“Theoretically, it seems to be complete.”
“Yes… but.”
“The problem is that we can’t actually use it right now. No, I don’t even know if the concept of ‘use’ is feasible in the first place.”
In the deepest realm of the Grand Temple’s world.
Originally, it was a place where Araya spent most of her days during her time at the Grand Temple, but now it was where Saraswati spent most of her time.
In a room filled with an alien energy not found in nature, Saraswati crossed her arms and frowned, seemingly displeased about something.
Alia also had a troubled expression, as the completed work she had hoped for did not meet expectations.
“The risks aside, the priority of stability, which we regarded as the utmost issue, has indeed been resolved… But conversely, the density and stability of the power are so excellent that even the mana of whatever is recognized as the user vanishes before it reaches the command system.”
The first magical tool created by gathering the powers of 72 Loas around the core of one Elder Roa and the embodiment of the World Tree.
Both Elder Loas and regular Loas are extraordinary beings.
Such power, even if it’s merely for support and created by linking 72 of them, cannot possibly be insignificant.
Moreover, Saraswati speculated that the source of the power that makes up Loas and Elder Roas resembled mana but had a different nature.
The legend of the birth of the Elder Roa on the eastern continent, as mentioned by Alia and Araya.
Additionally, the Roas that the Elves referred to as wild gods were not beings born through normal reproductive acts or evolution like ordinary creatures.
“Wasn’t it called the origin of the stars?”
It was a story mentioned once in the legend of Bruwon Krishaka, the first Roa from the eastern continent.
The World Tree El Prigion, who is also the mother of Roas, seemed to have been born with a supreme principle, power, and some kind of mission.
If mana changes based on the observer, what could the power that makes up Roas be close to?
An aggregation of overwhelmingly powerful energy.
Remnants of residual thoughts that linger despite being long dead.
And due to the nature of the power, which they had rarely handled, they approached it as conservatively as possible, ensuring that a sudden explosive disaster wouldn’t occur, but the problem was that the concentration of power was too high, making it difficult to approach the core for direction or commands.
When the Gal Dragon returned to the Grand Temple with Araya in spring, even Saraswati, who could use that power outside the Room of Worlds, now found it challenging to access the core properly.
As it stands now, neither Saraswati nor Alia could send a command that reached the core with the powers they possessed.
In summary.
“It has just become a useless mass of enormous energy. This.”
Saraswati, uncrossing her arms, sighed and scratched her head.
“…Although the bounty of the previously constructed city and the surrounding land is still being maintained…”
“The problem is that’s not what’s needed right now.”
At those words, Alia nodded.
Terato and the giants targeted their created Deus Ex Machina.
It was unclear whether they intended to break it or to take it, but for Alia, there was no room for compromise.
The core was the remains of her father Ul Kanadiel, and the Deus Ex Machina was now the dream of both herself and Priegoss.
Araya’s martial arts and Deus Ex Machina.
Hoping that the human race would one day be able to stand as one and achieve autonomy without collapsing under the might of other powerful species.
Especially after witnessing over ten villages that Priegoss had failed to escape from, it seemed this thought grew even stronger.
The humans united under Priegoss had gained strength uncomparable to that of ancient humans, but the fate of humans, determined by the whims of transcendent beings, must have been a painful matter for him, who loved them.
How much anguish he must have endured upon learning that nearly thousands of humans were meaningless slain while he was off on his expedition.
Had it not been for his brother among the sturdy giants, who had been indebted for a long time, the sacrifices could have doubled.
Not being able to satisfactorily carry out an expedition as planned, and having sent away countless comrades he had spent years with was far too cruel for him.
Though she tried to act nonchalant, Alia couldn’t properly console him due to the atmosphere Priegoss exuded.
However, the current situation was merely about repelling a group of giants that came to deliver a warning from Terato.
To counter the threat of Terato, who might lead a vast army called Titan and incapacitate the Elder Roa, the Gal Dragon, the power of Deus Ex Machina needed to become something that provided powerful strength to humans, not just a device to maintain barriers as originally imagined.
“There’s no other choice.”
“…Isn’t there any way?”
“We need to call someone who knows.”
“Is there anyone besides Saraswati and Araya who could understand Deus Ex Machina?”
“There is. Someone with absurd mana control who seems to know the essence of this, even more than you, the creator.”
“Don’t tell me…”
“Actually, I’ve already called.”
“…Um… Saras? I… I brought him.”
A very unpleasant, possibly terrified voice rang out from somewhere.
Turning toward the entrance where the sound emanated, Anart stood there, looking frightened.
Normally, Alia would have forced a smile and greeted Anart, but she couldn’t manage a single expression.
After all, the most ambiguous and dangerous figure in Pohelrn was calmly walking into its most important place.
“…You! What are you doing right now?”
Clack, clack.
Indifferent footsteps echoed as they entered through the doorway.
“I don’t know how much time is left, but a counsel is precious, you know?”
“No matter how you say that…!”
Saraswati raised one arm in greeting toward the person who entered the room.
An elf seemingly covered in gold from hair to clothing.
When the Gal Dragon sneered at Saraswati’s friendly greeting, it overlooked the calm Saraswati, the terrified Anart, and the sweat-soaked Alia and cast a glance at the core of Deus Ex Machina, centered in the ceiling of the Room of Worlds, with a hint of admiration.
Then, shifting its gaze back to the now more welcoming Saraswati, it slowly opened its mouth.