[HyeBam Returns After a Month, Haha!]
What do you mean by six months of reflection? A month is enough.
– Aren’t you worried about public opinion? How shameless.
ㄴ??? This person didn’t actually do anything wrong, but do you know the facts? Haha!
ㄴYudong is science, right?
ㄴIt was a bit excessive to bury her just because she was in collabs with “those members” a couple of times. Haha!
ㄴFact: The people here buried her harder than anyone else.
– You got hurt from collabs, and your first return stream is another collab?
ㄴIt’s a mental state hardened by countless buffaloes.
[If HyeBam calculates her return, then Pordo and Imyr will be coming soon too?]
I’m not sure about Imyr, but Pordo, maybe. Haha!
– Honestly, Pordo has been way too close with BebeGood.
ㄴUgh, Ugh, Homuri.
ㄴPlease refrain from using forbidden words.
“Alright, public opinion is looking good.”
Shia was checking various communities, examining the opinions about the broadcast return announcement.
At that time, swept up in the burying public opinion, she couldn’t sleep properly out of injustice, but for a month she had been able to focus on her main job as a college student without stress, which was also a relief.
Since it had been a while since she had streamed, she made ample preparations.
Although it hadn’t been three years since Shia started broadcasting, she became well-known after appearing on “Documentary for 4 Days.”
Perhaps she gained more fame than the true protagonist of “Documentary for 4 Days” (Legacy of Legends edition), the pro-gamer “Retro,” because she is the only existing female celestial rank player.
Because of her avatar and voice modulation program, it was unclear whether she was male or female, but on Twish’s streams, she confirmed her gender more distinctly than anyone else.
Just in case, she reviewed the comments again for any strange reactions.
[This is HyeBam the Twish streamer. To celebrate my return, I’m planning a surprise collab with someone amazing.]
– Is it BebeGood?
ㄴThat one is currently in prison.
ㄴDo you have to sneak in here and cause trouble?
– Considering it’s a return broadcast and a collab, it’s too exciting!
– If the broadcast is late again today, I’ll come find you and pull your ponytail to make it twin tails.
ㄴMore scary than saying you’ll find me with a knife, haha!
“Are you ready? Shall we start the broadcast?”
“Do I really have to wear this?”
The cat ear headband was exceedingly cumbersome.
However, since this bizarre headband was the voice-sharing mic for the collab, she couldn’t just toss it away saying she didn’t want to wear it.
“It’s cute! It’s fine; you won’t even notice it while gaming. The broadcast starts in 5 seconds.”
The countdown begins.
If asked whether she was nervous, she would say yes. Very much so.
From the start, she didn’t like standing in front of people.
Her relationships were always narrow and deep.
One might question whether they were truly deep now, but they were certainly narrow.
In Shia’s waiting room, decorated with posters and wallpaper in various colors, the lights burst on.
[Streaming Starting: 0:00:01 – HyeBam]
“Bamhah~ Annyeong annyeong!”
– Bamhah
– Bamhah, bamhah, bamhah, bamhah, bamhah!
– Bamhah
– Why are you so awkward, haha? Is it because it’s been a while?
– Welcome back!
– Bamhah!
Only Shia was captured on camera for now.
She skillfully adjusted the camera angles and lighting, displaying the traits of a professional broadcaster.
“It’s been so long since I last streamed, I’m nervous! During this month-long break… I mean, reflection period, I was so bored I thought I’d die.”
[‘TofuHanmo’ has donated 10,000 won!]
– Here, have some tofu.
“Thank you, TofuHanmo! Well, I was safely released. That happened!”
– Is there someone who voluntarily goes to prison?
– Hahaha!
– Where did you go on vacation?
“What kind of place would a loner like me go? At first, I tried to review my school classes, but I quit and just played ranked solo queue during the preseason.”
[‘Delete’ has donated 50,000 won!]
– You don’t need to explain, we all know what happened, haha! Congrats on your return, HyeBam!
“It feels a bit off when you say it like that, Delete. Is there no affection? Anyway, thank you for the 50,000.”
– This person plays ranked games for ten matches a day, I’m sure of it.
– I won’t say anything to you, so just go outside…
– Go wash up too.
– Clean your room as well.
– Don’t just order takeout.
“I can handle it myself! And I wash up every day! What are you, my mom?”
Even in a short span of time, her emotions shifted frequently. Is this what a real-time compression broadcast is like?
Shia also received various sponsorships while greeting viewers.
She organized the situation roughly and readjusted the screen’s ratio. The camera pulled back, making the screen feel emptier than before.
“Okay, as announced, I’d like to introduce today’s collab content. The reason I didn’t inform you of the collab partner and what we’d be doing today? There’s always a reason behind it. It’s a surprise prepared properly.”
[‘RevRanto’ has donated 2,000 won!]
– For someone who’s never mentioned it, you hurriedly wrote an announcement this morning, didn’t you? Isn’t this a sudden collab?
“There is some truth to that, but the concept has actually been in the works for several years, so I can’t say it’s incorrect.”
– What are you talking about? Haha!
– Bamsori ON.
– Caught already? The stench of failure is rising, isn’t it?
“So, before I introduce the subject, today’s content, or rather this week’s content, has been decided to be solo queue climbing, coinciding with today’s new season opening, bang bang bang.”
– Isn’t this just the usual thing?
– Are we headed to the abyss?
“But! It’s boring if we just play! From this season on, we’ll try out the revived solo queue duo. Originally, it was removed due to fairness issues, but now it seems it was reintroduced because it was deemed lacking in fun?”
Shia’s lips curled up in a smile as she showed her last season rank from the game info window.
“Do you see it? The difference in rank between you and me?”
[HyejiMyeonBam is Challenger / Ladder Ranking 186 / Top 0.00239%]
“So, the person I’ll be dueling with this time is this person. I won’t just reveal it for fun, so I’ll show the stats first.”
[■■■■■■ Bronze III / Ladder Ranking 6,880,996 / Top 88.71%]
She deliberately hid the nickname. It was her strategy to keep viewers guessing until the game started since the avatar alone couldn’t distinguish many users worldwide.
“Alright, please come out!”
As Shia beckoned, I stepped beside her. The view count indicator behind the camera surpassed 3,000.
– Who are you…?
– Your avatar is really kawaii.
– Nice to meet you.
The reactions were lukewarm. After all, Shia’s inadequate explanation and my avatar weren’t particularly special for a girl.
The viewers were shooting question mark hooks non-stop.
“This person is actually, actually, actually, really really famous in the League of Legends community, you know? However, this is my first time talking to them today, so we decided to take some time to get to know each other during this collab.”
– Famous, but not sure who they are (an actual remark).
– Didn’t you just bring someone random?
– To summarize, this is a duo content of Bronze and Challenger in solo queue, right?
After that, she introduced the usual donation conditions for tier achievements commonly used on the Twish platform.
However, for this time, she modified the condition as follows.
“How about setting a mission to reach Master within a week? I’m not sure how skilled this person is, but I believe they won’t be terrible.”
[Mission – Reach Master within 70 games]
It’s a term used to refer to someone who has mastered something.
A Swordmaster is one example.
However, in modern times, there are too many masters. Their fame has diminished accordingly.
When looking at League of Legends overall, their numbers are estimated to be around 10,000, but proportionately, they were not the kind of individuals one would encounter often.
Perhaps that’s why the viewers were cold.
No matter how much of a Challenger they are, bringing a Bronze player to Master was a tall order.
However, just as narratives breaking such facts tend to be more touching, the viewers wagered their stakes on the mission set by Shia.
You surely will not succeed, but if you do, you’ll have shown me something far more valuable than the money I wagered.
[An invitation has been sent.]
[Solo Rank Season 2051]
[NoName has joined.]
“How’s it going? You thought I would fail? Are you all sure?”
The six letters of my nickname now displayed above my avatar.
Now it had become my name.
“Hello. Once again, I look forward to working with you. This is NoName.”
Time to reveal myself to the world.