“And so, the puppy that had turned into a monster regained its peace and returned to the embrace of its owners… La…”
The tall glasses-wearing girl pushed her glasses back up from where they’d slipped down to the bridge of her nose and closed the storybook she’d been holding.
“When I was little, I thought this was just a simple fairy tale about how being good brings blessings and being bad gets you punished, but I never imagined it was actually tied to real history.”
“Well, that’s how a lot of stories are. In the fairy tale, some mean kid kicked the puppy out of spite, but in reality, things were different.”
“Exactly how were they different?”
The sleepy-eyed girl replied with an annoyed tone.
“You heard most of it in class yesterday.”
“But all I remember is that there was a war, and Arcadia, which was a small nation at the time, achieved a miraculous victory and started growing in power.”
“So that’s everything. You know the rest. Look it up yourself; I’m too lazy.”
The girl with the sleepy expression let out a big yawn and slumped onto the desk.
“What? Not interested? The backstory to those childhood fairy tales?”
“Not particularly. I already knew.”
“When did you—?”
“A long, long time ago.”
“What?! Che! Why do you always get to know these cool things first?!”
Watching the sleepy girl, the glasses-wearing girl puffed her cheeks and grumbled.
“It’s always like this! You hog everything for yourself! Let me in on the fun sometime!”
“I don’t recall hogging anything.”
“Yes, you totally did! Even back home, you got all the praise from Dad! And you enrolled in the Magic Academy before anyone else! It’s so unfair!”
“Then go get praised by Uncle!”
“Anyway, che!!”
The sleepy-eyed girl sighed deeply, as if conceding defeat.
“Fine, here’s one thing: a story you might find interesting.”
“Hmm? What is it?”
The girl with glasses immediately perked up, her eyes full of curiosity as she looked at the sleepy girl.
“In the fairy tale you read earlier, who exactly was the mysterious guest that gave away the puppy?”
The girl with glasses tilted her head in confusion.
“That’s just a character in the story, right? Who would casually hand over a godlike creature like that?”
“Think about it. Given that the story has historical roots…”
“Hmm… Since the puppy was said to be the First Beast, the god of the beastmen… Hmm… Who could have entrusted such an important task…? Hmm…”
The girl with glasses tapped her fingers together thoughtfully.
“There weren’t many known gods back then, and there wouldn’t have been any Divine Halls yet… Hmm…”
After pondering for a bit, the girl finally spoke.
“Could it have been… the Goddess of Life?”
“Really? Seriously?”
“Who else would do something like that?”
The girl with glasses looked slightly overwhelmed.
“Why does she always have to do so much? Every ancient story seems to involve her somehow! She’s everywhere in the mythology, doing countless deeds!”
The sleepy-eyed girl added with a strange expression.
An inexplicable look.
As I traveled with the Hero, I took every opportunity to scout for potential partners for them.
And regarding the most promising candidate—an old acquaintance I had resurrected in the past—
“Surprisingly, she’s still unmarried.”
“Excuse me?”
“The girl who used to seem fond of you, remember? She lived near the Temple of Life.”
“Didn’t that story end ages ago?”
“Tsk. Ends when you’ve tied the knot and had kids, not before!”
The Hero looked exasperated.
“I have no intention of getting married.”
I stared intently at the Hero, who responded firmly.
“Truly, really?”
I continued staring silently.
Unwaveringly. For what felt like forever.
Until finally…
I chuckled softly.
“Anyway, I won’t comment on your lingering feelings, but you should at least marry and have children.”
“Imagine the shame if the first Hero of legend grew old and died without ever tying the knot or producing heirs!”
“And besides, I feel like I’ve told this story before… Oh well, doesn’t matter.”
“Choose then. Face the multitude of women who’ve come forward after hearing about the Hero seeking a companion, or reconnect with the girl who remains unmarried because of someone special.”
After a moment’s contemplation, the Hero finally relented.
“I’ll meet her once.”
“Good choice. Should’ve done that sooner.”
Satisfied with the Hero’s resigned expression, I canceled the message I’d prepared to send to the Temple of Life people, just in case.
If they’d refused, I’d have sent it immediately. Yeah.
Getting swept up in a storm of eager suitors from around the world would’ve been amusing. Totally.
Thus, we arrived at the village near the Temple of Life.
Too vague? Well, we kinda just flew here!
The Hero had made up their mind, so there was no time to waste.
When we arrived at the village—
“Ah! Welcome! It’s been such a long time!”
Despite decades passing, the girl looked exactly the same as before.
At the sight of her, the Hero opened their mouth in surprise.
“Even after decades, you haven’t aged a bit.”
“Heheh, yeah! No idea why, but I just don’t grow old! Same goes for everyone in this village! Probably because we were all resurrected by you back in the day! Thanks to you, rumors spread that this village is blessed by the Goddess of Life herself! And oh, the stories about you are legendary! The hero who defeated countless monsters and traveled the world! Pilgrims everywhere talk about you! Especially since this village is close to the Temple of Life!”
It seemed her chatter hadn’t changed either.
“By the way, how come you’re here? There must be others in need of your help elsewhere.”
“I believe it’s time for the Hero to retire.”
“Eh? But why? You’re the greatest hero! These days, kids dream of becoming like you when they grow up!”
The Hero gave a wry smile at that.
Being admired by so many brought considerable pressure, but the Hero didn’t seem entirely displeased.
“No specific reason. Just figured it’s about time to settle down.”
“Mother of mercy! Congratulations!!! Truly, truly congratulations!!! I can’t believe it’s true! Incredible!”
She seemed to understand what was going on.
“Sorry, but I cannot be with the Hero.”
“Eh? Why not? Sure, the Hero may look older, but your apparent ages aren’t that far apart! And while I hear I pass for younger sometimes, you, as the Dragon Priestess, appear eternally youthful!”
“That’s precisely why,” I interjected with a small laugh.
“As the Dragon Priestess, I am bound not to form such attachments.”
“Dear heavens! Such tragic, unfulfillable love despite years of working together for the world’s sake! This is… this is AMAZING! If written as a story, it will live in people’s hearts for centuries!”
Well, it’s not quite that dramatic. More like unrequited affection.
But eh, no need to correct her thoughts, probably.
“Feel free to imagine whatever you want. Anyway, we’re here looking for someone who could become the Hero’s companion…”
“EH?! A companion for the Hero?! Really?! This news must spread immediately! We need to find the best possible bride candidate! Was that the purpose of coming to me—to spread the word among pilgrims?”
“Indeed! In this village, it won’t take more than a year for the news to reach every pilgrim!”
No need for that. I can just send messages directly.
But I said nothing, instead speaking quietly.
“Would you consider becoming the Hero’s companion?”