to involve three of them—it left Kalen speechless.
Of course, had he wanted to, he could have certainly defended himself, but the fact remained that three noblewomen had awakened mental images tied to him.
“It’s decided.”
“Stop bowing your head and sit up properly.”
Though Blamia’s disposition was cantankerous, his words were never baseless. Kalen, who understood this, lifted his bowed head and straightened his posture. Then Blamia continued.
“It is, indeed, a fortunate situation. Putting aside the slight awkwardness, this is a better situation than we could’ve hoped for.”
“Do you mean the mental images?”
“Yes. And this, too, is because of you.”
Kalen instantly understood his meaning.
Blamia, naturally, was speaking of the revival of their house.
This is why Blamia was so actively moving around. Sinarth was aiming for the third magic tier in order to seamlessly become the next head of the house—a minimum threshold for their future endeavors and actions.
But, setting aside all the circumstances, the sole outcome of that was her failure to reach the third tier.
This meant the Dranunus family would face even greater difficulties in regaining its former strength.
The situation that Blamia described referred to the failure of Sinarth to ascend to the third tier.
But now things are different.
They have mental images.
Although their efforts to ascend the magic tiers failed, they now possess an even better tool—mental images.
Even more impressively, the mental image that Blamia observed in Sinarth was beautiful.
As beautiful as those revealed by Eliana and Serasie, which the high society had already witnessed.
Since these two would work to assist the Dranunus family, it was possible that the Dranunus, bolstered by three noble families with beautiful mental images, might gain much greater power than Blamia had anticipated.
Blamia reflected on all of this as he looked at the young boy before him.
The most crucial factor in all of this was Kalen.
Already at the fourth tier, even before undertaking the Coming-of-Age Ceremony.
Though contingent on certain conditions, this absurd talent has already shone in the high society. Once it is revealed that he is in a special relationship with the young head of the Dranunus family, even the royal house might not dare to interfere.
The fifth tier.
The minimum level where even if Kalen ignores his advice and flaunts his talent, he could still live without worry.
Given Kalen’s talent and growth rate, it didn’t seem entirely farfetched that he might reach the fifth tier by the time of his Coming-of-Age ceremony.
Regardless of the reasons for needing Kalen to remain close to Sinarth for peace of mind, he was indispensable for the Dranunus’ future.
“Almost the end. Soon, we’ll leave this small cottage and return to the family.”
“Have you thought about my proposal?”
Blamia’s proposition—the guard position.
A request for Kalen to become Sinarth’s bodyguard.
Though Kalen had many hesitations when it was initially proposed, he had now made his decision.
He had earnestly repaid the debt of gratitude. Though it might be slightly embarrassing to say, he felt he had more than fulfilled his obligations.
While it might not qualify as proper repayment—it should be fine to reveal the conclusion now, shouldn’t it?
“Yes. I will do it.”
“You should have said that sooner.”
As Blamia spoke, one corner of his mouth quirked upwards.
With her old nightmare shaken off, there was no longer a reason for Blamia to distance himself from Kalen. This change brought a positive shift, and as Kalen watched his master’s smile, he swallowed the lump in his throat.
After a while, as their conversation lingered and the atmosphere grew calm, Blamia spoke again.
“Well then, what exactly are these mental images? And what’s the deal with Sinarth?”
Blamia had rushed in and only confirmed the scenery within the mental images. Naturally, he was unaware of the full details, since he began conversing with Kalen shortly thereafter.
“I apologize, Master, but I truly do not know. All three somehow awakened their mental images at some point.”
“Hmm… Fair enough. You are quite a peculiar lad.”
However, that was something even Kalen found hard to explain.
How does one explain something unintentional?
“But there is one thing I think I know.”
“It might be because they have seen some beautiful scenery with me.”
Eliana. Serasie. Sinarth.
To Kalen, the mental images awakened by these three maidens shared a commonality.
They all involved seeing breathtaking landscapes—things that seemed otherworldly—while in his company.
The two people looking at these breathtaking landscapes together are depicted within the mental images.
How exactly this was possible, he didn’t know.
But facts must be based on events that have already occurred, and the truth remained.
While it might be a bit embarrassing to admit, the truth was undeniable.
“Have you noticed something with the boy involved in seeing beautiful places together..?”
“Do you have any suspicions?”
“No. After all, mental images are granted to us.”
Granted things.
As Kalen listened to Blamia’s words, he recalled Felicious and Tia-se.
They referred to their mental images as “worlds.”
Passed down from ancient rulers, the power tied to their families.
Kalen’s mental image possessed such power, and although he wasn’t entirely sure about others, it was clear that mental images were undoubtedly connected to the elemental realm.
“The elemental realm…”
“When Sinarth’s matter concludes, I intend to visit the elemental realm. Perhaps I’ll find some answers.”
“Will you?”
Whether he would find the answers he sought, no one could be certain.
Still, if he were to try to learn, it wouldn’t be impossible.
Kalen nodded while pondering this.
“Oh. Boy.”
“The noblewomen from the Lakatus and Hiart families seem to be looking for you.”
“Eliana and Serasie?”
“I should have brought one of them, but both insisted on coming. So I decided against it. But it seems they’re seeking you out. Something about the mental images, I suspect.”
Not a long time had passed, but enough for them to have possibly forgotten him.
After all, a fickle thing is the human heart.
“Ah… Well. Understood.”
“That’s the spirit. And Sinarth mentioned she wanted you to visit after her business concludes. Go ahead.”
Eclecia in Mland, was it?
Kalen faintly recalled the teahouse at the central square he had briefly visited before.