This guy named Deneb El Grinevalt? Super pure dude, like no joke.
Like, how pure? Even in his twenties, he still totally rocks out writing his own fan-made setting notes as a legit hobby.
But here’s the kicker—Deneb himself doesn’t feel even a smidge embarrassed about this whole “setting note” thing.
Is it embarrassing?
Nah, not at all.
He’s just jotting down those universal male fantasies that everyone secretly dreams about, you know?
Honestly, like, seeing death as points of light through some sick magic eye ability? That’s straight-up epic vibes!
The only real difference between Deneb and regular folks is that while others lock their wild imaginations deep inside their chests, Deneb proudly shows off his homemade settings—even to the Empress!
That’s why, when Deneb first laid eyes on Louis, the protagonist of “Book of Life and Death,” he felt an instant connection.
Louis was the ultimate good kid: super pure, all about justice, hated evil with every fiber of his being.
Because he was that pure, Louis couldn’t stand or forgive criminals who hurt others without batting an eye.
So after getting his hands on the Book of Life and Death, Louis wasted no time wiping out countless criminals.
He genuinely believed these guys didn’t deserve to live in this world.
And also, because he wanted to show everyone that there exists a godlike figure judging sinners and protecting righteousness.
Thus, Louis gleefully used the book, staining his hands with blood for the greater good.
Didn’t this kinda remind you of Deneb, still rocking his setting notes well into adulthood?
That’s why Deneb firmly believed Louis was way smarter and superior to Alfa. After all, if Louis was his chosen protagonist…
How could he possibly lose, right?
Which is why Deneb casually accepted a bet from his pops, the Duke.
If his beloved Louis couldn’t beat someone random like Alfa, then what kind of story would it even be?
And now…
“Of course I… wasn’t wrong…”
Watching Louis triumph over Alfa, Deneb couldn’t help but crack a satisfied grin.
And naturally, a snarky little chuckle escaped his lips.
“It seems this bet ends in my favor, Father.”
“…Impossible… This can’t be happening…”
Meanwhile, old man Duke Grinevalt refused to accept the results, whining like a stuck pig.
Seeing his dad acting so lame, Deneb sighed involuntarily.
“Father, maybe it’s time to face reality.”
“Come on, a detective who knows nothing compared to the Academy’s top student? There’s no way they’d win, right?”
Deneb lectured his dad like he was explaining something obvious to a toddler.
“Besides, Louis is the main character of ‘Book of Life and Death.’ And in any story, isn’t it obvious the protagonist always wins in the end? Meaning, Louis’s victory was set in stone since Chapter 1!”
But then…
Just as Louis thought he’d wrapped everything up by killing the investigation team following Alfa’s demise…
A shadow emerged from the darkness, walking straight toward him.
“…Sorry we couldn’t be friends, Louis. I really didn’t want things to end like this.”
“Alfa…! But you were clearly killed moments ago!”
Alfa, whose name had been written in the Book of Life and Death, now stood before them.
Staring at her, Louis began doubting his own eyes.
This shouldn’t be possible.
The power of the Book of Life and Death is absolute, right? Even the Great Mage of the Empire, hailed as an absolute master, dropped dead instantly once his name was written.
How could anyone—especially a living human—escape its influence?
“…Alfa, don’t tell me…”
“Yes, exactly. You’re sharp, Louis. If only we could’ve been friends.”
“The first rule of the Book of Life and Death: write the name of a living person, and they die.”
“But flipping that around…”
“…Writing the name of someone already dead means nothing happens, right?”
As she spoke, Alfa unbuttoned her shirt, revealing where her heart should’ve been.
Empty. Completely hollow.
“…So, you were already dead. I thought you wrote your own name in the book, but that wasn’t it, huh?”
“I asked the Mage to kill me. But I requested some time before the actual death.”
“And Louis, I won’t use the Book of Life and Death. No one in this world deserves such a wicked tool. That’s my belief.”
“That belief of yours is just hypocrisy!”
Louis growled, almost animalistic.
“Do you even know how much crime rates have dropped since I started using the Book? Thanks to me punishing criminals, this world has become a better place to live!”
“I already said it. Even if that’s true, no human has the right to take another human’s life.”
“You’re no god of the new world. You’re just a villain who got lucky finding the Book and decided to play god.”
With a completely calm expression, Alfa stared at Louis.
Even knowing her own death was inevitable, her face showed not a single trace of regret.
Looking at her, Louis realized the truth:
He had lost. Not just in terms of intelligence or strategy, but as a person altogether. He couldn’t hold a candle to Alfa.
“…Guess this is where it ends. It was just a pastime anyway, but it was a somewhat fun fight.”
With that parting line, the Shinigami vanished from the human realm.
Alfa picked up the fallen Book of Life and Death, handing it to Louis’s father.
“Burn this. You can do it. A thing like this serves no purpose in the human world.”
“I never knew what family feels like, but I know you’re a great father.”
“You haven’t done anything wrong. In a way, neither has Louis. The problem lies with this cursed object that gives people the power to kill others.”
Saying this, Alfa offered a faint smile.
“My time is up. Could you please leave? I’d like to spend my last moments alone.”
“…It was an honor working with you.”
With a respectful bow, Louis’s father left the room.
Alfa slowly closed her eyes, lowering her head.
And thus, the tale of “Book of Life and Death” quietly came to an end.
“…This can’t be…”
Watching this ending, Deneb unconsciously wore a look of despair.
“…Pathetic, son.”
Seeing Deneb’s face, the Duke twisted his lips into a smirk.
“What? You said a clueless detective could never beat an Academy prodigy, right? So how do you explain this? He won fair and square! Huh?”
“On top of that, Louis’s final moments were embarrassingly pathetic. Honestly, I’d love to record his voice and turn it into an instrument. Sounds eerily similar to you right now, doesn’t it?”
Faced with his father’s brutal words, Deneb clenched his fists but remained silent. He was, after all, the loser.
“So, looks like I win this bet. Time for me to collect those raffle tickets you worked so hard for.”
In one fell swoop, five hard-earned raffle tickets disappeared.
“Now I’ve got myself a Super Raffle Ticket. If I ever get my hands on a replica of the Book of Life and Death, rest assured your name will be the first I write. Alongside ‘Loser,’ of course. Hahaha!”
With that creepy laugh, the Duke strutted out of the room.
Left alone in the parlor, Deneb hung his head.
But then…
“…No, it’s not over yet.”
Sure, losing those precious raffle tickets in the bet stung badly.
But the game wasn’t finished.
There was still about a week until the replica drawing.
Plenty of time to plan his revenge against his grinning father, who stole those tickets.
“The one holding the replica of the Book of Life and Death in the end… won’t be you. It’ll be me.”
So don’t hate me too much later.
I’m just doing my job as the heir to the dukedom.
Grinevalt Junior, Deneb El Grinevalt.
Someday, he’d write his father’s name in the Book of Life and Death.