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I Come From the Abyss to Save Humanity Today
Despite Coming From the Abyss, I Will Save Humanity, I, The Abyssal, Have Decided to Save Humanity Again Today, I, Who Came From the Abyss, Will Save Humanity Again Today, I Who Came From Hell Also Want Save Mankind, Laizi Shenyuan De Wo Jintian Yeyao Zhengjiu Renlei, Láizì Shēnyuān De Wǒ Jīntiān Yěyào Zhěngjiù Rénlèi, 来自深渊的我今天也要拯救人类
The Abyss—represents pure annihilation, they possess incomparably powerful strength, following their instincts to devour all life in the world.
However, one day, a traitor appeared among them.
“Miss Sylvia, it’s time to demonstrate your power.”
“Eh~ but the dessert, hasn’t been finished.”
She is still a manly man today.