Usually, monsters flee when they’re exhausted or in danger. In that way, they’re just like animals.
No matter how large a monster is, injuries remain a threat. Monsters are living beings, not so different from humans.
They move to survive, and they can feel pain. Because of this, they dislike getting hurt, they’re cautious, and they know how to protect themselves.
That’s why sane monsters never fight to the death. Even if it comes to that, both sides end up with grievous wounds, and regardless of who wins, it’s a massive loss.
In this vast wilderness, a wound is an irreversible danger. With death always looming, an injury means you can’t guarantee your own survival.
Of course, some monsters—like the one-eyed Lugarak—are so consumed by ferocity that they’re in a league of their own. But at their core, they’re still living creatures.
I assumed the Kakaari would run away at some point. Yet, it fought until the very end, never turning its back. The reason it didn’t give up, even at the last moment, was likely the eggs in its nest.
With those eggs behind it, it had no other choice.
I prodded the Kakaari’s corpse with my skinning knife.
Hunters don’t take all the byproducts from a hunt. There are only a few items a hunter can carry.
The rest returns to nature.
Its claws were shattered and in poor condition. The crest was broken, but perhaps still worth taking. The best part was probably the red protrusions—the oil sacs.
Just to be sure, I skinned it and checked inside, but there were no rare materials to be found.
I hadn’t expected much, and it didn’t exceed my low expectations.
The blood on my hands was the only thing wasted.
“Well then….”
I’ve collected proof of the Kakaari hunt, so all that’s left is to head back.
But what about the eggs? I can’t just leave them here, yet bringing monster eggs into the city isn’t an option either.
What should I do in a situation like this? If I abandon them, they’ll just become a protein-rich meal for other monsters. I feel responsible, so I can’t simply walk away.
…Perhaps I should leave this to the Association?
In the end, I brought the eggs myself.
They were too big and heavy to carry individually, so I tied the entire nest with a rope and dragged it, taking care not to break the eggs. My shoulders ached, and my fingers were scraped, but I managed.
By the time I reached Antico, the moon was rising.
As I passed through Antico, people’s stares were sharp. Probably because of the monster eggs. Maybe I shouldn’t have brought them. Are they planning to fry these or something?
I hurriedly dragged the eggs and decided to hand them over to the research director. I remembered the route from when I went with Noah last time, so I could handle it alone. An ecologist would know what to do with them.
On the second floor of the Association building, I left the nest at the base of the stairs and carried one egg up to the research director’s office.
“Hmm, you’re the one from last time… Oh, oh!”
Fortunately, this was the right decision.
The research director’s eyes widened the moment he saw the monster egg, and he approached eagerly.
He examined it with a magnifying glass, unable to contain his admiration.
“This… based on the pattern and the nest’s shape, it’s a Kakaari egg!”
When I told him I’d brought three, he was astonished.
“Kakaari males, not females, incubate the eggs. During the incubation period, they become incredibly aggressive. To bring back three eggs from such a creature is extraordinary. This will greatly aid my research.”
Seeing him so cheerfully delighted made me feel proud.
“If you come across something like this again, please bring it to me! …Though I don’t recall seeing your face before.”
I finally offloaded those troublesome eggs!
Only then did I feel at ease.
Do I really need to think about these things when hunting monsters?
This isn’t just a game, I suppose. It’s complicated.
My waist stung. Upon closer inspection, my clothes were singed and torn, and there was a burn mark on my skin.
The breath the Kakaari unleashed at the end was undoubtedly dangerous.
It was a pattern I’d never seen in the game.
If I had tried to block it with my greatsword, it would have been risky.
Was that its final struggle to survive, or the act of a father protecting its eggs?
Noah was waiting for me at the lodging. She seemed to have stayed there all day.
Luckily, I managed to return quickly in just one day. The Kakaari was relatively close, and since it didn’t flee, I had plenty of time. Though during the fight, I was so breathless and exhausted that I thought I might die.
“…I’m back.”
Noah rushed over and frantically checked my condition.
I’d received some first aid at the Association, but she still looked heartbroken seeing the bandages on my waist and hands.
“Are you okay? It won’t get infected, right?”
“Yeah, I’m fine.”
“That old man is too much. What kind of test is this? And you were reckless too. How could you just accept it like that?”
“…Well, I guess you had your reasons. Yeah.”
“I’ll do better next time….”
Noah’s mood was colder than I’d expected, so I did my best to appease her.
It didn’t hurt that much, but having someone worry about me was genuinely touching.
“Did you catch the Kakaari?”
“You came back safely—good job. Now you can put that man in his place.”
Noah chuckled. It seems she doesn’t like Matillo very much.
My starving stomach sent a signal.
I hadn’t eaten properly all day because of the fighting.
Noah smiled faintly. She told me to hurry up and wash so we could go eat, and I immediately began unfastening my armor.
For some reason, I couldn’t fall asleep that night.
It was hot, and every time I tried to sleep, random thoughts kept popping up, irritating me. I quietly slipped out of bed. Noah was fast asleep in the next bed, oblivious to the world.
The lodging was spacious, designed for two people.
There was no balcony or veranda, but sitting on the chair by the window and gazing at the moon had its own charm.
I stared at the blue moon and sank into thought.
Maybe up until now, I was just excited about killing monsters.
I felt a bit melancholic.
It’s not like I asked to be in this world.
I was dropped here without any choice, so I should at least be able to do what I want.
Why was I even brought here in the first place?
I was an outsider.
A person who doesn’t belong in this world.
Even as I tried to fit in, I had no direction to return to, no place to go.
…Still, I didn’t want to burden someone else with these feelings.
Sometimes, bottling it up alone was enough. It was like that in the cave, and nothing has changed now.
For a while, I wallowed in self-pity. But nothing was resolved or changed. Staring at the moon, I suddenly felt awkward.
I lay back down on the bed and covered my face with my hands.
I don’t care what circumstances the monsters have. I just want to kill them.
Without thinking about anything.
The next day, Noah and I went to see Matillo.
“…What, you’re back already?”
Matillo reacted more intensely than yesterday, perhaps because he was glad to see us.
Though all he did was turn his back faster than before.
“So, coming back this early means you gave up? Well, I didn’t expect much…”
“I did it.”
I held up the bundle in front of Matillo.
Inside were the crest, protrusions, and claws—enough to serve as proof.
No one could have handed them over to me. It’s illegal for hunters to do such things.
The materials a hunter possesses signify the honor of having defeated that monster themselves.
It’s important. For hunters, honor is everything.
“Let me see.”
Matillo snatched the bundle. He opened it, checked the contents, and nodded.
“I see, so the rumors were true. You might be useful, kid. …Are the bandages on your hand and waist from injuries?”
“The Kakaari used its breath. It was hot.”
“Hmm, but it doesn’t look too serious. Minor burns or cuts heal quickly with proper salve anyway. Still, getting hurt is a problem. It means I can’t send you on another request right away.”
He says that, but it’s obvious he’s concerned.
But what rumors? What’s this about rumors?
“…Alice, I really don’t like that old man.”
“I can hear you. Speak quieter.”
Noah whispered to me, but Matillo somehow caught it and waved his hand dismissively.
“Did you stop by the Association?”
“Go to the assistant. I’ve submitted the request there. Otherwise, it’s no different from illegal hunting. You’ll need proof that you took the request, so take this with you.”
Matillo handed back the bundle.
Come to think of it, I only accepted the request verbally. Normally, you’re supposed to inform the Association’s assistant.
Matillo is quite straightforward. Sending out requests without a second thought.
Is it because he’s a former hunter?
“Come back after you’re done, and I’ll return your greatsword. It was in terrible condition.”
“Will you give me this weapon too?”
“Just take it. It’s better in the hands of someone who can use it.”
“Thank you.”
Matillo shrugged and turned his back.
He’s shy, isn’t he?
Having said all he needed to, Matillo started hammering iron again.
He’s curt but diligent. If all his effort is for creating the best gear for hunters, that’s admirable.
His efforts will now shine through me.
All I have to do is appease Noah, who keeps grumbling about not liking Matillo.
I was curious about the rumors Matillo mentioned.
Have rumors about me spread? It’s not a bad feeling. It’s just surprising that rumors have already circulated when I’ve only been in Antico for a short time. It shows how much interest there is in hunters.
Still, I don’t think I’ve done anything noteworthy enough to warrant rumors.
The only thing that might have spread is defeating the one-eyed Lugarak… Ah, that might be significant? A one-eyed Lugarak could probably hold its own against higher-tier monsters.
But a one-eyed Lugarak is still a Lugarak. No matter how strong, its base stats as a species don’t change; it can still be overwhelmed by stronger monsters.
So, it shouldn’t be something to cause much of a stir.
Since coming to Antico, I haven’t done much else.
Apart from catching Pienos during the test and now the Kakaari, there’s really nothing.
Catching Pienos isn’t particularly noteworthy either… Pienos is a monster that even newbies can easily defeat if they know the patterns. Even without me, the others could have handled it.
There was nothing special about how I caught it.
…Then it must be because I’m pretty!
This face is quite attractive, after all. I put a lot of effort into customizing it, so it makes sense that people would be interested. It’s the kind of thing that could spark gossip.
Considering I was originally a man, it’s rather amusing.