Ulysses Murphy, one of the top 20 war heroes in American history, was serving as the 80th Secretary of State.
As the Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of the United States, he was ranked 4th in the presidential line of succession.
Considering America’s role in international diplomacy, Murphy could be seen as the de facto second-in-command in terms of domestic affairs.
His nickname was Terminator.
He was often featured in entertainment shows around the world as the man with the most expensive eyes, thanks to the bionic artificial eyes created by the Australian government.
When the optic nerve is damaged, one cannot receive a transplant from another person’s eyes.
However, it was possible to bypass the damage and stimulate the brain directly using a small video camera in the form of electric pulses.
As technology progressed with each passing year, resolution, frame rate, and noise levels gradually improved.
However, fundamentally, it was a mechanical device that could not capture the aura.
And so, he bid farewell to the military field and lived with artificial eyes for about 30 years.
Then one day, true “life technology,” not just bionic technology, emerged.
As if mocking the advancements in bionic eyes, a new era capable of creating human eyes suddenly opened.
And it was by the hands of a 9-year-old girl.
There was none.
Movements to regain eyesight were already happening around the world.
“It is only right that technology for humanity is released for free, deserving applause from the world. And that role ought to be performed by the United States, the world’s police.”
Though he had adapted to his artificial eyes, Murphy’s desire to witness the flowing mana in the Mage Contest with his own eyes remained unchanged.
He decided to undergo eye surgery in Korea.
After all, next month marked a season of lame-duck politics with a change of government.
Feeling it would be his last visit, Murphy contacted the Korean government.
* * *
Ulysses Murphy’s visit to Korea was a surprise event that took place without any prior notice.
He bypassed all the state visit formalities, met briefly with President Lee Jo Won, and went straight to Asan Medical Center.
That night, a photo of Secretary Murphy wearing a patient gown at the hospital went up on a major portal site, and netizens reacted passionately.
Murphy’s trip was thoroughly planned from start to finish.
With just one visit, he reaffirmed the strong US-Korea alliance, solidified his position as a central global power, widely promoted innovative new technology, and dispelled conspiracy theorists.
It was a bonus that he would be the first successful case of eye regeneration surgery in Korea.
He also brought along the best American spellcasters specialized in designing and interpreting Akashic Records.
After undergoing a very careful medical examination and deep discussions with Korean medical staff, the surgery was scheduled within two days.
During that time, Murphy had the opportunity to meet with Korean comrades he fought alongside during the Middle Eastern war while serving as the commander of the 101st Airborne Division.
Kim Woong, the current head of the ADD (Defense Acquisition Program Administration), was one of them.
“Changing all the defenses of Korea to replace them… it seems Korea has developed some new technology?”
“That’s not it. We’ve found serious flaws in the barrier and are currently discussing it internally. It will soon be communicated to the US side as well.”
“Serious flaws? I don’t know much about theoretical magic, but hasn’t the dimensional uniformity theory been proven to have no flaws?”
Secretary Murphy asked, crossing his arms.
Every time Kim Woong’s muscular arms flexed, he instinctively felt himself shrink back.
“The dimensional uniformity theory still stands. If the barriers of each dimension take on a form that protects one another, then you need to find and individually release the links of the magic circles.”
“But if you look closely, the definitions only extend to the integer and rational parts. Consequently, if barriers in overlapping dimensions below 80 exist, theoretically, they can be breached with just one 3-circle spell if enough mana is present.”
“Wait. I think I need a detailed explanation regarding that.”
Kim Woong cleared his throat and composed his voice.
“Do you know about the Hausdorff-Klein dimension?”
“When you were in elementary school, didn’t you learn about a small triangle inside a larger triangle?”
“Ah, I know well! The Sierpiński triangle. Wait, could it be…?”
“Yes. If you make the Hausdorff dimension of the magic circles irrational, the concept of infinity is introduced, and the dimensional uniformity theory no longer holds. Moreover, because the dimensions shrink logarithmically, the 50th defense barrier could be breached with just one spell of ln50/ln3, which is about a 3.56-circle spell.”
Murphy had, in his youth, been someone who thought deeply.
While stroking his chin and contemplating, Murphy eventually wore a serious expression.
“I can’t believe that a barrier, which we deemed safe, could be weakened by only elementary school textbook content… Who on earth came up with such a remarkable idea?”
“That’s why it was breached by an elementary school student.”
“An elementary school student?”
“No Name.”
Kim Woong’s mention of that girl’s name once again prompted applause from Murphy.
“Still, the countermeasure is simple: make the overlapping dimensions exceed 81. It’s hard to define dimensions as irrational beyond the 4-circle, so that should be possible. Nonetheless, the fact that it’s still theoretically imperfect remains a stumbling block, so research on the barriers needs to continue.”
“They say true geniuses can turn difficult problems into easy ones. It sounds just like No Name.”
“I agree.”
Once she touches anything, all problems simply unravel.
She was a talent who inspired jealousy as she lined up achievements that most people would only dream of once in their lifetime.
Ulysses Murphy resolved to meet No Name before wrapping up his schedule in Korea.
He had heard she was in a period of self-reflection, which made him hesitate, but with such information now known, he couldn’t overlook it.
If she was reflecting just for having hit someone, Murphy would need at least a century for his own redemption.
“Who knows? She might even solve the problems America is currently facing.”
Two days later, Murphy was on the operating table.
The three-hour surgery was successful.
After 28 years, he could now see his wife and children who had accompanied him to far-off Korea with healthy eyes.
There was no more noise, no pixelation.
“Oh, the aura…! I can see the mana. So clearly. Jamie, cast any spell!”
Around the light magic his granddaughter cast, a blue energy swirled.
Overwhelmed with emotion, Ulysses Murphy shed a few tears.
The attending physician entered to report the surgery results.
“Congratulations on being able to see again.”
“Ha ha, the day comes when eyes are made with the Akashic Records. I must be the first in Korea.”
“Actually, you’re the second.”
News anchors were busy reporting the first story.
[Second place winner of the National Martial Arts Tournament, Ban So Wol, succeeds in Korea’s first ‘Eye Regeneration’… “Is there no issue with illegal medical practices?”]
[No Name claims to have only used the Tri-Resonance Regeneration Technique, dismissing controversy]
“Let’s quickly pack up. We need to go fast.”
“Father, you still need to rest…!”
“No Name. Where is that girl now?”
* * *
Feeling the breeze outside is indeed a delightful experience.
There was a special concept for today’s outing with Ban So Wol.
It was to visit Shin Yeon Ho in the military.
Having no memories of the military at all, I thought this life was likely a continuation of being unqualified for service.
However, having experienced over ten years of war in the last life, I wondered if I could be regarded as an honorary military veteran by now.
When it comes to the Korean military, I generally expected a rundown and gloomy atmosphere, but the visitation room was surprisingly well-decorated.
Shin Yeon Ho, who was munching on chicken, seemed to choke and began to pat his chest.
“Oppa, eat slowly. Why are you in such a hurry?”
He gulped down his cola and turned toward me.
His face looked oddly fierce.
He leaned slightly toward me and whispered in a very small voice.
“I feel really uncomfortable being here. I want to eat quickly and get out.”
“Are you seriously asking me that?”
Shin Yeon Ho scratched his short hair, looking dumbfounded.
“Come on, Na Me, look around.”
I glanced left and then right.
At the left table were several colonels and a few brigadiers.
At the right table sat Ulysses Murphy, the US Secretary of State, one two-star general, and one one-star general.
“Yeah, I looked around.”
“Do you see? We are the only team in this visitation room, and you are the reason all these people are gathered here! And it’s the weekend!”
“Ugh, it’s so embarrassing! Just eat your chicken quickly!”
“I understand what you’re saying. But it’s not my fault. I definitely came just with So Wol Unnie, and they decided to follow.”
The muscular Ulysses Murphy, looking like a more evolved version of a muscle monster, had been expressing his desire to meet me for quite some time.
I had made up an excuse that I was busy because I had to visit someone tomorrow.
But I never expected he would chase me all the way here.
Or did he misunderstand my suggestion to meet at the visitation location?
Besides, it seemed Murphy arrived by helicopter with the generals.
“Okay, my bad. It’s not your fault, Na Me. I’m sorry.”
“Okay, let’s just say it’s my fault.”
“It’s not your fault! Ah, Na Me, don’t pout.”
“Na Me, eat this chicken leg and cheer up. I took it from that bad Yeon Ho.”
Ban So Wol tried to hand me a chicken leg, but I shook my head.
I looked thoughtfully at the Shin Yeon Ho and Ban So Wol couple sitting across from me.
Perhaps I had been too lacking in military sensitivity.
It must be extremely happy for Shin Yeon Ho to see his beloved partner.
Yet, there was no opportunity to express their feelings because of the uninvited guests who came along.
With Ban So Wol gazing at him with love-filled eyes, the only response from Shin Yeon Ho was to shyly glance away.
If this continued, Ban So Wol might end up feeling hurt later.
I couldn’t let this couple break apart.
“No, on second thought, it seems I’m at fault, so I’ll fix this quickly.”
“Wait, No Name, what are you doing…!”
I suddenly stood up and confidently walked over to the left table… only to make an unexpected turn and head to the right table.
Either way, these individuals would still need to seek approval from their superiors, so it’d be better for me to speak directly.
“Secretary Murphy, and um… General. I apologize; I don’t know your name.”
“Ha ha, no, it’s alright. What brings you here?”
The general spoke to me with a tone like they were treating a child.
“Since Shin Yeon Ho is having a visitation, and everyone’s here, he finds it uncomfortable, so we were wondering if it would be okay for us to step out.”
Shin Yeon Ho suddenly stood up and was mumbling something from afar.
I gave a light thumbs up, indicating that things were being resolved.