[No Name’s Tgedder]
[Hello, this is No Name.
Today, after briefly hosting this chat, there will be a Moonoa broadcast.
At the end, there will be viewer participation content along with various prizes prepared, so please participate generously.]
-Oh, isn’t this the first time you’re writing a broadcast notice, Teacher?
-Our Name finally turned over a new leaf!
└ If it weren’t for her age, I would have seriously given her a smack…
└ Can you actually hit her? Hahaha
-September is really different, No Name!
-I really thought she would never come backㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
-If possible, it would be nice if you could keep the promise of 3 broadcasts a week starting today.
-But I think you forgot to include the broadcast time? So when does the broadcast start?
└ Oh wow, you just turned it on now, huh? Hahahaha
└ Seriously, why did you even write a notice if you were going to do this? Hahahaha
└ “Anyway, I keep my promises.”
-The Tgedder window is still here.
└ Vv I’m going on air!
[No Name]
[Just Chatting – What is a Sword]
[Broadcast Time – 0:01:37]
[Viewer Count – 1094]
Today, since I have company along, I’ll have to play the opening song just once.
To give Emika various practical experiences, we entered a nearby PC bang and settled down.
Last year, the “Palace PC Bang” I lived in had capsules packed closely together, but here it was structured like karaoke rooms, separated by rooms.
Emika’s attendants took off their black suits and changed into comfortable white uniforms, then rested on comfortable sofas.
-I feel like I’m going insane, I feel like I’m going insane, I feel like I’m going insane
-It may sound warm upon listening, but damn, the voice of Emika is really dizzying, lol
└ Isn’t that something you shouldn’t say on No Name’s broadcast~?
-How many times did you sing at the beginning of the broadcast that it’s a new song every day?;
-There’s still one step left, there’s still one step left.
Viewers expressed their joy in various ways.
Once the broadcast started, it became natural for four-digit viewer numbers to gather.
Although I had tried to have a brief appreciation, there was no time for that now.
As soon as the song finished, I accessed the voice channel.
“Hu-hu. Hello. It feels like it’s been a while. Nice to meet you.”
[‘Allah-u-Akbar’ donated 100,000 won!]
-There is no god but No Name, and Adella is No Name’s apostle.
-It’s too dizzying from the first donation, haha
-I say what needs to be said!!!
-Would you call our Nemdok ‘pseudo-religious’?
-This broadcast will soon be flooded by foreigners.
-How’s Name doing?
-Our malignant channel host remains the same even after being bombed…
└ Please, for the love of God, streamer #1 who I hope has lost their original intention.
-Some comments are crossing the line; please be more reserved.
-I’m glad the middle portion didn’t explode; if it had, I wouldn’t be able to laugh like this.
└ For real, Depressed ON…
-Name is a national treasure… must be treated with care…
Surely because of the bomb threat, many people were concerned about me.
Afterward, there were chaotic days where gifts from fans were banned in Twish due to various copycat crimes, but eventually, the media, under government control, collectively stopped reporting, and society seemed to be returning to normal.
“There have definitely been tough times. But as you’d know if you watched the videos back then, I’m okay, so don’t worry too much.”
Slowly, the managers began connecting and cleaning up the chat.
I know some of you have jobs, yet I’m amazed at how you can all show up right as I start the broadcast.
I’m not one to greet for too long, so I briefly shared my current situation.
“There was a recent parent open class, but other than that, there’s nothing special. It’s the same as usual.”
-How is it that your friend is No Name, lol?
-I envy Name’s father so much!
-To be honest, I think every family should have one Name.
-That’s the best welfare, whoa!
[‘daylight0830’ donated 20,000 won!]
-Name, are you going to participate in the competition?
-Of course, I must join.
-Here comes the terrestrial broadcasting cheat, lol
-Oh, it’s you, older sister~
-From now on, it’s ‘live streaming > movies/TV’; make sure to remember that.
-What the hell? Genius Discovery Group’s Vtube views already reached ten million, are you crazy, lol?
-If the opponent is the world’s strongest 8-year-old, that’s a bit scary.
└ A bit? If Name charges in with a spirit, I’d probably just wet myself…
“Ah, I won’t be participating in the competition. No, I can’t.”
-Health, after all…
-Don’t get sickㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
-Wowㅠㅠ Are you still in a lot of pain?
-Is it trauma that’s developed?
-Again today, I curse the Valpurgis sheep…
[‘Gunbong 2’ donated 1,000 won!]
-I’ll just return my last leave that I was cut off from. What’s a leave when I’m protecting Name?
“Gunbong 2, thank you for your 1,000 won donation. Ah, that’s not the reason…”
Was this how Emika felt when she was on the phone with the master?
Having to say the reason with my own mouth felt so burdensome and above all, embarrassing.
However, if I didn’t say anything, it would feel like I was only doing good for our country’s Ministry of Defense, and there was no way I could hide that.
Leaves are important.
“I have a height restriction…”
-Height restriction?
-What height?
-Was there such a thing?
“Ha… I can’t exceed 120 in height, yes.”
At my words, Emika, who was waiting off-screen, burst into laughter.
The sound of the wind reached my microphone without any filter and was transmitted to the broadcast.
‘Why are you laughing, older sister?’
‘It’s just… funny…!’
‘My height is funny? Is today’s broadcast just going to blow up?’
‘No, I’m sorry!’
Emika clasped her hands together in front and apologized.
Even though her one eyebrow wiggled, I had to let it slide with great magnanimity.
Turning my gaze back to the chat, there wasn’t a single bee left without their queen.
-You’re not even 120?
-Do kids these days grow up so small?
-Nah, nah, it’s around 120 when entering first grade; Name is super small.
-Wow… I was about to joke but suddenly had to face reality.
-I usually only show my upper half, so I didn’t know; I really couldn’t have imagined.
└ The kid has proportions, and features, so that’s why.
└ I thought she was around 130 at first?
-Height restriction makes her ineligible to participate, lol. Am I the only one finding this hilarious, lol?
-Who was that voice beside just now?
-Height of 110-level legend, lol.
-Do you weigh over 20 kilograms?
-I think I heard a sound like laughter nearby.
“Actually, I invited a guest for today’s collaboration. This is part of why I turned on the broadcast, so I hope you’ll warmly welcome her.”
I waved my hand to call Emika over to the side.
There was no costume that matched the uniform Emika wore in reality, so I settled for a taekwondo costume for the broadcast.
The red and black belts just so happened to be for sale, so she had to wear a yellow belt. After all, the color of the belt isn’t that important.
“Hello, Korean viewers…! I am Katsuhata Emika from the Katsuhata School. Nice to meet you.”
“For the broadcast, I’ll just call you Emika.”
“Yeah, it’s fine since it’s Name’s broadcast.”
“You’re stating the obvious. While the viewers might know, I should mention that Emika is somewhat recognized in Japan when people see her on the street.”
“Me? Not just a little…”
“And so today’s content is ‘Defeat Emika’. It’ll be a best of five, and depending on the number of wins, a win will earn coffee, two wins will earn burgers, and three wins will earn chicken gift coupons.”
[‘asdfqwer’ donated 10,000 won!]
-Did you really start the broadcast notice just five seconds before bringing on this legendary guest? Hahaha
* * *
[World of Arseria Gallery]
[Concept Article]
[No Name) Just a legendary streamer every day][48]
It feels like there’s a strong determination that I won’t ever be doing ordinary broadcasts again, haha.
She invites the granddaughter of a noble family who’s harder to see than the Emperor when not in a tournament as a guest, lol.
(Emika Katsuhata entry scene.gif)
But why is she wearing a taekwondo uniform?
-Who is this person, you nerd?
-(Author): A super famous young mage from Japan.
-So is she more famous than Kariri?
└ She’s at least a hundred times more famous than Kariri, haha.
└ No, lol. Kariri is Korean, so it’s unfair to compare them.
└ My bad, I might forget.
-Isn’t she the one who appeared on the ‘Dangerous Generation’ list in Switzerland recently? I think I saw that on the news.
└ ‘Great’ generation.
└ Oh right, so it’s dangerous for sure, haha.
-Is it true she’s more famous than most singers or idols in Japan?
└ Yup, she’s pretty much at the level of a national singer.
└ Think of her status as being on the brink of being a world-class, similar to Chae Na?
-I’m in the midst of mental reconstruction as a Korean. Whoa!
[Exhausted Hamburger, lol][55]
(E-Coupon certification.jpg)
I managed to reach 2 wins and 3 losses, so I unfortunately lost before the perfect match, but I’ll still have a good burger~
I might have had more talent if I had attended the academy, right?
So who am I?
(Roronoa Kim Dong-hyuk vs. Emika Katsuhata.gif)
The man who has defeated Emika Katsuhata twice, haha.
What’s this? It seems we matched with the same specs, but isn’t it kind of a water rocket?
-How did you do that, you bastard?
-What rank are you at?
└ (Author): Master, 300 points, top rank Grandmaster.
-Emika would be new to the Moonoa, so isn’t it more impressive that she defeated a Master?
└ (Author): What are you talking about? She’s a certified pro who earns her living by competing! Of course, she should win.
└ Yeah, that’s something to brag about, haha.
└ My biggest achievement in life was going 5 perfect matches against a middle schooler, haha.
-How did you win? Please share the secret so that I can challenge for chicken too.
└ (Author): If you equip two prosthetic arms and hit with four styles, it throws them off a bit.
└ No, those prosthetics felt weird with worms moving inside my body; I just couldn’t wear it.
[Don’t Underestimate Korea Ever Again! (Waving the Flag)]
The finals of the Moonoa Summer has ended, and since the AnimeCane World Cup event has been up for a while, I stopped visiting the gallery, but I really want to kiss the No Name person who planned this kind of event (just kidding).
(Veixel vs. Emika Katsuhata results screen.jpg)
Do you see the 3-0 clean victory?
We crushed them in the Japan-Korea match.
-Japanese fans are doomed, lol.
-Please stop with the Moon gal.
-I thought it was fake, but it was real; you’re crazy.
-Sister, aren’t you a pro, lol?
-If I write this, won’t the team reprimand me?
└ (Author): Is our Moon gallery embarrassed?
└ Honestly, a bit…?
└ (Author): …
-I was a live viewer, and if it were real, you’d have had a cracked head for being so sneaky.
└ An embarrassing self-portrait, haha.
└ Emika’s clearly mentally broken…
-Regardless of how strong you are in reality, you can’t match a pro gamer, haha.
-You’re too cool, breaking them~~
└ (Author): Do you want to give it a try? If you’re at least diamond, you can probably win one.
Thick raindrops soaked the bridge of Emika’s nose.
Emika couldn’t lift her head properly and could only watch the wet ground.
The weapon, identical in shape and weight to the wooden sword she was using, had already flown far away.
As Emika clenched her fist tightly, sticky mud seeped between her fingernails.
“Thank you, Emika. As the rumors say, you truly have a talent!”
A hand was extended to lift her up.
But she couldn’t bear to reach out and grasp the dirty hand.
Just as her pride was as filthy as those dirty hands.
Surprisingly, she became accustomed to virtual reality quickly.
In fact, due to her lighter body compared to reality, it felt like she could perform at her best.
Thus, in the beginning, she continued her winning streak, questioning if Name’s training was actually effective.
But the result was 31 wins and 15 losses.
With a win rate of less than 70%, she felt dejected.
“Am I really talented…?”
Emika was anxious.
Everyone told her she had talent, but contrary results had been showing recently.
“Of course, you do! Normally, beginners who meet the whip for the first time can’t even resist it, yet Emika still managed to win a set!”
If anything, her opponent had likely also been facing Katsuhata style swordsmanship for the first time.
A one-on-one mode played under the system with identical specs.
She realized that the only difference between her and others in reality was her innate ability to handle aura.
Her efforts over the years spent training to be a swordsman felt negated.
Practices of striking a wooden doll a thousand or ten thousand times, even crossing a single-log bridge with her eyes closed.
Having heard since birth that she had talent, she hoped that the public would recognize the hard work she put in beyond that.
But what if she had no talent?
What if she had been born with an ordinary body, just like everyone else?
31 wins and 15 losses.
“That’s my limit…”
Name, who had hosted the event, finally stood up from her seat.
With every step of her short legs, her cute rubber boots thumped against the ground.
[▶Main Custom – Released]
[▶Custom 1 – Equipped]
Countless fireflies embraced her body.
A radiant sunlight began to emit from her irises.
Having added another lower half to her original body, she became taller.
As the high heels boasting height above the muddy ground clattered, her shiny blonde hair swished.
Finally, the lady in a pure white dress drew a sharp sword from the sheath around her waist and said,
“Don’t lose yourself.”
The silvery Schiabhona slowly moved, pointing from Emika’s head down to her toes.
Emika was very weak against irregular attacks.
There was no way to counter the brilliant tactics developed by users who were obsessed with one-on-one matches for years.
Reality is infinitely more complicated than this.
The only way to respond clearly to such uncertainty is one.
“Leave everything behind except for yourself.”
The only option was to demolish the tower of knowledge and experiences that had been accumulated.
[▶No Name has proposed a 1vs1 against Katsuhata Emika. (60s)]
[▶Katsuhata Emika has accepted the 1vs1 challenge.]
[▶No Name vs Katsuhata Emika]
[▶Map: Random]
[▶Play Round: ∞]