As the door of the capsule closed, the girl, who had swallowed her saliva, neatly pressed her hands over her belly button and slowly closed her eyes.
With diaphragmatic breathing, air flowed in and out as her chest rose and fell repeatedly.
Kariri made all the necessary preparations.
She had gained popularity through numerous collaborations with streamers, influencers, and celebrities.
It was just another addition to that list, yet Kariri, stepping into the waiting room, continued to tremble one leg anxiously.
“Let’s do well.”
She slapped her cheeks with both hands to regain her focus.
At the moment the broadcast went live, all her emotions washed away like waves.
[‘LirimanKumKaman’ donated 10,000 won!]
-Welcome, Sori! Kariri, why are you here so early today?
“Welcome, Sori! Thank you, LirimanKumKaman for the ten thousand! Thank you! Right? Why did I come here so early? Was it to see our Honeybee people?”
The viewers’ responses varied.
Kariri personally hoped for many to call her cute, but unfortunately, the relationship between her and the viewers was closer to that of long-term lovers.
-Don’t do that~
-Stay back, Kariri! We can’t see the bear behind you!
-Where is today’s dual scream?
-What’s the surprise event? Won’t you do it now?
“Isn’t anyone interested in me? Today, I came with a major makeover just to feel something new. Do you really not know what has changed about me? Huh? Huh?”
With a bit of a leisure time, she waited for the viewers’ reactions to build up.
Most of them threw out hook symbols as signs of not knowing.
[‘skyblue’ donated 100,000 won!]
-(‘?’ shape)
A yellow question mark hook cushion suddenly appeared and dropped above Kariri’s head.
“Ugh! Wait, today’s broadcasting prohibits 3D emoticon donations! Just a moment, I’ll adjust the settings!”
She was fortunate that this type of donation happened beforehand; otherwise, she could have disrupted the guest.
After finishing setting up, Kariri re-entered the camera’s view and finally took off her hood.
“Ta-da! Today, I’m wearing twin tails!”
-How are we supposed to know when you’re wearing a hood, Kariri!
-Phew, I almost lost my 4-year veteran status.
-So cute with twin tails after a long time!
“Don’t you still get it? Did you guys lose all your senses? You can’t even recognize the main content of Kariri’s room! Two letters, two letters.”
-Broadcast end?
└ Hahahahaha
-What was the main content of this room?
“Who’s saying broadcast end? Absolutely not! It’s not Wolwa either; it’s called Woloa! Collaboration! Why doesn’t anyone know this?”
-You didn’t give any notice!
-It’s been months since you’ve done a collaboration; how would we know!
-?????? Is it really a collaboration? With who?
-There’s a screamer in two hours?
-Already preparing for the deathmatch…!
-Is twin tails a hint?
“Oh, you were sharp! Yes, today I will be collaborating with someone who has twin tails.”
Kariri had already made an appointment with another team for a scream at 6 PM, just two hours away.
There was no way to call a guest and do a collaboration in that short time, so that could most likely be narrowed down to the participants who would join the deathmatch.
Among them, there were hardly any others with twin tails, and considering that Kariri had been persistently courting a specific individual recently, she could conclude the list.
-Wow, NoName?
-She’s pulled this off! She pulled this off! She pulled this off!
-Twish and Mizza duo crossover!
Kariri shrugged her shoulders and lightly nodded.
Then she brought the camera closer, filling the screen with her face.
“So everyone! Today is the day! Please! I sincerely ask you. NoName is only fourteen years old now. If things go as usual, it could be a big problem. You understand what I mean, right?”
-What’s usual? Hahahaha
-I don’t really know. Hehe
-The standard of normality has already gone awry. www
[‘Yui0284’ donated 10,000 won!]
-It’s fine to treat her like a regular second-year middle schooler, right, Kariri?
“Right, treat her like a regular middle schooler—”
[Video Share – ‘Ratelfan’ shared for 15,000!]
(Middle schooler Kariri’s outrageous remarks compilation (16-20).mp4)
“Stop saying this nonsense! In front of a kid! Got it? And please delete this video; it makes me feel so upset…”
-You did this yourself! Hahaha
-The endless karmaㅠㅠㅠㅠ
-Eventually, everyone will find out.
-The truth can’t be hidden.
-One can’t cover the sky with their palm.
[‘Osorine’ donated 2,000 won!]
-But, Kariri, who came up with the team name “The Blurry”?
“Oh, that’s right! There was that drama review before, you remember? Viewers said the little girl looked really similar to NoName, right?”
[NoName has entered.]
“When I first saw NoName’s avatar, I was like, “Whoa…! A loli…! A perfect, super-kawaii real JS right from the S-level of the region!” That’s why I came up with the name instantly! Isn’t Kariri a genius?”
“A loli?”
“Hiieeek! Uh… when did you get here…!”
“What’s a loli?”
Wasn’t our team name The Blurry?
Blurry, literally means “fuzzy.”
Kariri is a tank but has taken on the assassin class.
The more she played Woloa, the more she realized that the tank always becomes the center of the team.
So, whether she liked it or not, she had to mold the team style to fit Kariri’s style, so she thought the team name was fitting.
Kariri was busy blocking the chat room with her whole body.
“No, NoName can’t see this! Quickly turn around!”
-The Blurry (Double Loli), huh?
-Wow, did you deceive NoName?
-You guys are such people.
-Kariri is totally a demon!
-Of course, it wouldn’t be allowed under common sense.
But it seemed undoubtedly challenging to conceal such a giant screen with her small frame.
“So what’s a loli? It doesn’t seem to mean a truck.”
I had heard that being exceedingly skilled in games is expressed as being a truck, but that didn’t seem to fit either.
“That is…!”
Kariri flinched at my words and began to evade my gaze.
After alternating between her comedy show and the chat numerous times, she finally decided to be honest.
“A cute girl…?”
“Really? But why hide it?”
“It has a slightly sexual nuance…”
-That look NoName has for Kariri! Hahahahahaha
-It seems like the collaboration is ruined, let’s spill it.
-This collaboration feels like it’s going to fall apart!
-To be honest, doesn’t Kariri think she’s too old to be called a loli now?
-The glory of the past! Hahahaha
“Anyway, ta-da! Today’s collaboration is with NoName! Everyone, clap it up, waahhh!”
Kariri exaggeratedly clapped her hands to draw attention.
Yeah, I roughly understood. I sighed deeply and decided to lightly ask about what we would do today.
“So, what are we doing today?”
“Um… Actually, today’s collaboration was suddenly decided, so I didn’t have much time to think about it. Oh right, everyone, I decided to collaborate with NoName for a total of 5 days, two hours each day!”
“What? You didn’t even inform me about that?”
“Sorry, Jebi… Hehe…”
-NoName’s personality is so cynical! Hahaha
-100% cool type.
-Kariri can be hit more!
-Our Kariri deserves this!
“Then tell me what you usually did with the other guests.”
“Eeeeh… Usually, we had a lot of Q&A sessions, right?”
-NoName, protect yourself!
-Is there someone who throws harsh words at guests?
-???: Why do you look so old compared to your face? (Said on the first meeting)
└ Were you talking to LK? Hahahaha
└ Reverse-asking for “You look younger than your age” Hahaha
-???: It feels like a style that gangsters would love (To a current idol)
-How about a Pepero game? Hahaha
└ Lulz, isn’t that illegal?
└ Huh?
└ Oh, really?
└ Is there someone immune to the Pepero game proposal?
“What are you talking about?”
Suddenly standing up, Kariri rummaged through a drawer in the corner of the room.
With the sound of unwrapping something, she stuck a thin stick into her mouth, covering her lips.
“Would you like to play the Pepero game with me?”
[‘AltTabKoshin’ donated 10,000 won!]
-Wildest proposal!
[‘BanGappeJebiLike’ donated 3,000 won!]
-They’re really going to do this; I feel like I’m going crazy! Hahahahahaha
With the continuous stream of donations, the white teeth revealed between Kariri’s tiny lips snapped the snack in half.
“Aah, NoName, I really didn’t plan to do this…! I was just showing you this kind of thing.”
Making sounds while chewing the items in her mouth, she shouted.
“It seems like you’re the first sister to actively use your status as a minor.”
So this is how she has tormented guests so far.
Since she said she was a high school student, it was certain that hearing this directly could naturally shock her.
I am also a minor, after all.
-Wow, she speaks so clearly! Hahaha
-She really might be a genius! Hahaha
-I hope Kariri enjoyed being a heavenly dragon all this time!
I had to cut off the chat before it stretched too long.
For some reason, I couldn’t shake the feeling of being swept away if I kept staring blankly.
“Let’s start ranked games right away.”
“Huh? Ranked games?”
“Yeah. This week’s goal is to reach diamond rank.”
“Diamond? I’m platinum 3; that’s absolutely impossible! Absolutely!”
“Then, I’ll give you a Q&A question right for every win we get. Deal?”
“What if I don’t answer? Can I apply a penalty?”
“Do as you like…”
“Okay, let’s go!”