The biroid is a crucial workforce in the spacestros’ invasion activities. Moving a massive fleet consumes an enormous amount of energy, so stealth planes with relatively less energy consumption visit the target planet beforehand to secure the genes of the planet’s inhabitants.
Then, through various processes such as confirming the growth of the biroid and checking the environment of the target planet and the DNA structure of its inhabitants, they prepare for the invasion.
As there are many types of planets, there are countless types of inhabitants, and biroids tailored to each type are often born. Occasionally, biroids based on inhabitants with special abilities are born, possessing abilities even more outstanding than those of the inhabitants themselves.
For example, in the 6th Fleet Air Force, there was a case where someone other than Lloyd took charge of teaching another biroid, which had the ability to spit fire from its mouth or create fire from its body.
After going through various processes and completing the final learning stage, the biroid is treated as one human being rather than a biroid.
However, due to their diverse appearances and numerous characteristics, it was difficult to categorize them all under the human category, and since genetic distinctions were necessary, all biroids that completed all learning stages were called ‘monsters.’
Though it is a term given to humans with strange and special abilities, they do not receive different treatment from ordinary humans. Of course, there are those who dislike monsters, but as the number of monsters increases, the number of people with discriminatory views gradually decreases.
Ultimately, creating biroids means that someone must put effort into their learning, and if biroids are learning, it means that one of the countless fleets of spacestros will soon begin invasion activities.
While the fleet responsible for education does not necessarily start the invasion, one cannot help but feel tense.
“Another weird thing has come in.”
A, standing in the hangar, frowned at the bipedal robot towering high.
“This time, it’s a new model. Supposedly designed specifically for biroids.”
“Why would they throw a biroid-specific model here instead of entrusting it to experts?”
Listening to Theo’s indifferent comment while looking at the manual book of the newly arrived robot, A complained. While most maintenance and programming work is done by robots in the air force hangar, engineers still have tasks to perform.
Engineers identify what needs to be adjusted beforehand and input the adjustments into the robot to carry out the work. Naturally, this process causes a lot of headaches, making A always sensitive during work.
Although other engineers are not less sensitive, A feels a sense of relief only when handling tasks properly and takes responsibility seriously, making A more sensitive than others.
“Last week, Roy said a biroid was coming. I guess it’s theirs.”
Forgotten about Roy’s mention of a biroid last week, A sighed upon remembering.
“How’s the adjustment?”
“It should just have the default settings.”
“So we have to start from scratch.”
An engineer team consists of about 10 members per team, and each team handles approximately 30 combat aircraft. With so much to manage already, the arrival of new equipment made A press her temples in frustration.
“Let’s get started.”
Despite the sigh, A and Theo took a makeshift elevator up to the cockpit located at the chest of the 30-meter-tall bipedal robot.
“New ones are always good.”
Theo marveled at the clean cockpit, while A sat down in the cockpit to adjust the program. Soon, holograms appeared before her eyes, showing countless commands, and she scanned the rapidly passing screens.
“So when are the biroids arriving?”
The arrival of new equipment meant that biroids would soon operate this robot. Looking at the hologram monitor, A asked Theo, who was inspecting the interior, and he shrugged his shoulders.
“I don’t know. They’ll arrive soon, right? We just wait until we’re informed.”
“If they come and mess around, I’ll break their heads.”
Saying “break their heads” was a common phrase for A, who always carried a wrench. Seeing him say it half-habitually, Theo couldn’t help but laugh.
“Check the equipment module, set the program, and check the driving parts… No, I’ll handle the setup, so just check the driving parts.”
“Got it. Let me know when the setup is done. I’ll check the equipment module first.”
As they discussed the work, A began adjusting the program, and Theo continued inspecting the interior. The interior differed from combat aircraft, requiring many things to be understood, and when something unfamiliar caught his eye, he immediately checked the manual.
At this moment, a voice echoed in the quiet hangar.
“Is anyone here?”
Surprised by the unfamiliar voice, A and Theo exchanged glances. Theo, standing at the entrance, stepped onto the platform in front of the cockpit and looked down.
“Who is it?”
Below, about 30 meters away, a man in uniform was looking around inside the hangar. As Theo shouted, the man looked up at him.
“Are you the person in charge here?”
“I’m the assigned engineer. Unauthorized personnel shouldn’t enter. Who are you?”
“Is this place even cleaned properly? Equipment is scattered everywhere.”
Seeing the man ignore Theo’s question and speak his mind, Theo instinctively realized he wasn’t a soldier of the same rank.
Though annoyed by his attitude, Theo felt it was urgent to verify his identity. Just then, A came out of the cockpit.
“Hey, you son of a bitch!”
Frowning, A yelled, and Theo, who wanted to talk nicely despite the man’s attitude, sighed deeply and looked at A beside him.
Startled by the sudden curse, the man couldn’t continue speaking.
“We’re working here. How dare you barge in and disrupt us! Didn’t you hear me say unauthorized personnel are not allowed?”
“Do you know who I am and talk to me like that?!”
Fired with a rapid stream of curses, the man raised his voice, and A clenched his fists.
“I don’t! Do you know who I am? Regardless of what you do, you’re not allowed here without permission!”
“You’re in charge here! Get the higher-ups!”
Seeing the man raging, Theo sighed, and A pulled out his wrench from his pocket and jumped down.
Watching A jump down without hesitation from above, the man looked up and saw A land with a loud thud.
Looking down at the man, who was about half a head shorter than him, A tapped his shoulder with the wrench and glared at him with a narrow frown.
“It’s me, you son of a bitch.”
“I’m A, assigned to the 6th Fleet’s Daemosclis-class 1st flagship, 54th Air Force, 1st Hangar Engineer and overall Engineer Team Leader. Who are you, you son of a bitch?”
In the spacestro hierarchy, although there are differences in rank, there is no hierarchy within the same rank. Whether a general or a regular soldier, everyone is on equal footing if they share the same rank.
That doesn’t mean there are no differences in responsibilities. Even among soldiers, some take on menial tasks while others handle important roles within their positions.
A and Theo, and the absent Klugger are soldiers of the same rank, but unlike Theo and Klugger, A is the team leader of the engineering team.
Therefore, in the air force hangar, A, holding a key position, had the strongest authority if there was no direct superior.
“Don’t you even know to greet your superiors first? Just looking at your uniform, I can tell you’re lower-ranked than me!”
As the man pointed out, he wore a different uniform from regular soldiers. The uniforms of the spacestro military are designed to visibly show rank differences.
The uniform he wore indicated a higher rank than A or Theo, meaning he was a superior officer. His claim about being a superior was correct, but.
“Why should I care?”
“As you’re a superior, why should I care?”
Seeing A’s bold attitude despite knowing he was a superior, the man was speechless, and A continued.
“In the hangar, even the squadron commander listens to me. Why should I listen to an unknown superior from elsewhere?”
A’s statement was accurate. In the 54th Air Force, even Commander Esmeralda prioritizes A’s orders and listens to his instructions.
This was because Esmeralda trusted A’s capabilities, and even though A sometimes exhibited aggressive behavior in the hangar, Esmeralda knew these actions were usually taken to prevent potential accidents.
“Without proper authorization and without our knowledge, you’re clearly an illegal intruder. Whose words should we believe, yours or mine?”
Working made A sensitive, and he was particularly concerned about unauthorized access. Even if it were fellow engineers or pilots entering the hangar, A would not hesitate to curse if they acted recklessly, let alone an unknown person claiming to clean the hangar.
Just then, Theo, who had arrived leisurely via the elevator, patted A’s shoulder.
“I understand you’re frustrated, but calm down.”
Ahead of A, Theo looked at the speechless man and said,
“The hangar requires an entry permit.”
“What are you talking about? I entered with my valid ID!”
Hearing Theo’s non-threatening tone, the man regained some composure and took out his ID from his pocket. It was a Spacestro military ID with his name and affiliation. Seeing it, Theo sighed.
“I’ve confirmed your gate pass authority. But an ID and an entry permit are two different things. Just because you have the key to someone’s house doesn’t mean you can enter it freely, right?”
Smiling, Theo left the man speechless again.
“In certain cases, we might forcibly remove you. I won’t waste words, so please leave the hangar now.”
A became very sensitive during work, although others were not as sensitive as A. Compared to normal times, A was particularly sensitive when working in the hangar.
Though Theo thought he was speaking politely, the man was rendered speechless by Theo’s sharp tone.
Tension filled the hangar, which was broken by the next arrivals.
“Oh, there you are.”
A woman in uniform entered the hangar, and A and Theo immediately saluted. She was none other than Commander Esmeralda of the 54th Air Force.
“Good day, Commander.”
“Yes. Inspector Balutor. Even if you’re an inspector, you can’t enter the hangar without a permit.”
With a relaxed smile, Esmeralda received their salute and handed the hangar entry permit to the man, Balutor, who had been silent under A and Theo’s attack.
“Commander Esmeralda! Even if I’m the supervisor, I came here to check the equipment. Isn’t the soldiers’ behavior too rude?”
Regaining confidence with the arrival of the superior Esmeralda, Balutor raised his voice, forgetting to take the permit she offered.
Hearing this, Esmeralda looked at A and Theo without changing her expression.
Seeing Theo shrugging and A with a look of innocence, Esmeralda understood the situation and patted Balutor’s shoulder.
“Ha ha. These two are responsible for managing the hangar. It’s not wrong to prevent unauthorized personnel from entering.”
Balutor was left speechless again, and A, still displeased, clenched his teeth and warned Balutor, who tightly held the permit with a resentful look.
“Let me introduce you. This is Inspector Balutor, from the 21st Fleet, assigned to record the incoming biroids for training purposes. One of the biroids will be handled by the 1st Hangar Engineering Team.”
Already frustrated with managing new equipment, A couldn’t hide his displeasure at the news that the engineering team would be responsible for the biroid’s education once again.