– Look closely. And burn it into your mind.
– This is the one who ruined your life. The one who caused all this trouble. Watch everything, but show no pity.
– Everyone has their own circumstances. You have yours, and the suffering you’ve endured… Don’t overlook the hardships your people faced. Of course, since you care more for others than yourself, I don’t have to worry about that.
Woo-yong Jin’s spirit tapped me on the back. Taking his advice to heart, I once again submerged myself into the memories of the vessel.
“Kuh, kuhuhuhuhuh… damn it.”
The first word uttered by the vessel was a coarse profanity.
“Damn it, so, I’ve been vessel-ed, sure, but why the hell was it in this ‘Extinguishing Martial Skills’ situation…? This is messed up.”
Among countless novels, my story belonged to the most unfortunate ones. The world itself was cloaked in darkness.
The vessel seemed despairing of this fact. After a long while of lamenting while bashing his head against the wall, he sighed and began assessing the situation.
The vessel had a strong will to live. He couldn’t afford to act recklessly here—death might lead to eternal annihilation.
As the vessel examined the martial techniques to determine the point of his vessel-hood, a man entered the room where the vessel had been resting.
A sharp blade-like figure stood there. His sinister sword gleamed coldly, exuding a chilly aura.
“I came to check on you because you hadn’t appeared by meal time. Luckily, it seems you’re fine. Come out quickly.”
“Yes, yes!”
The blade-sharp intent was almost palpable, as if he could cut me down in a moment. Just being in the same space made it hard for the vessel to breathe.
At this moment, I understood. I was someone like this, someone my family might have been intimidated by.
At the same time, I regret it a little. Despite the necessity to sever emotional ties during this period, if only I had been a bit kinder back then, if only I had built trust with Su-a Namgung instead of walls.
Would the consequences have changed even if the vessel had slandered me?
The world’s criticism didn’t bother me much. At my lowest point, I reacted sensitively to every insult, but it was because my inner support had completely crumbled.
What truly pained me was Namgung Su-a’s resentment. To have the person I’d devoted my life to turn their back on me was an unbearable pain.
If only I had reached out to my daughter a little more, our relationship might not have crumbled so easily.
Of course, at this point, it’s meaningless regret. Since Yu Soeun has already uncovered the truth, I have no way to keep her away. If she suffers as she did when I wasn’t around, that would be the most horrific tragedy.
I must console the wounded Soeun, but a child cannot follow without the mother. Therefore, it’s inevitable that a reunion with Namgung Su-a will occur.
It pains me that I can’t sincerely love Soeun with true affection, but it’s alright. Acting will suffice. I’ll act to ensure she feels sufficiently loved. I’ll give it my all.
My past self left the room. Staring at the newly vacated spot, the vessel muttered excitedly.
“Crazy… is that Cheolbin? He looks exactly like his illustration. Wait… so does that mean… me?”
The vessel staggered to a mirror. On seeing his reflection, he let out a silent sigh.
“Damn… how could I be vessel-ed into the most useless guy ever…? This is beyond ridiculous.”
Obese, wobbling fat, small eyes.
At least, his clean channels compensated slightly for his disproportionate body though he’d achieved success in qi cultivation. But in this despair-inducing novel world, mere Nine Dragons-level martial arts are useless.
“The easiest survival route is to stick with the Blood Cult, but… alas. There’s Cheolbin.”
The vessel silently stared at the spot I had vacated. His icy blue eyes shimmered quietly.
“Looking at how pathetic Cheolbin has been, this isn’t the first loop. And from how I was used to my own appearance but ignored when Cheolbin sweated… it seems I’m familiar too. Damn, could I also be caught in this loop?”
True. Although the first loop memory is somewhat blurred, I sensed the differences at the start. The vessel must have been vessel-ed into ‘Extinguishing Martial Skills’ early on and spent thousands of loops with me ever since.
“Even if I were to stick with the Blood Cult or Demon Sect, things might be fine temporarily, but if Cheolbin rewinds time, it’s like Thanos snapping his fingers. Hell, the looped Cheolbin would probably kill me first. The Demon Lord at the end of the story would annihilate everyone anyway, so it’s practically meaningless.”
The container’s thoughts raced on. Apart from me and the Heavenly Lord, he’s the only one who knows the future of the world—omniscient with absolute knowledge.
Although the vessel wasn’t wise, he was sharp. He was adept at schemes and manipulating people, which was also related to his ‘profession’ in the original world.
“Cultivating martial arts wouldn’t help Cheolbin anyway… so let’s focus on the military aspect. By becoming the martial arts alliance’s strategist and aiding Cheolbin, I can intervene deeply in all sectors and gain the position to command the army.”
The vessel organized his troubled mind and made the most efficient judgment he could. The next ten years unfolded as I remembered.
From the backlines of the war, he orchestrated everything. As ‘Namgung Bin’ remembered from thousands of loops, he applied tactical discussions I had with other novel readers during analysis sessions and distinguished who to execute.
I served as his blade, and he as my mind.
The vessel respected my opinions as much as possible. I used to think it was because he trusted me, but now I understand—it was purely personal calculation.
Although the vessel wasn’t morally pure, he didn’t cross lines either. Instead of the adulterous tendencies he had in his previous life, he visited brothels to relieve stress, being careful not to offend me.
Thus, he became an impeccable strategist for the righteous martial arts alliance.
However, when the ten years of war ended—more precisely, when the affair between me and the Heavenly Lord wrapped up—he changed.
More accurately, his purpose changed.
“General Taiyang.”
“In this world, referred to as ‘Heaven’ or ‘Supreme Lord’.”
The one who vessel-ed him into this world.
The one who granted me the power of regression.
The ‘someone’ the Buddha spoke of when recording history in the heavens.
The author.
“Thanks to you, the reaction to the sequel is amazing.”
“Our lovely Cheolbin and the scheming strategist that assists him… gained unexpected popularity. Thanks to you, I’ve even hit the daily rankings #1 for the first time in my career!”
An old man dressed in white, with a long white beard, approached the vessel.
He resembled the ‘Heavenly Lord.’ The long beard, his attire, and hairstyle—it even struck me that maybe the ‘Heaven’ of Heavenly Lord was influenced by the author.
Strictly speaking, this author is a person I should be grateful to.
Without him, I wouldn’t have regressed, nor would I have managed to save everyone in the end. As everyone knows,
Because he blessed me with this… precious regression ability, which might sound cursed. He is a benefactor, albeit a painful one.
Though the process in between was unbearably arduous, whatever. I alone am suited to shoulder everything with the perfect power of regression.
The vessel’s ‘happy ending’… in a sense, I think it was achieved. The thousands of tragedies remain only in my and the Heavenly Lord’s minds. The dear ones who know nothing should simply live happily, ignorant of it all.
Could there be a better conclusion?
One question that came to mind was the Heavenly Lord’s remark in a past loop about “losing to me.” Exactly, why did they conflict, and how did I win?
I’ll find out from the Heavenly Lord later.
“So why should I be dragged into your writing amusement?”
“Because I supported you.”
“Be responsible for the comments you made.”
“Y-you, this crazy bastard…!”
On the other hand, the vessel’s thoughts differed somewhat from mine. He was angry that the suffering and harm he endured was all for the author’s writing.
I understand. He and I are in different positions. This world is truly a ‘world’ to me, but to him, it’s ‘inside a novel.’ He has no duty to save the novel’s world.
Ultimately, unable to suppress his anger, the vessel attacked the author.
The results were miserable.
“You wouldn’t be able to return if you persist in this negativity.”
“…!! Y-you bastar…!”
“If you so despise the martial world, then see how long you can survive till death.”
After the sequel, which I assume was the follow-up to ’99 Ways to Save the Doomed Martial Arts World’, ended, the vessel whom I had pulled back from the Heavenly Lord, encountered the author.
After attacking the author presumptuously, the vessel was sentenced to a punishment where he could not return until death.
“…A non-main character like you.”
Afterward, it was a continuous stream of distasteful ideas.
The vessel only thought about ways to avenge the author. Since brute force was impossible, after much deliberation, he decided to ruin the book’s ending and drive away the readers.
With the knowledge of the author’s joy in rising viewership, the vessel devised a plan to kidnap my wife, Soeun Yu, starting with changing his own body.
I poured in all my collected Kong Qing petroleum (Cobalt Petroleum) into the decapitated corpse of the blood demon.
While reviving the dead like in the Life Revival technique is impossible, at least we can mimic it.
My first target was to master the Blood Skills, alongside learning martial arts to conceal my energy. For the purpose of body transformation known as Reversing Heaven, mastering Blood Skills was essential.
“Ckhaack! You, you bastard, Sword Sage!”
“Calm yourself. I am not the Sword Sage.”
“Eh? Wait a moment. I was clearly beheaded by the Sword Sage—how am I still alive…”
“Don’t talk too much either. Your neck hasn’t fully healed yet.”
“Oh? Seeing my body from a third-person perspective is rather fascinating, and even more so without a head.”
The vessel, accepting the power and wealth I offered without suspicion, plotted against me sinisterly. To separate me from my wife. He succeeded, and the relationship between Soeun and me grew cold.
Using all sorts of means, the vessel gradually brought about my downfall. Secretly assassinating those like Cheolyang who trusted me… In just three years, in this loop, my decade of achievements was completely ruined. And not long after, I was expelled from the Namgung family.
The vessel’s plan began to go awry from there.
Invoking the Blood Demon, Hong Ryun, only to get countered, losing his ear in the process. An alliance with the Heavenly Lord was somewhat successful, but still interfered with by Hong Ryun.
“You should appreciate that I even spared your life. Were I not cultivating humaneness in preparation to re-unite with my nemesis, and if I hadn’t abstained from killing, your pig-like neck would have been chopped off immediately.”
“Not po-ossiblyyyyyyyyy!!”
An ultimate punishment that ultimately overturned the vessel’s plans—arguably harsher than death.
Now I understand. Hong Ryun visited me while I was in the Celestial Demon Valley when the vessel and the Heavenly Lord were involved.
Thank heavens for her. If she hadn’t, the vessel, sensing the impending danger, might have crossed the line he must never exceed. If that happened, how I might have acted, even I can’t predict.
Thereafter, after I returned from the Celestial Demon Valley, the trial began. Everything unfolded just as I expected, exactly as Jin Woo-yong had hinted to me.
“Bring forth the leg irons!”
As Po Ching-t’ien’s cry sounded, the vessel’s memories ended. The conclusion was distressingly close.
The vessel in front of me spoke, using the body of my younger brother.
“I understand your situation.”
“…Kuh ku ku, it’s all over.”
“Yes, it’s all over.”
People are watching, hoping I will swiftly execute him.
“Do you feel wronged?”
“I don’t feel wronged, only rage.”
“Yes, I would have felt the same. I sympathize with you.”
The vessel’s eyebrows twitched. I spoke quietly.
“You were a victim as well.”
“…Thank you for understanding.”
“Trapped in a world without cause. Forgoing an unwanted life, enduring hardships… only to be ruined in a moment by a mistake.”
“You’ve read my memories. Then, you know who I truly am… Ha ha ha! You’re surprisingly calm about it!”
“That’s due to having a good connection.”
I gathered energy into my fingers.
Blue energy extended like claws, slowly approaching the vessel, transforming into a kind of blade.
The blade was insufficient in length to kill easily—it was merely suited to sever the ropes binding him.
“What? Are you going to spare me? Just because you understand my circumstances? More merciful than I expected.”
“Fine. Anyway, my revenge failed. You and I, both enemies of the ‘author’—let’s shake hands, like in the war days.”
Seeing the blade I generated, the vessel chuckled.
“What are you saying?”
“You have spilled blood. Blood that cannot be cleaned, too much blood. Once spilled, it hardens and cannot be erased.”
“You have caused the deaths of many. Due to you, my most precious person suffered unimaginable pain. I cannot forgive you.”
“Shi, shi–t, don’t tell me that the sword spirit…”
“The author of my tale is you. You, you cursed vessel. Did you understand that? Just as the author ruined your life, you ruined mine. Though you failed in vengeance, I am going to succeed.”
Fingers with the blade slowly moved toward the vessel’s chest.
Then, very slowly.
It began to slice his skin, as if unraveling threads.