“How should I interpret what Ria is saying?”
Everything she says is good and kind. But… why is Ria doing all this for me?
Even in the original story, Ria didn’t act this way towards Siyoon.
I wonder how it was with the Saintess.
We always fought and competed over Siyoon, but we were also close friends. Just as Ria would risk her life to protect the Saintess, the Saintess clearly relied on Ria too.
Is that influencing things now? Though to be fair, my fighting skills are nowhere near Siyoon’s level anyway.
Regardless of the reason, it felt nice that Ria said those things.
It was just… a little scary.
What if… Ria dies and I end up surviving?
“If, by any chance… If I have to sacrifice myself for the world—”
Before I could start talking about the worst-case scenario, Ria cut me off.
“If you had to die to save this world, and if the being who sent you here only did so for that purpose… well, they’d probably be an unparalleled evil deity then.”
I had nothing to say.
Because that’s one of the reasons I disliked the so-called “god” people talk about in my past life.
“If the being who sent you cared even a little about you, they’d surely have thought of a way for you to survive. Your very existence here likely means they anticipated this situation, and someone like me would have been expected too.”
Did they? Is that why I’m here?
Is my falling for Ria, and Ria being this devoted to me, all part of that being’s plan?
“It’s because I want to do it.”
Ria said.
“Not because anyone told me to or because I received some divine command.”
For some reason, it felt like she wasn’t just talking to me.
“Because I want to.”
“How about you? Do you really want to sacrifice yourself for the sake of this world? Is that why you’re doing this?”
“That’s… ”
Honestly, I don’t know. Not anymore. My thoughts feel scattered.
It’s terrifying and heavy. But at the same time, if only I can do it, I think it’s something I must do.
Because it’s a rational and logical decision. If one person’s sacrifice can save the world…
“Are you thinking right now about throwing yourself away?”
“And what would I do if that were me? If I decided to take on everything and die alone, saving the world in the process. Would you let me do that?”
“Why? Because I’m the daughter of a hero? Back then, all the heroes did that. The world today stands on the blood of those who sacrificed themselves. And since I grew up to be a hero, isn’t it fitting for me to step up?”
I couldn’t respond to Ria’s words.
There were a few counterarguments I could think of, but anything I said would just spiral into more complicated discussions, especially since I’d inevitably be brought into the equation.
I turned my gaze away from Ria and looked ahead again.
The sky, which had a faint bluish tint just moments ago, was now fully painted red with the sunset.
We silently gazed at the sunset together for quite a while when footsteps approached from behind.
Not just one person, but quite a few. The sound of clinking armor could also be heard.
“They’ve come to fetch us.”
“Seems so.”
To Ria’s calm statement, I responded equally calmly.
I had expected some measures to be taken.
But the Sister Warden overseeing us simply stared at us quietly. The priest just nodded his head with an unreadable expression.
I thought they might separate Ria and me into different rooms, but they didn’t.
It’s… exhausting.
Too much has happened today.
However, once inside the room, we quickly returned to our usual selves.
We took turns washing up, dried our hair, and quietly changed into our pajamas.
Ria lay down on her bed, and I on mine.
The winter air made the blankets feel slightly cold.
I lay there staring blankly at the ceiling for a while.
…I can’t fall asleep.
Ah, right.
Normally, Ria and I stayed awake pretty late. We usually slept around 12 midnight, but sometimes stayed up until 2 AM.
It depended on whether we were watching movies or dramas.
Why am I lying here alone in my bed? Was I feeling awkward because of today’s events?
Her arm draped over mine, holding hands, leaning on each other—none of it felt strange.
Not at all.
As the bed began to warm up, I slowly moved out.
Ria, who had been briefly looking at her phone before sleeping, glanced at me with a slightly surprised look as I approached her bed.
“I’m a little cold.”
As I crawled into her bed, Ria smiled and shifted over to make space.
“Aren’t we watching a movie tonight?”
“Do you want to?”
Ria rested her chin on my chest and fumbled around on the other side of the bed.
We could’ve just swapped places, but Ria always did this. And I let her, because I was aware of it, unlike her. Being aware is what matters.
Ria lay straight beside me, and I did the same next to her. As I held up the tablet with one hand, Ria wrapped her arm around my shoulder as usual.
Yeah, just like always.
We’re this close.
I realized it anew.
My face flushed slightly, but it wasn’t much different from usual.
Because I’ve always wanted Ria to be like this with me.
Ria picked a movie. It was an action film, but honestly, the plot didn’t register in my mind.
The strongest memory kept resurfacing: the moment our lips touched.
Ria claims I gave her my first kiss, but I lost consciousness then, so I don’t remember it at all.
This moment will probably be my first kiss that I consciously remember.
Can we do it again?
Maybe there’ll be another chance since it was an intentional act meant to cause misunderstanding.
How pathetic of me to daydream about such things even now.
Usually, I nod off before the movie ends, but tonight, I stayed awake thinking until the credits rolled.
Even after the movie ended.
Somehow, it felt like Ria didn’t sleep either.
A few days passed.
I thought the Church might try to sweep everything under the rug, but apparently, there had been significant discussions within the Church during that time.
What to do with my position. Whether Ria should continue staying with me.
“First, we won’t separate the two of you.”
The Sister Warden spoke calmly.
“And the canonization ceremony that was scheduled will be postponed.”
“No. It’s merely postponed. Though we haven’t decided when yet.”
So, Ria’s plan worked to some extent.
But it wasn’t a complete success since it wasn’t entirely canceled.
Ria didn’t seem particularly disappointed.
“By any chance, could there be consequences like breaking our vows?”
“Most likely not, I think.”
“What happens if a nun does this normally?”
“…Then the story changes, doesn’t it?”
With my question, the Sister Warden sighed deeply.
“Yes. And the ‘part where the story changes’ is exactly the problem. To keep both of you in your current positions, some things in the Church will need to change too.”
Very fundamental things.
“Perhaps we’ll have to re-examine parts we’ve ignored because they’ve become too complicated over time. There will likely be significant upheaval.”
The current upper echelons of the Church are, after all, still religious figures. Some still cling to the old religion almost entirely. They’ve only changed their “interpretation” of “God.”
Which means altering these fundamentals will take considerable time.
The Sister Warden paused, pondered for a moment, then continued.
“I used to have a religion, did I mention that?”
“Eh, no.”
Caught off guard by this sudden confession, I replied hesitantly.
“I’ve been here for quite a long time. Yes, and I’ve witnessed firsthand how people’s beliefs have evolved.”
Now that she mentions it, it sounds a bit exaggerated.
“To be honest, I doubt my faith in that aspect will change easily.”
“That’s something I think is beyond control.”
As I nodded, the Sister Warden smiled faintly.
“Yes, perhaps it is. In the past, I might have tried hard to separate you two, insisting and persuading forcefully.”
“Now, even though I don’t understand…”
The Sister Warden looked at me steadily.
“…Sister’s face looks brighter and happier than ever before. Without a single blemish.”
Instinctively, I touched my face, and the Sister Warden stood up with a gentle smile.
“In that case, maybe that’s enough.”
Ah, I see.
The Sister Warden has observed me throughout my time here. She’s the one who suffered the most headaches whenever I got into trouble.
“Perhaps it’s time for me to reconsider my beliefs once again.”
With that, the Sister Warden left.
I sat there dazed for a while before glancing at Ria.
Ria was grinning mischievously at me, so I quickly stood up and turned away.
And hurriedly moved as if escaping.
Ria rose from her seat and followed closely behind me, as she always had since we met.
This chapter isn’t translated. Sadge.