The earth shakes.
I, located in the center of the Celestial Being’s body, felt the monument tremble as countless creatures living within it flailed in shock.
‘Was it that shocking?’
It wasn’t even that serious.
[No, the professor said it’s something simple.]
[What’s a confession attack? LOL]
[It means liking someone…]
[? LOL]
[0 Confession 1st round LOL]
“Am I crazy?”
“No, it’s really not that serious.”
The emotions between God and Believer are special.
It’s generally accepted that emotions between parents and children are the norm, but if faith gets twisted just a little, it can easily transform into romantic love.
In fact, during my time as the Saintess in the Holy Palace, that was quite common.
Take the ‘First Saintess’ for instance…
“Anyway, it’s not at all weird for a Believer to love their God. It’s actually a natural feeling. With such deep love, how could one not like it?”
“Still, confessing to your own God is a bit…”
“Let’s say they accelerated a bit too quickly.”
Of course, feelings are just feelings.
To the God, a Believer is just an ordinary follower, and romantic feelings usually end up being one-sided.
But is this dream really a nightmare? That’s not quite the case.
It’s something that could definitely happen, and I don’t believe that the Celestial Being is completely without such experiences…
[Collapse Level – 86%]
It went up by 1% already.
‘Completely without… was it?’
[Oh no ;;]
[Let’s just wake them up.]
[The confession attack is strong!]
[I think we might be in trouble, let’s delete it.]
“Can’t be helped.”
I added more content to the monument.
├I’m infatuated… Hmm? Ah, right. It was a dream.’ The Celestial Being felt relieved. After all, it’s not like their creatures would really confess.</i>
[Collapse Level – 84%]
[Collapse Level – 82%]
[Collapse Level – 81%]
The collapse level drops again.
It rose slightly more than during the Prayer of Rest, but it seems to have stabilized somewhat.
I don’t know how much the confession attack was disliked, but one thing is clear: just writing a few letters can cause a significant ripple in the Celestial Being’s dreams.
“Let’s continue revising it without giving too much stimulation. It seems that unless there’s too extreme a change, it won’t be a problem.”
“Another confession attack?”
“No, something different this time.”
The towering monument is filled with so many letters, but it’s still far from enough to write about the Celestial Being’s ‘everything.’
I look around.
In addition to the monument, there are countless characters inscribed within the gigantic circle.
It’s likely there are hundreds, maybe even thousands, of characters.
I lower my head, searching for familiar letters.
There are phrases that seem to have been edited significantly.
Today, I went for a walk with God. God smiled gracefully, and just like that, peace seemed destined to continue.
It was a rainy, sunny day. A group of knights had been sent from the kingdom far away. Upon seeing us, the knights spoke.
“We’ve heard news of a monster in this land. We’ll take care of it, so tell us the monster’s location.”
We were tense. But there was nothing to worry about because the monster had already been dealt with, and God was not the monster but our savior!
Upon seeing God, the knights said, “That guy… I mean, there’s no monster here.”
The knights laughed and left, while God was happy. Not really.
Almost half the content has been revised.
Upon closer inspection, I can see the words slowly changing constantly.
“It’s going back.”
The celestial being keeps recalling nightmares.
The celestial being suffering through the repeating nightmare has its pain alleviated by the giants, who alter the dream’s content to a good direction.
But that’s just a temporary fix.
A happy delusion is ultimately still a delusion, and as time passes, it naturally returns to the original nightmare.
“I need to change this.”
I infuse holiness into my fingers.
Starting with the first sentence.
“Peace seemed destined to continue… at that moment…”
[Collapse – 82%]
“God! Are you listening?”
“Uh, yeah. I’m listening.”
Ertarn nodded at the words of the young child, who had placed a crown on himself.
A very pretty child.
Other humans are nice too, but this child is especially good.
“What was I saying?”
Well… I was resting in the grass, lulled by the overwhelming peace during our walk.
Truly “without a care,” peaceful days.
As Ertarn answered nonchalantly, the young child shook their head wildly.
“No! I didn’t hear anything at all. This is bad!”
“…Huh? Bad?”
“Yes! Come this way!”
I grab the young child’s hand and run toward the village.
What could be happening all of a sudden?
Surely “peaceful” days have been ongoing.
To suddenly be faced with something bad in a situation that must be peaceful…
Is something wrong?
Is this really reality?
“If it’s not reality, I need to wake up as my original self immediately…”
“Where are you looking? Look over there!”
First, let’s see what’s going on.
I turn my head.
Numerous villagers are gathered at the village entrance, and a woman in pure white armor is holding the royal insignia.
On her shoulder epaulet, there was white fur like a lion’s mane, made from the fur of a real white lion.
Additionally, a sword hung at her waist, and the radiance enveloping her armor seemed to demonstrate the differences between the residents living here and the world itself.
The radiant light seemed to personally show that the residents living here and the world they inhabited were different.
Above all, what stood out the most was the woman’s striking blue hair and blue eyes.
Even those from Ertarn who were not human found her beauty quite overwhelming, enough to captivate everyone here.
‘It’s different.’
That woman was distinctly unlike the humans.
As she glanced at the panicking residents one by one, she spotted Ertarn and furrowed her brows, walking toward her.
“Nice to meet you.”
“I am Lady Lily Lyons of the Silver Lion Knight Order from the Royal Family. Please feel free to call me Lady Lily.”
“…Lily. Lyons? Lady Lily.”
“Please call me Lady Lily.”
Seeing Ertarn nod, Lady Lily scanned her up and down.
A familiar gaze.
‘The same eyes as the residents I faced initially.’
A distrustful gaze.
“You seem suspicious.”
“Oh dear~ How could a noble from the Royal Family personally visit this little village? What an honor─”
“You are the village chief, named Bess. Am I right?”
“Yes, yes! That’s correct. But first, since you’ve come from afar, how about a cup of tea…”
The village chief hurriedly bowed low to Lady Lily after pushing through the crowd.
Despite his effort to separate her from Ertarn, she maintained a cold expression as she mechanically read the information she received.
“One year and eleven months ago, you submitted a petition regarding ‘the murder of kingdom residents due to monster sightings,’ correct?”
“And three years and two months ago, you also submitted a petition about ‘monster sightings and strange occurrences.’”
“Please understand that it takes a long time to process these matters. As you know, our Kingdom of Lyons has territories that rival the Empire, so we cannot handle all petitions.”
“Of course, I understand. You must be busy…”
“But now you no longer need to worry. The target is right in front of you.”
“Wait a moment!”
“What are you doing?”
As Lady Lily drew her sword, the chief broke into a cold sweat and stood in her way.
But he wasn’t the only one.
“This person is not a monster!”
“That’s right, Miss Knight! This person is…!”
The villagers trembled and surrounded Ertarn protectively.
As Ertarn’s eyes widened, Lady Lily’s frown deepened.
“…So you are a monster that causes confusion and enchantment. No wonder I found it odd that there hadn’t been any news for almost two years.”
“No! This person actually captured that monster! Isn’t this appearance completely different from what I described in my petition!”
“Yes. That’s true. The petition mentioned a worm-like form full of teeth.”
But so what?
“Regardless of whether that monster is dead or gone, there is still a monster right in front of me. And monsters are designated as ‘targets for extermination’ by the Royal Family.”
“A monster caught another monster? Living in a remote area, you might not know this, but it is surprisingly common for a monster to hunt down another monster.”
“…It’s gotten even more dangerous. Capturing monsters and enchanting people… If it gets reported to the royal family, the knights will surely come down to hunt us.”
The silver sword drawn shines with a blue aura.
A blade created using mana that knights wield.
Its cutting power is sharp enough to split an ordinary monster in two.
“Step back. Unless you want to die.”
“That person is really…!”
“You. Do you hate me?”
Ertarn glares at Lady Lily.
The once gentle lady is slowly becoming furious.
“I won’t let personal feelings interfere with my duty. I will eliminate them as a member of the royal family.”
“Then… Are you going to attack these people?”
“If they keep blocking…”
“Got it.”
Ertarn’s silhouette disappears.
In an instant, she appears right in front of Lady Lily and swings her fist.
The fist halts just before touching Lady Lily’s face.
The young child who gave her the flower crown is clutching the hem of the cloak beneath the armor, crying.
“Don’t do it… Please don’t… Save me. Knight, please save the god too…”
“Why should I do that?”
The tip of the sword touches Ertarn’s neck.
If that fist had connected, the sword would have mercilessly beheaded her.
No matter how tough the body is, it couldn’t block the aura sword.
“Please… Please…”
The sword is sheathed.
Lady Lily sighs, almost fainting as she looks down at the village chief.
“I’ll give you one week.”
“Prove to me whether that monster is truly dangerous or not within one week.”
I doubt they can do it.
“I need to rest. Please guide me.”
“Y-Yes, understood!”
“The carriage definitely needs to be prepared.”
“Of course! This way…”
‘Who is that woman?’
‘The royal knights? I suppose that exists.’
‘Strange. It doesn’t feel real. I want to go back.’
‘…But there’s hope. It’s different from before.’
…Did I even have a past?
I don’t know. But let’s keep watching.
‘This time, may it be a bit happier.’
[Collapse Rate – 51%]