The heart turned cold.
The Mage took a bolt to the back and fell.
Jeong Yusin turned his head to look at Dito.
Dito was still trembling in the corner, holding his crossbow.
Friendly fire.
‘First things first, emergency treatment.’
It was more important to heal the Mage first than to shake the clueless Nuum by the collar. If the party’s firepower goes down like this, it would be hard to survive the next battle.
An enraged roar echoed beyond the ice wall.
Jeong Yusin approached Carlton and tore his robe. The Mage was wearing a thin chainmail beneath his robe. The bolt pierced through the chainmail and was lodged in his backplate.
Dell approached beside Jeong Yusin.
“How’s the Einhofer?”
“Fine. Just a minor scratch to the neck.”
Dell sighed after checking the wound.
“This is one of Dito’s works. Damn it, I should’ve known better than to bring him.”
“Is the Fear brand really that severe?”
“It’s one of the brands that an Explorer must not get. If it happens, it should either be erased at the Temple or the person must retire.”
Dell’s answer made Jeong Yusin silently scold himself.
“Can you heal him?”
“Yeah. It’ll take some time though.”
“Is there anything I can help with?”
“If you see any decent arrows, bring them. We’re running short.”
Dell pointed at the scattered Goblin corpses nearby.
Jeong Yusin stood up and approached the Goblin corpses, pulling out the arrows.
Most of the arrows were lodged in the eyes, neck, or heart.
While pulling them out efficiently, Ainhover approached. His neck was tightly bandaged.
“I’ll help.”
They wandered among the Goblin corpses, collecting arrows.
Just as they were about to hand over the collected arrows to Dell…
The ice wall shook with a loud noise.
Everyone’s eyes turned to the ice wall.
A Goblin, three times the size of a Hobgoblin, stood there.
“…Hobgoblin Warrior!!”
Dell’s voice trembled.
The Hobgoblin Warrior struck the ice wall again.
A crack appeared on the ice wall.
“How is a creature from the 4th or 5th floor here?!!”
Dell grabbed his head in despair.
“Calm down. You amateur.”
The awakened Carlton spoke. Although he was still lying on the ground, his voice was clear.
“Carlton! Can you use any magic?!”
“Hardly. My magic circuits are messed up. Got hit by the bolt while casting. Amateur.”
Dell exhaled a desperate groan.
The low-health Dwarf.
The panicked Nuum, who struck his allies out of fear.
The injured Mage who couldn’t move.
Dell was the best among them. Even he was only a step away from panicking.
Dreadful situation.
‘This is really bad. Shit.’
No matter how unexpected this situation was, it was hard to believe they were Intermediate Explorers.
While Jeong Yusin was lost in thought, he slapped himself across the cheek.
‘Shut up. Don’t blame others. Focus on what needs to be done.’
What he could do. What he must do.
‘Think. Think!’
He looked around.
Ice shards from the wall scattered. It looked like it would break soon.
“Barbaroy. Amateur.”
Carlton called Jeong Yusin.
“Check my bag. There should be a scroll. Amateur.”
Jeong Yusin searched Carlton’s bag and soon found it.
There was a tightly rolled parchment sealed with a red insignia.
“What is this?”
Carlton chuckled.
“It’s a divine magic I happened to obtain while traveling in the west of the continent. Not really powerful, but if the Hobgoblins gather, use it. Then escape.”
“Why do we need to flee?”
“The Hobgoblin Warrior cannot be defeated. You might do some damage, but that’s all. Amateur.”
“If we can kill the remaining Hobgoblins and only deal with the Warrior, we might survive.”
Jeong Yusin’s calm words left Carlton speechless.
“The Hobgoblin Warrior is an elite-grade monster notorious in the 4th and 5th floors!! It cannot be confronted by a mere beginner Explorer!”
Dell screamed, completely in panic.
“You’re an Intermediate Explorer, right?”
Inexplicably, the casual language slipped out.
“Dell is in the rear. He may not be the most experienced forward Explorer, but give him some understanding. Amateur.”
Carlton interjected.
The ice wall trembled. The crack spread wide, and it seemed one more hit would shatter it completely.
Jeong Yusin picked up the scroll.
“Should I use it when there are as many Hobgoblins as possible?”
“That’s correct. Just break the seal. Amateur.”
Jeong Yusin turned his body and stood at the center of the entrance.
Ainhover joined him, clutching a broken axe.
“Protect Dell and Carlton.”
Ainhover accepted Jeong Yusin’s command and stepped back.
Carlton’s Light magic was fading away gradually.
The resting area was slowly enveloped in darkness.
As the magical light disappeared, only the torch in the center glowed silently.
From beyond the ice wall came the sound.
The ominous laughter of the monster, convinced of its victory.
The fierce cries filled with malice, promising to rip them to shreds.
The ice wall shattered, scattering fragments everywhere.
A large Goblin stepped into the resting area. In one hand, he gripped a massive club.
As the Hobgoblin Warrior entered, dozens of Goblins flooded in behind him.
Dozens of Hobgoblins rushed in, foaming at the mouth and charging with wild madness.
Jeong Yusin didn’t flinch.
“Do it! Use the scroll!”
Dell shouted from behind.
He ignored it; the advice of a main damage dealer does not need to be followed.
The Hobgoblins came close. Their gleaming eyes and distorted mouths were clearly visible.
Dell’s desperate cry echoed through the resting area.
Jeong Yusin tore away the seal. The unfurled parchment started glowing brightly.
[Solar Strike]
The sound of the magical incantation echoed in his mind.
The resting area was momentarily filled with an intense light of the sun. All sound ceased.
The enormous amount of light completely outshone the Light spell Carlton had cast, causing Jeong Yusin to temporarily close his eyes.
When the light faded, so did the sounds of the Hobgoblins.
Opening his eyes, he saw dozens of Hobgoblin corpses lying charred and flattened on the ground.
But one remained.
The Hobgoblin Warrior was shielding his face with his crossed arms. Steam was rising from his body, indicating that he was far from unscathed.
This was his chance.
He discarded the scroll, drew his Aming Sword, and charged.
The Hobgoblin Warrior lowered his crossed arms and locked eyes with the charging Jeong Yusin.
With a powerful shout, he swung his massive club.
Jeong Yusin ducked to avoid it.
A heavy sound passed above his head.
‘The ankle!’
He swung his sword. Blood splattered, and a scream echoed.
‘The knee!’
He drove his sword into the knee and twisted it. The Hobgoblin Warrior lost balance and staggered.
A club aimed at cleaving his head came crashing down.
Jeong Yusin dropped his sword and rolled to the side.
The ground shook. The scorched Goblin corpses scattered into pieces, some getting thrown into his helmet.
The hot fragments that slipped into his helmet caused him to close his eyes.
So, he didn’t see the club swung by the Hobgoblin Warrior.
The massive club struck Jeong Yusin’s body.
Jeong Yusin flew through the air and slammed into the wall.
Dell fired an arrow. It struck the Hobgoblin Warrior but not deeply, as his arm was already exhausted from firing dozens more arrows. The Hobgoblin Warrior casually pulled out the arrow, held it in his hand, and snapped it.
Ainhover charged in with a half-broken axe.
The one-edged axe slashed through the air, cutting into the Hobgoblin Warrior’s arm. Blood splattered, and the arm, now half-severed, hung loosely.
The Hobgoblin Warrior screamed in pain.
With a convulsive swing of his club, Ainhover was struck and fell. The one-edged axe flew through the air and clattered to the ground.
With another roar of rage, the Hobgoblin Warrior swung his club again.
Ainhover’s helmet was crushed. Blood seeped out from the cracks in the helmet.
Dell screamed and frantically began firing arrows, but the massive Goblin paid no attention.
In the end, Dell charged in with a dagger.
Struck by the club, Dell’s arm twisted unnaturally as he flew and crashed his head against the wall, collapsing.
Unable to contain himself, Dito finally charged towards the entrance of the resting area. The Hobgoblin Warrior swung his club, but it missed Dito, whose body vanished into the darkness beyond the resting area.
The Goblin Warrior growled angrily but didn’t pursue. Instead, he turned around and locked eyes with Carlton.
The old Mage was panting heavily.
‘Is this where it ends?’
He thought, considering how far such a dishonorable brand had brought him.
He only hoped to cross to the afterlife with a single strike of the club.
A rustling sound came from a corner of the resting area.
“Damn you.”
The heads of the Goblin and Carlton simultaneously turned.
Carlton’s eyes widened.
“…Scath. Amateur.”
Jeong Yusin threw his crushed helmet and brushed his blood-soaked hair back.
It felt like every bone in his body was crushed.
He stood nonetheless.
He had to—because lying down meant death.
On the ground, the broken one-edged axe and a dagger discarded by Dito could be seen.
For some reason, the dagger looked familiar. He picked both weapons up.
Holding the dagger reverse-grip with one hand and slinging the axe over his shoulder, he staggered toward the Hobgoblin Warrior.
Jeong Yusin’s eyes blazed red under the torchlight.
The Hobgoblin Warrior roared and swung his club.
Jeong Yusin ducked under it and plunged the dagger into the Hobgoblin’s abdomen.
The Hobgoblin Warrior writhed. Not stopping there, Jeong Yusin swung the axe.
The Hobgoblin’s hanging arm was severed, spurting blood.
Struck by a convulsive swing of the club, Jeong Yusin rolled on the ground. The arm holding the dagger snapped, hanging lifelessly.
The pain was excruciating, but he clenched his teeth and stood up again.
The Hobgoblin Warrior charged forth and swung his club wildly.
Even with his broken arm, Jeong Yusin evaded by rolling and dashing around like a madman.
And whenever he found an opening, he swung the axe like a fiend.
Blood splattered, and screams and shouts echoed.
Instinctively, he understood. The axe wasn’t enough. He needed a decisive weapon.
The thought flashed through his mind.
Sacred Weapon.
But creating it took time.
And using it once would exhaust his body to the point of immobility, as an added bonus.
‘I have to! If I don’t, I die.’
He steeled his resolve. This was his only chance.
Seeing Jeong Yusin motionless, the Hobgoblin Warrior grinned wickedly and held his club high, assuming Jeong was too exhausted to move.
The club tore through the air.
At that moment, Jeong Yusin threw his axe. It collided with the club, altering its trajectory. Seizing this opportunity, Jeong Yusin dove into the Hobgoblin’s embrace.
A life-or-death situation.
The mana scattered throughout his body instantly converged to his hand.
The completed Sacred Weapon, a blade of light, pierced through the Hobgoblin Warrior’s throat, ravaging his brain.
With a final gasp, the Hobgoblin Warrior collapsed.
Instant death.
Jeong Yusin tumbled on the ground and lay there panting heavily.
He did it. And he won.
“Huff. Huff. That little bugger. Such a troll. Phew!”
Blood rose in his throat, which he spat out.
Strangely, he felt relieved.
He didn’t know if he would survive in the Great Labyrinth’s second floor, but for now, he had won.
In his fading consciousness, Jeong Yusin looked at Carlton.
“Are you alright? Amateur?”
“Don’t keep calling me an amateur.”
“Sorry bout that. Amateur.”
“I’ll rest for a bit.”
“Alright. Amateur.”
Disturbances from beyond the resting area entrance could be heard.
“Over here!!”
“Hurry and gather the others!”
Whoever it might be, was arriving?
He couldn’t tell. Jeong Yusin’s eyes slowly closed, and darkness enveloped him.