To cut to the chase, in the latest showdown after the terrorist incident, our team, as usual, ended up losing.
The reasons for our defeat were numerous, but the biggest factor was that the new members and the existing members did not have a smooth chemistry.
Even if we had better chemistry, it wouldn’t necessarily guarantee a win. The HunterKillers seemed to have noticed that our team’s coordination was different from before, and they attacked at the moment when our coordination could have matched, disrupting it.
The reason for the lack of coordination was partly due to it being our first confrontation, but the absence of Klugger was a significant issue. In a situation where Luche couldn’t take charge, Klugger’s role was to give appropriate instructions to the soldiers based on the circumstances.
Someone needed to play the role of the base station or bridge, but given the overall atmosphere wasn’t yet understood, it was difficult for anyone to assume Klugger’s role.
“None of you matched up.”
In the bus on the way back, no one refuted Luche’s statement. I saw her having many confrontations with Yubin today, and Luche, who I thought would cry after the confrontation, sat stoically in the passenger seat.
It seems they didn’t want to show their weakness right from the first confrontation, even though new members had joined.
For several years, Luche never cried after a confrontation, even when she lost. Though it might take some time, I don’t think I’ll see her crying after a confrontation anytime soon.
With a small sigh, looking out the running bus window, I felt a strange feeling thinking about seeing the girlfriends again.
As I said several times, this confrontation was the first one conducted while both the girlfriends and I recognized each other as opponents.
There must be differences compared to when only I knew. I couldn’t guess what the girlfriends would say, which made me feel odd.
Upon arriving at headquarters, we got off the bus and went upstairs to the office to wrap things up.
It was difficult for everyone to take the elevator at once, so some used the stairs, and I waited for the elevator to come down from the underground parking lot instead of using the stairs.
Luche stood next to me, not walking up herself.
“Look at me for a bit when we get upstairs.”
It was common for someone to be called after a confrontation. Not just me, but Kluger was also often called to discuss the confrontation.
When I answered her, the elevator arrived.
No one spoke in the quiet elevator ascending quickly. Perhaps the new members were shocked by their helpless defeat, or maybe they were shocked by the gap with the HunterKillers.
Fortunately, Roy, who I expected to be the loudest, went up first via the stairs, so there was no unnecessary ear pain.
After going up to the office and heading towards the locker room instead of my own room, I followed Luche into her room.
I stood quietly waiting for her to speak, but Luche just sat silently in her place.
“What’s the matter?”
When I asked cautiously why she had called me, her expression twisted, and her eyes started to redden.
“Ugh… Huh!”
Seeing Luche sobbing, I immediately thought about how she usually is and wondered how to comfort her.
After such a long time since the last confrontation, it’s clear that something hasn’t changed, which must have stimulated her tear ducts.
“Senior. Those girls are weird!”
“…Excuse me?”
I tilted my head at her sudden remark, then realized she was talking about the HunterKillers.
“What happened?”
“They kept provoking me and treating me like an idiot!”
Since SuA was heavily engaged with Yubin and Milky Way during the confrontation, I couldn’t tell what was happening between them.
Judging from Luche’s words alone, someone must have psychologically attacked her differently than usual.
The first person who came to mind was Yura. However, I hadn’t seen any conflict between Luche and Yura during today’s confrontation.
Yura was primarily in the rear support position, so it was rare for her to clash with Luche, who was in the front lines.
Then, who provoked Luche?
“What did she say?”
Just knowing she was provoked isn’t enough; I need to understand the conversation. Now that Luche knows all the girlfriends are part of the HunterKiller team, asking what was said isn’t too difficult.
However, while asking isn’t hard, getting an answer from Luche isn’t easy either.
“Red… Red!”
It seems YuBin said something. It’s hard to imagine YuBin provoking Luche.
YuBin seemed hesitant to talk about what she said, but when she remembered the words she heard during the confrontation, she couldn’t help but burst into tears.
Crying, Luche crouched down and buried her face in her knees.
Wanting to comfort her, I approached and patted her back.
“Guh, huh, Senior. Why do you meet such a girl? She’s weird! Clearly, she’s gone mad!”
Even though I’m her boyfriend, it’s understandable that Luche would talk badly about her, and it doesn’t make me feel particularly bad.
Given my current mood, I can’t side with the HunterKillers here. So, I awkwardly smiled and patted her back without adding anything else.
Looking up at me with tears still streaming, Luche closed her eyes tightly and turned her face toward me.
“Did Red upset you?”
“Of course, she provoked me with something unrelated to the confrontation!”
I wanted to confirm what was said, but it might be better not to ask Luche directly about it now.
If I ask too specifically, she might cry more, putting me in a difficult position.
And contacting YuBin separately to ask how she provoked her seems too focused on the fact that she provoked her, making me hesitant to ask.
“Senior, should I not meet those girls?”
This is essentially saying to break up, but I can’t really blame Luche for this.
Considering that I haven’t reported to the higher-ups that I’m dating the HunterKillers, I already owe Luche a lot.
From the perspective of the team leader, it’s natural to tell me to break up if I’m dating the enemy.
To avoid hurting Luche’s feelings, I said with an embarrassed smile, and Luche, who had been looking at me with a frown, glanced away.
“…I’ll cancel what I just said.”
Thinking it was unreasonable to say to break up after hearing the provocation, she retracted her previous statement.
Though Luche was still sullen, I thought about trying to lighten her mood somehow.
“Do you want me to do anything for you?”
Previously, I acted on whatever came to mind to comfort her, but I realized that asking directly is the best method now.
Not knowing what to do at first, I asked Luche if she wanted anything. While she looked at me, she avoided eye contact. After a moment of thought, Luche’s gaze shifted to me.
Lowering my body to match her eye level, I smiled.
Making a comfortable atmosphere seemed like a good idea, so Luche looked at me intently without averting her eyes and spread her arms wide.
“Hug me.”
“Use casual speech.”
Hugging Luche, who had a sullen expression and spread her arms wide, I stroked her hair.
“Give me a compliment soon.”
“Luche, you’re so nice. You worked hard in today’s confrontation.”
While stroking her, I praised her with whatever came to mind. Satisfied with just that, Luche didn’t move while hugging me.
“…Aren’t you being too childish?”
Since learning that Luche is Ati, her behavior has strangely become more like that of a young child. Hearing that, Luche flinched and raised her head while still hugging me.
“No, I haven’t changed.”
She seemed to be emphasizing that she remains mature and unchanged.
Thinking back, Luche’s behavior hasn’t actually changed much. She often displayed a childish attitude before.
“But why did you want me to stroke you?”
I was curious why she specifically asked for a hug.
Looking at me, Luche blushed slightly and glanced away.
“…At home, won’t I do this to one of the girlfriends anyway?”
I thought about whether I would indeed comfort a girlfriend at home like this. While not 100%, it’s highly likely that such a scenario would occur.
Is there a relationship between me comforting my girlfriends and Luche wanting this?
Before I could ask, Luche released the hug and turned her chair towards the computer.
“It’s fine now.”
It seems the issue is resolved for now, so I’ll ask my questions later.
After A saluted and left the room, Luche, left alone in the silent room, clicked her tongue while looking at the monitor.
Today, Luche seemed determined to get revenge on whoever wronged her, appearing more focused on not losing to the HunterKillers in a psychological battle than winning the confrontation itself.
Her stern gaze softened, and she smiled.
“At least one win.”
Thinking of A’s comforting words coming faster than the HunterKillers’, and recalling the warmth of A’s body, she grinned as if she hadn’t cried at all.