“Then, where do you plan to head next? To Heylong? Or perhaps Exatech, which you find more convenient to deal with?”
“…Stop making assumptions.”
“When you declared that you would be operating out of Neo Haven before, I should’ve anticipated your intentions and already secured Lagus. My apologies for troubling you due to my lack of preparation.”
Surely Asha wouldn’t blatantly attempt recruitment, but Lagus Angellus was a rather rigid mid-level manager. There’s a possibility that he could bypass intermediate reports and make direct contact with the chairman—a potential bombshell.
Since we’ve been postponing the inevitable decision, it might now force a premature choice.
That’s why, in haste, a leash was put on earlier. This was more of a command to remain silent and not act on personal whims, as this wasn’t something to be judged so lightly.
“But, my lord Asha. While it’s good for you to move directly and occasionally give subtle hints, there are times when allowing subordinates to take initiative is necessary too.”
The诱导 of a serpent.
At Aron’s subtle coaxing, as though this was an inevitable and unavoidable choice, Anastasia’s face stiffened seriously.
Or rather, it was more accurate to say her brows were furrowed.
Though her judgment and self-interest were intertwined in her calculations, there were glimpses of objective truth that troubled her, especially concerning her actions and motives so far.
Had she ever truly met someone with pure intentions, without any ulterior motives or expectations?
Despite her insistence that it was all coincidence or necessity, hadn’t she subtly manipulated and deceived important figures to bring them into her fold for future considerations?
Mr. Schneider had already repaid her many times over for past favors.
As for the reckless mercenary trio she met earlier? She deemed them a potentially good connection after noticing their names in a wanted list, calculating their future value.
What about Helena somewhere in the city? She had professed her importance, but due to precautions regarding the Paradis bounty and butterfly effects, she couldn’t contact Helena easily.
The Five Eyes’ LeeInJo was a clear political favor for future benefits.
Even with Show… hadn’t she toyed with his heart, not to mention she was toyed with as well?
There’s a saying: when there’s smoke, there’s fire. Perhaps she attracted these labels because of her calculated approach to matters.
The sinking of emotions led to a lack of confidence. The stagnation of momentum resulted in a loss of self—a vicious chain and swamp.
While it was natural for feelings of guilt to arise when one acted with pure intentions, the revelation that her actions were merely a pretense, akin to covering mud-filled eyes, was a shocking blow.
Despite the comedy of it all…
Though Aron ignited the fuse himself, he began losing his smirk, seemingly dissatisfied with the results.
He never believed that he was entirely wrong, based on the shallow notion that strong denial equates to affirmation.
His fluency in manipulating human emotions led him to believe Anastasia Valentine was a fully-fledged leader from the heavens.
But did he overlook the fact that she was still a bud, not ready to bloom? Had he forced open the petals prematurely, like biting into an unripe fruit or uncorking an unripe wine?
It was certainly too hasty.
No matter how talented someone was, if you suddenly intervene while they instinctively build foundations and drafts, demanding an instant result will hardly inspire an artist positively.
However, regret is always late, and words once spoken can’t be taken back. One should indeed speak cautiously.
Aaron was mocking himself as the damaged relationship dynamics and the contract needed to be reconsidered.
“…Well, fortunately. So, if you’re done spouting all your opinions, won’t you listen to my story quietly?”
Having completed her self-evaluation faster than anyone, Anastasia directed a sizzling glare at Aron, who rarely sounded so bewildered.
The strategic partnership between the influential Aron and Anastasia, a mere hacker.
She initially viewed this as the opening of a negotiating table, or perhaps an emergency hotline.
They formed a relationship based on equal exchange, like unethical business dealings.
In this case, Aron, seemingly ready to offer everything, might cover her down payment of 1.2 billion won or even arrange a penthouse in a hilly area.
But what was the price he demanded in return? Was it becoming an assassin against her will? Even worse, some terribly unethical tasks?
Was she being asked to join and dance to the tune of some secret organization’s whims? How much of her will was mixed into such activities?
This wasn’t like mercenary work. She didn’t become a properly registered mercenary hacker just to stay in the dark alleys. She registered to experience the life of a leading character, comparing it to her past game life to make better decisions.
If it became some kind of puppet play, how much of her sincerity would be reflected, and where would her belief in living without regret go?
Above all, she always wanted to face reality to the best of her ability.
When time passes, and one is complacent, declaring “I’ve been a materialist” or “I’ve been garbage” is nothing but baseless hypocrisy.
So if there’s even a chance in ten thousand for adolescent-like role-playing games, she’ll only participate if absolutely necessary.
Not riding his encouragement, but taking the lead herself!
Suddenly kicking her chair, it toppled backward and rolled across the living room floor.
Though the girl wasn’t particularly tall, standing assertively, somehow Aron, sitting across from her, felt her towering over him like a giant.
“If it’s your hobby to investigate me, observe human nature, or pursue pure academic curiosity, then you should know this by now: If you want me to do something, ask directly, not subtly manipulating me. If you can’t even do that, you should quit and leave now.”
Her delicate finger jabbed his chest, the pale glow of her lips and skin now flushed with rising heat.
Moreover, she paused mid-sentence.
It was clear her breath quickened with every word, her voice raised emphatically, but to Aron, her intent was crystal clear.
The interplay of light and shadow in Anastasia’s eyes.
Yes, those eyes, discontent with anything worldly, yearning only for the boundlessly deep and dark future.
He’d been bewitched by this fiery glow, embarking on a seemingly never-ending journey after an illusory allure.
“I don’t know exactly what you did back in Harvest Planet, but I’ll ensure you’ll see plenty of interesting spectacles. So understand this: just keep following quietly, and don’t confuse me with strange proposals or suggestions!”
While he couldn’t catch the dissipating smoke, it was possible to reignite fading interest with a few well-chosen words.
From his mouth, stretched wide like a cornered animal, came a hollow laugh.
What thrilling events would happen in the future? Or rather, what exciting adventures would she bring?
Her confident boasts, charged with certainty about future revelations, were enough to satisfy Aron Drayfuscus. What they represented wasn’t just brilliance but a self-fulfilling prophecy, an essence of prescience unexplainable by mere intelligence.
But his laughter also carried a sense of admiration for Anastasia’s slight immaturity, finding her endearing and delightful.
When would she realize that individuals form groups, and when groups follow a leader blindly, they form a society? Judging by her current demeanor, she might ignore any other paths until they’re all closed off.
‘…And yet…’
That might be interesting itself. The thought sparked anticipation.
The knights opening their hearts to expose their hearts, the queen who can’t help but accept them—such masterpieces were rare even in ancient relics.
However, time had grown late. After being sharply admonished, there was no real excuse to linger, and it was genuinely time to leave.
It was appropriate to retreat with a humble apology.
“…I apologize. For overstepping and betraying Asha-sama’s trust this time… I’ll surely make it up in some form… What? Why would you say I broke your trust?”
Another crack appeared in Aron’s carefully maintained poker face.
Though at first glance it seemed like a delayed mockery, it was earnest, clearly questioning her unexpected reasoning.
But her response was simple and clear.
“Aaron Drayfuscus doesn’t walk into disadvantageous situations willingly, right? I’ve always trusted that aspect. So, I’ve given it serious thought.”
The obvious implication that if he weren’t trusted in his abilities, she wouldn’t have listened in the first place, caused him to deeply concede.
Ah, indeed, this was a loss. I can’t win against this.
While candy might appease an angry child, offering apologies or compensation to her would be disrespectful.
Quickly swallowing his previous boasts, he resumed cheerful ‘advice’ as if nothing happened.
“Nevertheless, with Asha’s charisma, a flat organizational structure might be more beneficial than a vertical hierarchy to prevent unnecessary competition. By the way, if you plan to assign a codename for internal use, I humbly request not ‘Servant.'”
“Get. Out!!”
It was appropriate for his behavior to result in a reprimand from the prospective landlord.
And then, as Aron laughed joyfully and scurried off, the loyal Carebot tried to console the fuming owner…
“…Why don’t you bestow such honor on me instead…”
“No! No way!! No!! Oh my gosh!!!”
Thus, his attempt was not particularly helpful after all… or so it seemed.