### Chapter 125 Impulse
Kirara clam thinks.
Whether the scene before her eyes is safe or not after all.
“Oh, it’s Kae as a girl now! … Wait, she _is_ a girl, right?”
“… Yeah, probably.”
When Hikari used the trans-anchor, her appearance changed drastically. But what about Kae?
It’s unclear if she has really changed.
She looks like an ordinary person, but also different at the same time, depending on how you look at it.
“Is Kae really a girl right now?”
“Yeah, she is.”
Miuye tilts her head at Kae’s words. Appearance alone doesn’t give a clear answer.
Hikari spoke up beside Kirara while looking at the scene.
“Huh? Kae-kun is becoming a girl? Why?”
Toa and Miuye look at Hikari.
In that moment, Kirara felt her face turn pale.
“Wait, that’s right… Hikari already knows Kae is Solciera!”
To Hikari, Kae is female.
So, wouldn’t she become male when using the trans-anchor?
That conclusion was reasonable.
(Kae herself defending will be pointless, so I…)
Kirara sighs deliberately while looking at Hikari to guide the atmosphere.
“Don’t be an idiot. If Kae uses the trans-anchor, she becomes a girl. That’s the whole point.”
“Eh? That’s the case?”
“The trans-anchor changes gender. It’s not a tool for making someone handsome for Sunday mornings.”
While leading the atmosphere to suggest it’s just a misunderstanding, Kirara smiles at Kae.
“You see, Kae, isn’t it fun being a girl today? Oh, let’s try wearing a girl’s outfit?”
“That sounds great!”
Before Kae can respond, Toa agrees enthusiastically.
Toa, completely changing from earlier, grabs Kae’s hand and jumps excitedly.
“Kae-kun, I brought another school uniform just in case!”
“Eh? Are we changing clothes?”
“Of course!”
Toa nods at Kae’s troubled expression. The surprised Miuye seems keen too, seeing Kae flustered despite being usually calm.
Seizing the opportunity, Kirara whispers to Hikari.
“They think of Kae as male. Since the trans-anchor turns him into a girl, don’t say anything unnecessary.”
“Eh, right? So does that mean now, because Kae used the trans-anchor, he is actually male? This paradox could reveal the truth…”
“Uh oh.”
Seeing Hikari tilt her head innocently, Kirara realizes.
(Miuye and Toa consider Kae to be male, so even though now she should change into a girl, if… wait! Why did this complicated situation happen? )
“Come on, Kae-kun, let’s change. I’ll help! Yes?”
“Toa-chin…? Um… your face is kind of scary.”
“Fufu, it’s fine, Kae. You’ll get addicted once you start.”
“What’s fine exactly?”
Seeing Mume and Toa approaching in school uniforms, Kae is clearly male now.
If they continue, Kae’s true gender will be revealed.
(Crap, crap, crap)
Kirara had never used her brain so much, more than when she escaped from Rokuhara.
(He needs help, but how? The trans-anchor works well based on Hikari’s experience. How do I explain Kae is male in this state?)
As the reality piled up, Kirara didn’t lose hope.
“Hmm, I have a feeling I saw girl-version Kae somewhere?”
Kae, Kirara, and Hikari all shudder.
Unfortunate, Solciera’s identity is about to be exposed eventually.
“Kae, show your face a bit more—”
“Oh, I remember! I have clothes that would suit current Kae!”
Kirara speaks up, eyes glancing every direction.
“Kae, why don’t you try them out? School uniform is nice, but let’s dress you up more girlish! Right?”
“I, Is that alright?”
“Let’s give it a try!” Kae answers.
Mume is hesitant, but Toa surprisingly nods.
“Then, Kae, let’s get changing!”
Grasping Kae’s hand, Kirara rushes out without waiting for an answer.
“You, wait! Isn’t it fine if Kae stays here?”
Not expecting such a move, Mume tries to chase after, but Hikari suddenly interjects, arms wide open, face serious.
“Mume, um, I think seeing the finished outfit will be a nice surprise!”
“Eh? Really?”
“Yes! Toa-chan feels the same!”
“Maybe, but the uniform can wait?”
“Thank you!”
Hikari bows deeply.
Before Mume can respond with confusion, Hikari looks up suddenly.
“Now, let’s talk!” Hikari says with determination.
This is her best attempt to cover things up.
Kirara, running down the hall, inwardly appreciates Hikari’s effort.
“While we wait, let me tell you about sweets I’m curious about! Do you know “Morals,” Mume?”
“That’s not a sweet.”
“… Eh?”
At that moment, one shadow watched Kirara pull Kae away.
“—Oh, where is O-neechan Kae going?”
Arriving at her room, Kirara immediately pulls Kae inside and closes the door, forgetting to lock it and pushing Kae further inside.
“Hurry over! Let’s think… So currently, if it’s a boy, how do we make her a girl?”
Seeing Kirara panicking, Kae tilts her head.
“I am a girl, you know?”
“… Eh? What!?”
“When using the trans-anchor, nothing much is needed, I just pretended. They would’ve seen me change into a girl, even though my gender remains the same.”
Solciera, calm in her response, makes Kirara crumble.
Watching her amused, Solciera sits on the bed.
“This was amusing. How panicked you were. Revealing me wouldn’t be so easy.”
“Miyume suspected.”
“That was expected.”
Hearing that, Kirara feels exhausted.
“So, you’re truly a girl just now?”
“Yes, the trans-anchor is quite interesting. My interference couldn’t break it just yet.”
Watching Solciera cool and composed, Kirara—
(Geez, even with her in trouble, she’s still so…)
gets irritated.
After Hikari’s transformation, Solciera’s identity getting revealed almost…
Kirara couldn’t handle much anymore.
“Doubting again?”
Noticing Kirara’s resentful expression, Solciera tilts her head.
“Give me your hand.”
“Just do it.”
Reluctantly, Kirara extends her hand. Solciera grabs it and guides it towards her chest—
“Can you tell?”
Pushing Kirara’s palm against her chest.
Her palm sinks, feeling softness.
Though modest, it’s definitely the softness of a girl’s chest.
“Finally, believe me. You’re such a suspicious character.”
Facing Solciera with a nonchalant expression, Kirara stays silent.
“…Isn’t it uncomfortable being touched there?”
“Well, why would girls get embarrassed by this? Hehe, cute.”
“… Huff.”
A sharp sound broke the silence.
Realizing it was her rationality snapping, Kirara acted.
“—What’s this?”
Lying on the bed, Solciera spoke calmly.
“Hikari and you think too lightly of me. Unprepared and believing in us blindly… Can you understand my restraint?”
Terrifyingly, Kirara was blinking furiously, pupils fully dilated, staring coldly at Solciera.
Overwhelmed, Solciera seemed to flinch slightly.
“Ah, sorry. I got carried away, it’s too cute. Would you mind letting go?”
Taking a deep breath, Solciera smiled at Kirara, gently stroking her head.
“… We have to go out and meet everyone soon, correct? Let’s go?”
“Alright, so undress me then.”
Grabbing her pants, with force, Kirara pulled.
Watching this, Solciera activated a magical array, alarmed.
Too late.
Upon Kirara’s head, a frog clung. Pointing at it, Kirara kept a stern face, speaking calmly.
“With this, I’m prepared to detonate myself. Be still and don’t hurt me, or I’ll blow us both up.”
“Wh-What kind of state are you in!?”
Shocked at Kirara’s insane negotiation, Solciera was visibly disturbed.
Seeing her panic, Kirara felt strangely satisfied.
The pleasure of humbling always composed Solciera was overwhelming.
“Then, just be still. It’s okay, I’ll finish dressing properly, alright? So it’s all good, all good!”
Mockingly smiling at Solciera, Kirara started undoing her belt.
This isn’t what I expected!
‘That’s right! Interpreted correctly!’
I just wanted to write a “near-age limit girl still-life”.
‘I just wanted to highlight Solciera’s naughty side.’
This isn’t appropriate for all ages!
“Stay still, it won’t hurt.”
Kae-chan ASMR!?
‘Can’t escape now, can you? @)’
This wasn’t supposed to happen.
Up to using the trans-anchor, it went smoothly.
For Miyume and Toa, Kae changed from a boy to a female.
And already knowing Kae is Solciera, they believed the trans-anchor was ineffective to enjoy this girl event.
School-girl outfits worked nicely.
I was even ready for a slight blush.
But, what’s happening?
What’s going on?
‘The two cared, fearing her identity would be revealed.’
I underestimated their level of understanding…
Despite this, if I hadn’t done something, Miyume already prepared excuses.
“…Hey, aren’t you always wearing men’s underwear?”
“Of course, because I’m a man attending this school.”
“Do you want cute underwear?”
Ah, there’s the sympathetic mysterious beauty point.
“… I’m Solciera, remember?”
“Ugh, you should be a little more selfish…!”
Kae-chan expresses sadness.
Yet her hand is already on my school coat.
“Here, feel free in front of me. It’s fine, you know.”
I only wanted the experience of interacting with “Solciera as a normal girl.”
Help me, Star Reader’s Staff!
‘Now we can add scenes? Or, shall I sell it as a sketch collection?’
Don’t worry about the thin book size.
“Kae, I’ll be on your side forever.”
Kae’s face draws closer.
My body surrenders.
“Ugh! Who’s there!?”
Kirara senses movement and lifts her head, glaring at the door.
A barely-opened door.
Through it, a pair of eyes peeks.
Created mechanical frogs pry open the door, quickly constraining the figure.
“Eh, what’s this frog? Get away!”
Who’s voice is that…
Carried on a wave of frogs, a boy enters.
Recognizable face.
“… Sougo-kun?”
Yeah, it’s Sougo-kun, the future harem protagonist.
… Oh man, this story’s getting messier.
“Eh, who is this kid…?”
Surprised by Kae’s capture, the boy looks uneasy.
Sougo-kun, too, is visibly shaken by the crazy Kae.
I’ll need to step between them.
Wearing my coat loosely across my shoulders, I smile at Sougo-kun.
“Long time no see, Sougo-kun.”
“… Y-Yeah.”
“Is Kae a friend?”
“Yes, she knows my secret. Also, the heiress to a company that supports our school.”
“… Eh?”
Smart Kae understood the situation just from that.
Yes, this is a problem.
Kae was caught without her knowledge and restrained.
Companies might react harshly to such incidents.
“Ex, Excuse me! Are you hurt!?”
“It’s F-Fine.”
Dismissing the Mar-Chans, Kirara rushes to Sougo-kun.
Thank goodness.
She seemed scary just moments ago.
‘I got tired too quickly. Tch.’
“If I’d just locked the door… No, sorry?”
“It’s fine. I’m okay.”
Sougo looks at me.
My clothes mostly removed, I smile back.
Thanks, Sougo-kun. You saved me from an R-18 scene.
“Um, so, what were the sisters…?”
“Eeh!? Uh, that…”
“Fufu, we’re close. We were just playing around.”
Laughing, I look at Kirara.
Taking care of Sougo-kun, while dealing with Kirara.
“Mysterious beauties are tough.”
‘The seeds of your own doing.’
“So it was just fooling around… Ah, that’s good.”
“More importantly, Sougo-kun, why are you here?”
“I came to help. While Kae-ojisan was gone, I wanted to play together in the meantime.”
Struggling to speak, Sougo-kun looks at me. I smile.
“Perhaps it’s time to return? It’s rude to keep waiting. And, we have guests.”
“…Yeah, you’re right.”
Kirara nods, seemingly swallowing something.
She heads to the closet, searching for clothes for me.
“…Next time, somewhere safe. Fine, I learned from this. Next time, I’ll do better.”
I feel uneasy saying such things, but I ignore it.
The mysterious beauty shouldn’t take the lead in this drama.
Remember this!
I absolutely won’t lose to you!
‘Your reaction is so outdated.’
“Sougo-kun, why don’t you come with us?”
“Uh, yeah.”
Nodding, Sougo-kun glances at my messy clothes.
He must feel pity.
“Please keep what you saw to yourself?”
“…Uh, sure.”
This温室育ちのボンボン might’ve gotten a bit overwhelmed by the shock.
Sougo-kun’s tastes might twist even more.
Hmm, let’s cleanse his mind. I aim to raise healthy minds.
‘Even though they witnessed everything rough, appearing modest in public… What a contrast.’
Stop comparing me to you.