Do you have someone you like?
Do you not know what to do?
Here’s an item for you!
– A charm of love~!
Just by sticking this on, your opponent will be a slave to love!
P.S.: It’s a real slave.
Lord Fairy, the progress is too fast!
I worked hard to tempt the Dark Lord, but I realized I can never surpass the dead mother, and this item should be given to the pastel who has become dead-eyed!
If given before even doing anything, what will Pastel do…!
“Lord Fairy! I’m not a Borabora yet!”
Pastel trembled.
The charm in the fairy’s hand also trembled. The heart design shook.
– Hmm? What does Borabora mean?
“Malicious! Bad! Greedy! A lot of bad things! A feeling of betrayal, splash splash!”
The trembling hand pointed at the charm.
“Totally, totally evil and criminal-like mind control can’t be done with a pinkers’ sanity!”
The fairy’s eyes widened.
– I see! It does seem bad! This isn’t something a fairy should do! I took it out because there’s an easy and quick way, but I didn’t think that far!
“That’s right! That’s right! This isn’t something a fairy would grant as a wish! The potential for misuse is huge, and it’s a major social problem!”
It’s completely serious!
– I made it to match my aptitude for the first time in a while…
The touch made the charm rustle for no reason.
– Just by sticking this on, worries about dating would end in one shot…
The fairy sighed in disappointment.
Then she shook off her disappointment and smiled brightly.
– But it’s still a bad thing! A kind fairy like me doesn’t normally create such bad things! I just accidentally made it! Such a dangerous thing, I’ll just eat it up and get rid of it!
“That’s right! That’s right! Get rid of it!
An evil item that should disappear from the world!
– Got it! Ahh~!
The fairy opened her small mouth.
The charm was directed toward her lips and suddenly came to a halt.
– Huh?
The girl’s finger was holding the end of the charm before anyone knew it.
The fairy’s gaze turned to Pastel. The girl turned her head, tightly squeezing her eyes shut, as if she no longer wished to see the evil and terrible item.
The fairy pulled on the charm.
The finger held it firmly, resisting. With how much force, the charm was crumpled up.
An incredulous gaze turned toward the girl. She trembled and struggled to open her mouth.
“Lord Fairy, have you gotten rid of it…?”
The fairy looked at the finger that held the charm tightly.
Then her expression turned to one of surprise.
– Come to think of it, won’t I get a stomachache if I eat paper?!
Her pink eyes grew wide as she turned her head.
“Huh, that’s right! That would really be the case!”
Today’s amazing fact.
Eating paper leads to a stomachache!
“And besides! Trying to get rid of a charm imbued with evil energy without preparation could lead to enormous problems?! Boom! Bang! Boom! At the very least, it would adversely affect your health, Lord Fairy!”
Huh, that does seem right!
– My health?! That can’t happen?! It’s more important than all of humanity!
The fairy covered her mouth in shock.
“To harm the health of the fairy just to get rid of an evil item! Such a dilemma is not a choice that a just party like ours should make!”
Pastel took on the noble expression of a protagonist.
“I think this evil charm should be sealed nicely in my pocket for the time being!”
An ingenious solution where no one is sad!
“This evil charm!”
The heart charm was raised high.
“I’ll seal you…!”
With a shout, the charm went into her pocket.
Amidst an incredible tension, the delicate movement quickly closed the pocket.
Seal complete.
Finding the third option in the dilemma of who must sacrifice.
“It was a difficult yet satisfying adventure.”
She wiped her forehead for no reason.
Whether it was from sweating or not, Pastel felt like a worker who had accidentally won the lottery and found herself with a robust bank account.
The corners of her mouth rose slyly.
The fairy tale book was turned over.
“And thus, the witch who abused the love potion died painfully while revealing her ugly inner self. Her innards were torn and her limbs broken, boiled in a cauldron.”
Under the gentle light, a lightly dressed Melisa read the fairy tale aloud.
“True love and a kind and just heart finally triumphed. These are valuable hearts that do not waver in the face of the love potion.”
The fairy tale book was closed.
“The story ends here. It’s very enjoyable to read with friends. Shall we have more times like this in the future, Pastel?”
Pastel burst into tears.
“The witch is so pitiful!”
Melisa was flustered.
“Why are you empathizing with the witch? She’s an outright villain!”
“The witch had her own circumstances!”
“Everyone has their circumstances. Sin is sin, and punishment is punishment, and a person is a person. This witch’s ugly aspects are written while the parts that the reader can empathize with have been stripped away.”
“Speaking from a context only you know is unconvincing!”
Pastel wiped her tears with the back of her hand.
“From the start! Why is this fairy tale so brutal?! If it’s something for kids, leave out cruel content like boiling in a cauldron!”
Melisa was taken aback.
“Is this not normal? Most fairy tale books are like this. If it’s too much like a flower garden theme, it would actually take the wind out of it, and no one would read it.”
The fairy tale book was hurriedly flipped open again.
“I omitted some parts, but there was content that Pastel would like.”
A finger pointed at a sentence.
“After their adventure, the rabbit hero and the saintess lived happily, giving birth to 700 children over their lifetime.”
700 children.
Because they’re rabbits.
“That’s strange in its own way…!”
Pastel clutched her head. Her pink twin-tails flailed in chaos.
Melisa arched her upper body back, expertly avoiding the flailing hair. The fairy tale book was closed.
The magical girl tilted her head.
“Is there something bothering you? You brought up a topic about romance again. Wasn’t yesterday’s date not that good?”
“Eh? Is it obvious? It’s not because of Nathaniel, but I’m really troubled about what to do now.”
Pastel rubbed her cheeks.
Melisa set the fairy tale book aside. With a graceful gesture, she touched her chest.
“If there was any dissatisfaction, please consult me. I’ve heard that it’s difficult to distinguish excitement from discomfort during the first date. It’s important to set boundaries from the beginning in a relationship.”
“That’s not it. I don’t care about Nathaniel anymore. More than that, I think I’ve developed feelings for someone else.”
Pastel twisted her body, her cheeks flushing.
Melisa’s face became full of question marks. Then, as if she understood late what it meant, her expression changed.
Yesterday, she said she found someone she liked and went on a date, and now she was saying she likes someone else – a hopeless friend’s gaze.
Huh, it’s not that at all, but it is.
Pastel suddenly felt wronged.
It’s true! It’s true, but…!
Anyway, it’s not…!
“Romance for popular people is inherently fickle!”
“That’s a pathetic excuse.”
Pastel hung her head low.
“I just made a pretty pathetic excuse just now…”
Melisa was firm.
“But since no one is getting hurt, it shouldn’t matter that much.”
“That is true.”
Pastel lifted her head with a bright expression. Her pink eyes sparkled.
“So anyway, I’m thinking of confessing to the Dark Lord! What method would be good?!”
“What?! Is the target the Dark Lord?!”
Melisa was genuinely shocked.
“Ah, I slipped!”
I was going to keep it a secret until the confession dash attack.
But, considering it’s not Ellie who can’t act, maybe it’s fine?
“I realized yesterday that having the Dark Lord cook and do laundry for me every day seems nice!”
I’d think it would be great if he did it for the rest of his life!
“That’s a very unfortunate reason to tell the Dark Lord.”
Melisa looked incredulous.
“It would be very rude for someone like me, who is still but a subordinate, to give advice to the leader of a clan, but I think it’s right to tidy your own morning blanket.”
Pastel pretended not to hear.
Instead, she intertwined her fingers and placed them on the table. Then, nonchalantly assuming a villainous posture and dimming the magical lights just a shade to make it more villainous, she put on a serious expression.
“I’m preparing a grand strategy to captivate the Dark Lord in one fell swoop.”
It’s definitely not because of having one experience from the first confession that it’s become burdensome to rush in.
“I’m not an amateur swept up in emotion, asking about ideal types right away!”
“That sounds specific. Have you already asked someone about their ideal type?”
Pastel froze for a moment, then hesitantly added.
“The Dark Lord has a thing for blondes. But it seems that pink hair also falls into the category?!”
Melisa clapped lightly with a smile.
“Yay! Yay!”
Pastel jumped up and started humming as she walked around.
“I have~! Pink hair~!”
Her pink hair fluttered (the Dark Lord yawns and combs it day and night).
Merit points: 1!
“Should I just confess now?! If the popular Pastel gets plus one merit point, would it not guarantee a 100% success rate?!”
I should do it right away!
“Dark Loooord!”
Pastel jumped up.
Just as she was about to run out, Melisa hurriedly opened her mouth in shock.
“He probably won’t be here. He visits the royal palace around this time nowadays.”
“Who is he meeting?”
Perhaps a flowing blonde?
“Is it a woman?”
“That would be correct… Ellie is holding a policy briefing-”
Pastel screamed.
“That’s impossible!”
The Dark Lord can’t possibly have a preference for dark-haired people!
I’ll confirm it with my own eyes!
Pastel ran toward the terrace in the direction of the royal palace.
She was about to leap to the ground but hesitated as she realized how high up she was.
Pastel’s pink eyes rolled.
She took out a magic stone knife but decided to put it away after lightly tapping her recent low-fuel magic stone friend that hadn’t given her meals lately.
Pastel turned her body and walked quietly out onto the terrace. She opened the guest room door and safely descended the hotel stairs.
Chomp chomp chomp chomp.
Going down the stairs.
Then, after leaving the hotel, she ran back towards the royal palace.
“Waaah! Dark Loooord!”
He can’t possibly have a preference for dark-haired people…!