The eyelids moved slowly a few times.
A middle-aged man, whose impressive facial features were accentuated by a mustache that curled upward against gravity, stared blankly in our direction.
Given that there seemed to be no one else inside and he was casually sitting at the reception desk fiddling with a computer, it appeared he was the owner. However, despite being picky about guests, he didn’t seem particularly quick-witted or willing to offer service…
No, sir. Aren’t you supposed to take customers?
“Ahem, um… Miss? Didn’t a ‘No Entry’ message just play?”
I let out a small cough, which had risen from my throat. The assertive wealthy man’s ploy had already failed from the start.
He was simply surprised that someone had entered when he expected it to be empty. …Wait, were you watching from inside this whole time!?
After giving the translucent glass window at the front of the shop a disdainful glare, I briefly pondered what kind of response would be appropriate.
…Should I just insist it was a malfunction? But if I got caught in that lie, it would be embarrassing, and I would come off as an insincere client who lies on arrival.
In any case, hiring this broker was akin to employing a representative for negotiations, so if I couldn’t establish at least a minimal level of mutual trust, it would be better to seek out another expert right away.
And thinking it over, this wasn’t exactly a neighborhood where having multiple identities was a crime. Plus, in a fit of anger, I had scrubbed my Enema citizenship to gain entry, but using that identity to buy a house would… undoubtedly lead to a terrible disaster.
It was a matter that could only be overlooked if everything was real, as long as the forgery wasn’t discovered, but if the issuing party and the inspecting party were both corporations, does that mean what they believe becomes the truth?
In that sense, my two IDs were legitimate identities backed by megacorp high-level bureaucrats.
Of course… the moment I acknowledge that, it’s hard to avoid the label of “someone who works in a field dealing with multiple citizenships”!
“……I just entered on account of a different identity because my usual one wasn’t working. So, do you really operate here, sir? Customer evaluations seem to be generally high.”
I tried to express that this wasn’t a big deal, emphasizing the point that it was a scheduled visit far from the impulsive decision I made in anger.
Then, whether he grasped the precise direction of my interpretation or not, perhaps he caught the strong determination of a homeless person and the intense scent of money emanating from us, as his dazed expression swiftly shifted into one of eagerness.
His beaming smile, which was somewhat unwelcome, was offered additionally.
“Aha…! Oh my! Welcome, dear customer! In these tumultuous times… ahem!! Thank you for taking a significant step in this difficult economic climate, where it’s hard to open one’s wallet! I am Richard, your magician who makes your choices and dreams reality at a reasonable price, as well as your service staff, tax advisor, and broker.”
“Uh… yes, right. It’s nice to meet you, Richard. But what’s with the ‘difficult’ prefix you just threw in?”
I think it’s a talent to draw more interest with a blatant cough to hide a follow-up remark than with a lengthy introduction.
Surely, someone with the capability to work in such a prime location in the service industry wouldn’t be oblivious to words, so it seems he wanted to emphasize that he is an awkward comedian.
“Oh dear. Well, it’s not anything new… Isn’t the news noisy these days? For a while, Paradise was bustling, and now it seems to be passed on to Enema and Haylong.”
“There are rumors about a MegaCorp official having undergone surgery numbering almost into double digits. When the people in power change, the market shakes; it seems the recent flies… not! It’s just that someone has shown a willingness to buy real estate, so I may have misstepped. Ahem, I should bow and apologize! If it upset you, you can come back again next time.”
‘……Huh? This guy’s pretty good?’
If a customer shows special interest, he elaborates more, and conversely, if someone’s indifferent and busy, he breezes through.
He makes it clear that there’s something potentially harmful for someone looking for a home before starting the actual consultation while seamlessly giving a chance for customers who might not have considered it to turn around and leave.
They say the best service makes you unaware of the care taken, and since he has drawn a line around the guest demographic, he seems to have considerable confidence in his work.
I might end up finding a reliable candidate to help me find a home that fits my needs right away.
Even while he casually brushed me off, there was a reason why his evaluations were high among those who had actually used his services.
“…No! I definitely want to complete a transaction today, and if possible, I want to move in, so I gave up on extending my hotel stay, so please do your best.”
I reached out towards Richard.
This was an implied suggestion that I was positively thinking about hiring him, but instead of just shaking hands, he not only clasped my hand but gripped it with both hands and began to chatter away like a machine gun.
“Oh! You’re as decisive as your elegant appearance! Could it be that you possess some extraordinary insights or hard-to-discuss information, leading you to come here!?”
“Well… I… have. I’m afraid I know nothing.”
…I’ll hold off on declaring him trustworthy for now; he’s not a fraud, but it seems like he isn’t the type to lose either. Hmm.
I wandered out here for an extravagant splurge without thinking much about such political issues, and while I was unconsciously pulling back my loose tongue, I freed my hand from his grip.
It might have been nice to get served tea while sharing insignificant chatter, which is also part of life experience.
But with a clear yearning for what I wanted, I didn’t want to waste any more time, so I immediately listed the conditions for the item I was looking for.
“I can pay up to 1.2 billion credits in cash. If you reduce your commission somewhat voluntarily, it might even be 1.25 billion? Anyway, I’m looking for a place with good neighborhood security where I won’t have to worry about petty thieves or gunfire at night, built from decent materials that can handle inside robot use, ideally with some furnishings remaining, close to amenities, and with permission for facility expansions that I can inherit. Is there anything on the market?”
“Indeed, indeed… 1.2 billion…!”
Even a 1% commission amounts to a basic ten million.
He seemed eager, perhaps influenced by the amount I mentioned, as he dashed back to his seat and laid out a holographic screen to start checking.
And what was I doing? The commission discussion was still on hold, but with an agent finally chosen, I relaxed into the customer sofa.
– Is it really alright not to bring out disinfectant…? –
“…Isn’t it more rude to treat the other person like a pathogen or acid-terrorist just because we shook hands? You didn’t seem to have any ulterior motives.”
– That’s only natural. If any other intentions had been detected, we would have already taken isolation measures. –
I also calmed down Zero, who was getting worked up, along the way.
But… what exactly does “isolation measures” mean? We’re the customers, and this is their shop.
Five minutes passed, then ten. I waited endlessly.
As it took longer, I imagined how tiring it would be if too many candidate properties came up. Hoping they wouldn’t all be impossible to visit in one day.
So, my instinctive reaction to Richard’s unexpected report was to explain that my expectations were too high, combined with shock at such a dismal outcome that deviated significantly from what I anticipated.
Despite checking all the houses that had some intent to sell, the result was that there were no properties that met my modest criteria.
“There are no houses available to buy?? Why on earth!?”
“W-well, it’s because there are no properties that match the conditions you’ve mentioned?!”
He was flustered as if he had just been asked why the sun rises every morning.
I frowned, swallowing my disappointment and irritation, wondering how this receipt had come about.
Was it the budget? But I wasn’t asking for a luxury penthouse, right?
Or was it unreasonable to have so many conditions plastered, as I intended to customize it as a bunker-like fortress?
It’s not like I’m at a vending machine getting a snack; I’m trying to make the shopping of a lifetime, and even this is difficult!
“Anastasia, didn’t I mention that the market is quite stiff earlier? While your requests were somewhat… specific, the fact remains that there are no matching properties in this vast Neo Haven largely due to the unfortunate timing.”
Richard seemed to have read my internal debate about how much I should cut back and how much I should compromise to receive a realistic, albeit incorrect, response.
How unexpected. He’s just cleanly backing out.
Usually, in such cases, brokers present similar alternative properties, or bargaining options, to maintain the purchasing desire, right?
“While there are certainly no standalone houses available… there are quite a few vacancies that match your desired criteria. How about taking a look at them in person?”
Ah, it seems you hadn’t mentioned it yet.
I thought he might give me a business card saying he’d contact me later. But of course, that wouldn’t be the case; he wouldn’t just send away a client who’s seriously interested after so long.
…But to suggest that with a budget of 1.2 billion, I should just move into an apartment-like communal residence? If you have a property that is amazing enough to recommend, I would take a look.
But if I walk around and don’t find anything I like, I’m going to make you refresh that housing management program all night… so brace yourself.