“Hello. I’m Ham Yejin. You are Gang Hwa-won, right?”
The woman who introduced herself as Ham Yejin greeted me with a handshake, her expression unchanged. She was clearly planning to step out for a smoke, but with one more person arriving, the timing became a bit strange. It would be difficult to leave right now.
“Ah, yes. Ham Yejin. I’m Gang Hwa-won. I’ve heard a lot about you from Seol-guk.”
“I hope it was good things.”
Is that something you usually say with such a deadpan expression?
“Is Seol-guk sleeping right now?”
“Ah, um… I think the medication is kicking in. He just fell asleep a moment ago.”
“I see. May I come in?”
Even if I denied it, what would it matter? It was probably just a polite suggestion. In reality, this woman wasn’t going to leave. As I stepped aside at the door, Ham Yejin entered.
Muk Ha-neul was sitting in a chair in the patient room, watching Ham Yejin with a strangely stiff expression. Ham Yejin first assessed Seol-guk’s complexion before turning her gaze to Muk Ha-neul.
“It’s been a while.”
“Yes… it has. I heard the senior has been a bit of a burden during that time? I should thank you.”
“There’s no need for that. It was only natural. It seems like you haven’t been able to get in touch.”
Muk Ha-neul’s face clearly frowned at that. In contrast, Ham Yejin’s face remained composed. Ham Yejin pulled out a chair next to her, positioning it closer to Seol-guk’s head than to Muk Ha-neul.
“It was when I briefly left. I truly apologize to you, senior.”
“It would be better if you conveyed those words directly to Seol-guk.”
“I wasn’t asking you to relay it. I have already apologized.”
“The apology seems to have come a bit late then.”
“You’re not in a rush, I take it? I’m not particularly hasty myself.”
Something about Ham Yejin’s words felt strange.
It was clear that there was something between the two of them. I had seen enough of the subtle tensions between women to know. Ham Yejin’s expression was calm and expressionless, but her brow was slightly furrowed. Muk Ha-neul did not seem to be attempting to hide anything, staring at Ham Yejin with a look full of hostility.
While I wasn’t as naive as Seol-guk when it came to feelings about women, I also didn’t show any negative emotions outright. Muk Ha-neul probably had an idea of what I was thinking. On the other hand, Ham Yejin didn’t seem to know me well. It was unclear, but she didn’t seem like the type to be easily deterred.
However, it was certainly interesting to see the two of them engage in such a display without regard for appearances.
They had met before and were also hostile towards each other. The reason was probably related to Seol-guk. They were likely aware that I could notice bits of their conversation, but was it possible that Seol-guk already knew about this relationship?
In any case, it was an entertaining sight. I didn’t know Muk Ha-neul very well, but it was intriguing to see her get so worked up. I leaned against the wall and continued to listen to their conversation.
“I should also express my gratitude. I heard you helped Seol-guk when I wasn’t around, so thank you. I’ll take over from here, so you can go now.”
“Oh my, I should be thanking you. I will stay for a while, so don’t hesitate to leave first.”
“I can’t do that. This is my job.”
“You’ve been quite late for work, unlike your usual self.”
“Then I have to make up for the delay.”
“Isn’t being with the senior for an extended time already overtime? You can take it easy.”
But it’s just ‘work,’ isn’t it?
At Muk Ha-neul’s casual remark, the first expression finally appeared on Ham Yejin’s face.
Whatever it was, it seemed to have struck a nerve this time, didn’t it?
That expression was neither anger nor embarrassment.
She’s smiling, this woman.
So, when she’s displeased, she smiles like that.
What a chilling smile, really.
“Yes… well, it is work. So I think I’ve done well, but it seems that for some people, it’s not.”
“What do you mean by ‘not’?”
“Excuse me, this isn’t about you, so you don’t have to worry.”
It was obviously about Muk Ha-neul, and it was easy to figure out that it was related to Seol-guk. Muk Ha-neul wasn’t foolish either, so her expression hardened a bit more.
Wow, I wish I had some popcorn.
“This is something I can’t say out loud. However, I hope you won’t pry into Seol-guk’s affairs. It wasn’t a pleasant matter.”
This woman is quite strong.
She naturally hid important details from Muk Ha-neul while simultaneously blocking any questions directed at Seol-guk. Since Seol-guk was sleeping, it wasn’t possible to inquire further now, and afterward, asking about what happened would make me seem like an impertinent fool prying into a bad business.
It was a perfect tactic. Was it a difference in information? Ham Yejin knew what Muk Ha-neul didn’t. It seemed that Muk Ha-neul was unaware of whatever unpleasant incident had occurred with Seol-guk. Since Seol-guk would never voluntarily disclose it, it made perfect sense.
As a result, Muk Ha-neul was left in a position where she had to take a hit without knowing what was going on.
Indeed, Muk Ha-neul’s expression was even more tense than before. She hadn’t managed her expression from the beginning, but now it was devoid of any courtesy. It was my first time witnessing Muk Ha-neul looking this irritated. No, irritation? It was closer to anger.
But still, did Muk Ha-neul also have some hidden card to play? After taking a moment to breathe as if from an intense fight, Muk Ha-neul spoke.
“…Well then, I won’t ask you, senior.”
“Good idea.”
Ham Yejin replied with an expressionless face to what felt like a declaration of defeat from Muk Ha-neul. But that wasn’t the end of it. Muk Ha-neul opened her mouth again.
“Still, wasn’t that a bit hasty? If it’s a subject you don’t want to discuss, it’s a bit risky for you to relay it to me in the first place.”
“As long as you don’t ask about it, it’s fine.”
“Of course, I won’t. I’m not the type to gossip. I won’t act rushed like someone.”
I felt a slight sense of déjà vu from Muk Ha-neul’s words.
Didn’t she use the word ‘hasty’ earlier?
It felt a bit awkward. The previous comment didn’t quite fit the context either. But was there a reason to mention ‘hasty’ in this conversation? Once could be an accident, but twice was intentional. Muk Ha-neul was clearly trying to steer the conversation towards ‘hastiness’ on purpose.
Ham Yejin also seemed to frown slightly, as if she found something odd.
“I’m glad to hear that.”
“Yes, I don’t plan to ruin things by acting hastily.”
“What are you trying to say?”
“Well, I wonder? Don’t you already know?”
Just as Ham Yejin seemed to be pressing Muk Ha-neul by utilizing the gap in knowledge, Muk Ha-neul was attempting to retaliate based on some piece of information. However, this time, it was a story I also didn’t know. From the nuances, it seemed Muk Ha-neul had some knowledge about Ham Yejin. Ham Yejin might have been guessing that too.
“I don’t know what absurd story you’re referring to.”
“But you wouldn’t want me to bring up anything absurd either. Because there are others listening.”
Is she talking about me? Ham Yejin slightly lifted her head to look at me. She quickly turned her face away as if pretending not to notice, but at the very least, she must have acknowledged my presence. Initially, I hadn’t paid much attention, but now I had to since the situation had turned this way. Whatever it was, it wouldn’t be a good thing for Ham Yejin.
However, Ham Yejin wasn’t merely taking the hit.
“I quite like absurd stories, but is your friend doing well?”
“…What do you mean?”
“Wasn’t her name Yoon Sua? I’ve heard quite an interesting story.”
In contrast, Muk Ha-neul’s face stiffened. This was really a face of surprise. The complete transformation of her expression was quite fascinating. Yoon Sua, I vaguely remembered someone like that from the Department of Literature.
In any case, the situation had changed. Both sides were armed with their knives, and whatever it was, both were lethal weapons. Silence ensued. It continued and continued until it broke.
“Let’s stop.”
“Let’s stop.”
Neither of them seemed to need prompting as they spoke simultaneously.
“You both know what bringing that topic up in this room means, so let’s end it here.”
“Is this a temporary ceasefire?”
“Is this a war?”
“Perhaps it is.”
I held back a smirk. Is this what they consider a war? They probably weren’t genuinely thinking that, but it was still a ridiculous sight. It was amusing to see two girls who hadn’t even been to the military talk about war.
Well, I hadn’t actually participated in any war either, so I wasn’t all that different from these women.
In any case, the two of them decided to end the conversation. It grew quiet, and the dialogue ceased. It was a literal ceasefire. Though I didn’t think this matter was concluded here.
It was an awkward coexistence with adversaries.
Both of them had given up on driving the other out of the room, yet neither seemed inclined to leave.
After all, if they managed to chase each other away, I would still remain, so was I not a significant danger?
The fact that they spoke with me present was a variable. Both of them were aware that I was listening while having this conversation.
There must be a reason for it or a purpose to it.
Ham Yejin originally hadn’t seemed to care about me. She likely didn’t think it would be problematic if this conversation reached Seol-guk, or she believed that I wouldn’t relay it to him. At least until the last counterattack, she must have thought it was a safe bet.
On the other hand, Muk Ha-neul continuously recognized my presence. Ultimately, she indirectly passed on information related to the secret Ham Yejin was hiding from me. It seemed she intended to convey Ham Yejin’s information through me but hadn’t anticipated retaliation.
Although a ceasefire had been established, in the end, both had experienced mutual defeat.
Both had pulled out their hidden daggers. However, they couldn’t use them, and both put their knives back in their sheaths.
But I learned that both held weapons.
“By the way, is it okay for the two of you to be discussing such things while she’s sleeping? What will you do if she wakes up?”
As the two awkwardly looked away from each other, I brought up something I’d been curious about while listening to their conversation.
They both seemed to be fishing for compliments in front of Seol-guk, but did they really need to take the risk of fighting in this place? Thankfully, Seol-guk still seemed to be soundly sleeping, but if he had woken up, the situation would have been awkward.
“From the prescription I received earlier, there’s a sleeping aid, so it’s fine.”
“I spoke separately with the attending physician before coming. They said he should be in deep sleep by now.”
Hmm, it seems these are indeed scary women. Did they plan this far ahead?
Nonetheless, it cannot be denied that there was still some risk involved. The fact that they chose not to speak elsewhere was probably tied to their pride.
The display of their psychological battle wasn’t particularly beautiful.
A battle of pride is always an ugly thing.
There was nothing more to hear. I opened the door and stepped outside. I felt no gaze upon my back.
I wandered around seeking the smoking booth, still with a cigarette dangling from my mouth. After all, it was a hospital, and I shouldn’t be smoking anywhere.
While walking, I recalled the earlier conversation.
Muk Ha-neul had quite a surprising side to her. I had known she was a viper of a woman for a while, but I hadn’t expected her to be this sharp. It seems she didn’t know what had happened to Seol-guk. Thinking back, I noticed I hadn’t met her much lately due to following my father around.
As for Ham Yejin, she was a very different woman from my first impression. She also differed significantly from what Seol-guk had told me, and honestly, it felt a bit chilling. She was clearly hiding something, and that was likely a matter she couldn’t let Seol-guk find out about. Simultaneously, I also realized Muk Ha-neul was hiding something.
It wasn’t strange at all. Women were always animals who acted coy, and secrets made women distinctly feminine.
Though it was nothing unusual,
it wasn’t amusing either.
Humans are creatures that live by acting.
Acting is important.
People are always playing their roles in life. We are all actors in the play that is life.
But right now, it felt more like being at a zoo than a stage. I had just seen two monkeys throwing fits, so it was understandable.
I stepped into the smoking booth and lit the cigarette still hanging from my mouth.
Smoke began to curl up into the air.