[Episode 37]
It had already been a week since Green and I first met at the park.
After we started having proper conversations with the team members, we began meeting at the park every day as if by an unspoken agreement. Each time, Green would ramble on about HunterKiller.
Though it was all personal talk and I couldn’t extract any useful information, I was happy to hear that Yubin and Yura were getting along well. I was also relieved that, contrary to Green’s concerns, things were going smoothly.
It wasn’t exactly empathy for the enemy, but as a fellow human being, I couldn’t help but feel sympathy knowing that these superhumans weren’t being treated fairly.
And today was the day of the battle.
The location for today’s battle was the Han River. As usual, there were people scattered around, and to ensure they weren’t harmed, access was restricted right before the battle began.
Perhaps because they were conscious of public perception regarding superhumans? Today, my attention was drawn to the looks in people’s eyes as they watched the HunterKiller members handling the safety controls.
No one openly cast hostile glances at HunterKiller, but as people moved away from the battle site under HunterKiller’s guidance, their expressions stuck in my mind.
For a brief moment, their faces showed expressions of avoidance and disdain, as if something harmful was approaching. I couldn’t understand why they reacted that way.
HunterKiller must have seen those expressions countless times while battling us. We’ve had so many battles, so why was I only noticing their expressions now? Clearly, I hadn’t cared to notice or think about anything beyond what was right in front of me.
“Alright. You’re all ready, right?”
Luche, who always exudes confidence before battles, stood straight today with her scythe in hand.
It was impossible not to notice the opposing team’s Red, Pink, and Green. After all, three out of the five enemies I was facing were people I had some connection with.
It was still ambiguous to say I had a relationship with Green, but since we’d been meeting at the park for a week, she wasn’t exactly a stranger anymore.
“Bring it on.”
Seeing Red with her sword, our team prepared for combat. Had we already grown accustomed to defeat? All I could think about was wrapping this up quickly and getting back to reviewing more data.
“Here I go!”
I charged at Red, sword in hand. Even though she was my girlfriend, in that moment, we were Spacystro and HunterKiller, so I didn’t hesitate.
But just because I didn’t hesitate didn’t mean my physical abilities suddenly improved.
I leaned back to dodge Green’s spear coming from the side, and Red’s downward slash came at me. My condition today was good, and I could clearly see her attack roll sideways, only to be knocked down by a shot from Pink.
What followed was the usual chaotic battle. I took hits from Red and Green fighting at the forefront, and by the time our defeat was confirmed and I got into the car, I was a complete wreck.
Would Luche be crying today? I glanced at the passenger seat, but she was sitting quietly today, not crying. It was rare for her not to cry, but upon closer inspection, it seemed she was desperately holding back her tears. Guess she’s the same as always.
Our repetitive daily lives don’t change much unless something truly stimulating happens.
After returning to headquarters, we went about our usual routine of tidying up and clocking out. The only difference was that we waited in the lobby for Siera to arrive so we could study the data together.
“Team 4 today…”
Checking the weekly schedule on the lobby bulletin board, it seemed Team 4 also had a battle with another team today.
“Looks like it’s another simultaneous battle today.”
It’s rare for two teams to have battles on the same day, but lately, it’s been happening more often. Maybe it won’t feel so rare in the future.
While looking at the schedule, I noticed something unusual. Under the entry for “Team 3 Battle HunterKiller,” Team 4’s opponent was listed as Team Guerrilla.
In the midst of all the battles, each team usually has a dedicated opponent. While it’s not set in stone, changes are rare unless something special happens.
Originally, Team 2 was in charge of Team Guerrilla from the Earth Defense Union, and I’ve rarely seen that change, so it caught my eye.
“That’s unusual.”
“There are a lot of people on vacation this week.”
A familiar voice came from beside me. It was as refreshing as a gentle breeze, embodying kindness. I turned my head toward the voice.
There stood a woman with long silver hair tied up, wearing the Spacystro uniform. I reflexively saluted.
“Team Leader of Team 2. Good to see you.”
“Yeah. A, it’s been a while.”
Since we’re in the same branch, I’ve seen her around before, and it wasn’t awkward to meet her again after so long.
“Yes. I haven’t had much reason to see you lately.”
“Right. Today’s a battle day, isn’t it? How was it?”
“Same as usual. Nothing much has changed, then or now.”
Back when we were in training, before Siera became Team Leader, our direct superior was her.
“Has Captain Angelique been doing well?”
“Yes. She doesn’t have any battles this week, but when she does, it’s the same as always.”
Captain Angelique smiled and answered in a gentle voice, and I relaxed naturally.
“The battle’s over. What were you doing in the lobby?”
“I was waiting for Siera… I mean, Team Leader of Team 4, to do some data research with her.”
She knew that Siera and I were peers, but I couldn’t casually call Siera by her name in front of a superior. Even when we’re alone, I usually use formal speech with her unless it’s just the two of us.
When she first became Team Leader, I used formal speech even when we were alone, but she forced me to switch to informal speech, saying it was awkward and annoying.
“A, you’re still as diligent as ever. That part of you hasn’t changed since back then.”
Captain Angelique, who had approached me, patted my head with a warm smile. Even though I’m taller and older than I was when we first met, I still seem like a young subordinate to her.
“I think I haven’t changed at all in any aspect.”
“Huh? No way. You used to be like a sharp beast, but now you’re more like a round ball.”
If you asked me to compare my past self to now, I couldn’t judge objectively. I think there’s not much difference, but Captain Angelique, my former direct superior, seems to think otherwise.
“Treating me like a kid is a bad habit, Captain Angelique.”
I turned my head toward the voice coming from the lobby entrance. Siera had returned from her battle, sweating profusely. She saluted the moment she made eye contact with Captain Angelique.
“Stop it. We’re the same rank. No need to salute.”
“Habits are hard to break.”
According to Spacystro regulations, members of the same rank are considered equals regardless of their team. However, if the ranks differ, there’s a clear hierarchical relationship, even within the same team.
But Siera, who served under Captain Angelique in the past, instinctively showed the same respectful attitude.
“You’ll go shower, right? I’ll head to the office first.”
“Then, Captain Angelique, we’ll take our leave.”
“Alright. Good work, both of you.”
After saluting Captain Angelique, I went up to Siera’s office, and she joined me after showering.
We started our data research, but as usual, we didn’t have much success today.
We kept organizing the data and searching for new information, but most of it was similar and hard to find anything detailed or new. Ironically, the fields I’m not interested in had a lot of detail. It felt like looking for a lost remote control.
I sighed deeply and took a break by heading out of the headquarters and heading to the park as usual. Green would be there today, right? I arrived at the park with that thought, but Green was nowhere to be seen.
‘I just want to go somewhere and relax.’
With that thought, I sat on a bench and organized my thoughts as usual. The cicadas chirping in my ears made it hard to concentrate. By the time I came to my senses, Green was sitting on the bench next to me.
I was startled because I hadn’t sensed her presence at all. She smiled and greeted me.
“When did you get here?”
“About two minutes ago? You looked deep in thought, so I didn’t want to disturb you.”
“You can always talk to me.”
Green smiled and said, “Then I’ll talk to you next time.” She turned to look at the tree across from the bench, as she always did. Watching her sit there staring at the tree for a week made me wonder why she did that, but I didn’t feel like asking her about it.
“Did something bad happen today?”
Her voice sounded more subdued than usual, so I asked. She looked at me with wide eyes, as if surprised that I noticed.
“Was it that obvious?”
“Yes, very.”
She smiled awkwardly and scratched her cheek, then sighed.
“I had a bit of an argument.”
“With your coworkers?”
I hadn’t heard of Green getting into an argument with HunterKiller members before. Above all, it was surprising to hear that she, who’s usually quiet and well-behaved, had an argument.
“Yes, but it was with people from another department.”
By another department, she meant another team, not HunterKiller. I’m not familiar with the Earth Defense Union’s structure, but based on what I know, I guessed it was Team Guerrilla, who had a battle with Team 4 today.
“May I ask what the argument was about?”
She explained the circumstances of the argument.
She referred to Team Guerrilla as another department and the Earth Defense Union as her workplace, piecing the story together in her mind.
The conclusion was this: Team Guerrilla had returned after a complete defeat by Team 4 and ran into HunterKiller, who were on their way back.
“Oh, our HunterKiller ladies are heading home, huh?”
That was the first thing Indigo of Team Guerrilla said upon seeing the HunterKiller members. There was nothing particularly unusual about it, but from HunterKiller’s perspective, the fact that he even spoke to them was enough to sour their mood.
Even beyond human interaction, it felt physiologically uncomfortable to accept his behavior.
“Looks like you got your asses handed to you again?”
When Pink, who disliked Team Guerrilla’s reckless behavior, spoke mockingly, Indigo’s brow furrowed.
“Unfortunately for you, we always face strong opponents. It’s different from your team, which only fights weaklings.”
At the insult to their team, Red, the team leader, clenched her fist. She didn’t want to start a fight, but if the opportunity arose, she would have punched Indigo in the face right then and there. That’s how bad Team Guerrilla’s reputation was with HunterKiller.
Besides, what made his comment even more infuriating was that it belittled Spacystro, who had been giving their all in the battles. Sure, HunterKiller might have been considered the weakest team, but at least both sides were doing their best on the battlefield.
And now, hearing Indigo spout such nonsense after his defeat, Red felt even more disgusted.
“It’s unlikely, but if you ever end up fighting the team we’re in charge of and lose, you won’t have anything to say then, will you?”
Red suppressed her anger and spoke in a warning tone, but Indigo just snorted.
“We’ll see when the time comes.”
When their eyes met in a glare, Indigo’s gaze faltered slightly. Realizing he was looking at her lecherously, Red decided to ignore him and focus on heading home with her team.
“We don’t even know each other’s strength levels, so why bother proving it? How about it? I could kill you in bed.”
Indigo’s sexual harassment was the last straw for Red. Just as she was about to lash out at him.
“You might want to shut that mouth of yours.”
Yellow, who had been silent until now, spoke up.
Indigo turned his head to glare at Yellow, but her cold eyes just stared back at him.
“Looks like you’ve got something stuck in your ears. I said you should shut that mouth of yours.”
“Who the hell are you to tell me what to do!”
As Indigo stepped threateningly toward Yellow, his vision spun, and he realized he’d been knocked to the ground.
“If you’re so confident talking to our leader like that, come back after winning a proper fight. And even if you do come back victorious, if you keep spouting that nonsense, I’ll hang your big mouth on your ears, so you better watch what you say.”
Yellow’s warm golden eyes looked down at the fallen Indigo, but her gaze was colder than anyone’s. Even the HunterKiller members, used to her quiet nature, were surprised by her sudden outburst.
“Let’s go. Time to head back.”
Leaving Indigo on the ground, Yellow turned and the HunterKiller members followed her out.
“If he does that again, give him a good punch.”
Yellow patted Red’s shoulder as she passed by, and Red smiled with satisfaction.
Green, who was following behind, took one last look at Indigo on the ground before catching up with the rest of the team outside the headquarters.
While reviewing recent data, I’d noticed that Team Guerrilla in the Seoul branch had a bad reputation among superhumans, but after hearing about this incident, I realized they were worse than I thought.
No, let me rephrase that. They’re bad, but the fact that they made such a comment to Yubin made me feel an indescribable rage. Even though I’d probably lose in a physical fight, I wanted to punch that bastard in the face regardless.
Green called out to me, pulling me out of my thoughts. I tried to suppress my anger and responded.
“Ah, yes. They’re really strange people for this day and age.”
“Right? I really don’t understand.”
It seemed like the stress of working with such people in the same headquarters was getting to even the usually good-natured Green. She sighed deeply.
“They wear people out. I just want to go somewhere and rest.”
I also felt like taking a break because of the lack of progress in my work. To be precise, I wanted to just chill.
Some might say it’s irresponsible to want a break when there’s work to be done, but I think wanting to take a breather when things aren’t going well is natural, regardless of how long you’ve been working.
Hearing that she wanted to rest, I felt my own desire for a break grow stronger. After listening to her, I spoke up.
“Where should we go?”
Our eyes met, and a silence filled the air. Only the sound of cicadas echoed between Green and me.