– Oh, and the partner streamer application has been approved.
“Partner streamer?”
– Yes.
Streamers can apply for ‘partner streamer’ status upon achieving a certain amount of broadcast hours and a minimum average viewer count.
Becoming a partner streamer comes with various benefits like ad revenue and subscriptions, making it a no-brainer as long as you aren’t moving elsewhere or streaming simultaneously.
“But wasn’t that already done?”
I had achieved the average viewer count, which is the only requirement aside from the two conditions that take some time to meet since the start of my broadcast.
‘Was it over 40 thousand?’
Compared to my current levels, that’s less than half, but it wasn’t a small number back then either.
I had easily exceeded the benchmark of 75 average viewers.
Because of this, Trichi had started giving me benefits equivalent to those of a partner streamer consistently since just two days into my broadcast.
– Now you really have the hat on. It’s better to actually have it than just receive the benefits!
“Hmm, that’s true.”
– And I think we’ll need another manager. The viewer count has grown too large.
The somewhat tired-sounding Apple Flavor said that.
Now that I mention it, the viewer count has more than doubled since the initial selection.
It wasn’t just increasing from a thousand to two thousand or from ten thousand to twenty thousand; it skyrocketed from 60,000 to 120,000.
Even if you put two people on chat duty, covering more than 100,000 viewers would be a stretch.
Plus, the two managers we have now are also working as editors.
“I’ve been thinking about it, so yes. I’ll make a selection right away.”
Who should I choose…
As LilTube rapidly grew, the work for editors became incredibly busy.
However, the growth applied to Trichi’s live broadcasts as well.
In the end, to support both parties, a significant number of personnel were needed.
– Wow… I’ll be Lady Lily’s manager…?
– Please take good care of me.
Thus, I added two more people to focus on managerial tasks instead of editing.
I had a pile of applications from before, as I had received hundreds of emails, so all I had to do was choose.
I thought time would slip away, but the applicants accepted my offer without a hint of hesitation as if they had been waiting.
“Joah, you said you can do thumbnails?”
– Yes~ I’ve been responsible for thumbnails on Papuris’ NewTube for a while!
The first manager was Joah, who handled the thumbnails for a YouTuber with over 2 million subscribers.
Originally, the thumbnails were managed by Apple Flavor, but they weren’t specialized in thumbnails, and since there was no one else to take the job, Joah filled in.
Editors are generally expected to know Photoshop at least a bit.
However, Joah’s thumbnail skills were so much better than the other editors that there was no need to settle for just the ‘basic’ level.
Relative to editing, working on thumbnails took much less time and was less draining.
“You’ve been a manager for quite a while, huh?”
“Yep! I did it for a year until three months ago~”
“Why did you quit?”
“Well… I was in the middle of finding myself back then. After that, I started watching Lady Lily’s broadcasts.”
She laughed cheerfully.
“Something weirder than White Autumn popped up.”
Anyway, Joah was chosen.
“Hyujin is… a ranker?”
As a person, she was pretty average and had a bit of experience in being a manager.
But what stood out was not her real-life specs but her other specs.
She ranked 907th in the ranking battles.
A magician specializing in crowd control by suppressing opponents with debuffs and buffs.
But the problem was…
“I’m an alchemist. I’m in the production job class.”
Usually, production jobs are excellent in crafting but have extremely low combat abilities and are used for healing or earning money.
If she was an alchemist, she’d just be making potions to sell and trade…
But Hyujin used the core skill of the profession, ‘Potion Making’, as her combat ability.
“Making potions takes a long time, so during that time, I frequently watched Lady Lily’s broadcasts.”
“Couldn’t you be doing something else during that time? Like going out to gather materials?”
“Oh, I do gather materials sometimes, but I really enjoy watching others.”
Even though it cost more money and time, she said she preferred to buy materials from the auction house or cities of mages and craft them instead.
After all, even if she obtained materials that way, once she achieved ‘Potion Making’ as a level 3 alchemist without needing overly expensive materials, it was beneficial no matter what she did.
It’s said that once a production job reaches level 3, you can live off it for a lifetime without doing anything else.
“Of course, it’s impossible for a production job to reach level 3.”
“Why not?”
“Because you can’t level up. Not without hunting.”
You gain experience from crafting, but only up to level 40.
After that, you have to level up between hunting or important quests like continent quests, but production jobs have practically no combat abilities.
A level 40 blacksmith, no matter how much they swing their hammer, would have lower attack power than a level 10 swordsman.
Looking around, I realized my attack power was lower than that of a level 10 swordsman.
But catching lower-level monsters was impossible due to the experience point penalties per level.
– However, because of my traits, I was able to. My trait is “Potion Overload.”
– All potions apply double effects but in return, I lose health later on. And, by the way, it stacks.
If several enhancement potions stack, I’d definitely become incredibly strong for a moment.
Enough shame to not even be classified as a “producer.”
But excessive abuse like that would cause severe physical and mental damage.
Excessive mana amplification destroys the body, and afterward, due to developing resistance against healing magic, treatment becomes impossible unless it’s something extraordinary like holy magic.
“No way.”
Deoen is not reality.
Since it’s virtual reality, pain isn’t that intense, and even if I die, I resurrect with a complete body.
Looking at it this way, it’s a trait with only merits and no demerits.
Suddenly, I thought of those pitiful Celestial and Demon races.
“That’s unfortunate.”
– Huh?
“Just kidding.”
I’ve picked an editor, and Trich and Riltube are running normally.
I think it’s about time to tackle the tasks I had put off.
“Let’s see… First, Noodl Park.”
The dungeon I was planning to buy with millions of won, along with Yena.
I met Nerindia, and though I ended up with just repair costs, I moved houses, and since there’s no big schedule for now, I think it’s fine to proceed.
It would be nice if I could also take down a boss.
[40-level Boss (13/30) or World Boss (0/1)]
My current level is 57.
I can raise my level enough to take on the boss, but there are still more than half of the bosses left to defeat.
I’ve been making an effort to take them down.
‘Definitely want to finish as a World Boss.’
If I clear this quest, I’ll unlock the ? when I reach the third rank.
Literally a question mark, but I’m assuming what I predict is correct.
My curse and at the same time, the driving force that keeps me alive.
If I reclaim it, I’ll gain powers unmatched compared to before.
‘It was definitely strong.’
Rankers are strong, but I don’t think I can’t beat them.
I’ve faced countless strong opponents, and even if I got pushed back and nearly died, I was the one who survived each time.
However, one issue remains: their “mythical” equipment.
I’ve only seen one, so I can’t be sure, but it had abilities comparable to the unique powers of the Celestial and Demon races.
The pure strength might not compare, but the weight of that ability is quite significant.
Even if that ability is significant,
I can’t always use Sacred Transformation…
“I have to clear it before the mock Siege War.”
At least to face single-digit rankers using Mythical Items, I need to unlock the Holy power.
First, let’s set a goal to quickly take down the bosses.
Beyond the sea of the vast continent ruled by the Empire,
there have been rumors about an unknown land that was revealed during the 3rd anniversary update, said to be filled with numerous rewards and treasures.
And the ‘Highland of the Green Forest’ was one of those places.
Two challengers stepped in front of a new dungeon that no one had invaded yet.
“Hello~ big brothers!”
[Oh, what’s this? A collab?]
[With Lily, huh?]
[Is this Newdalak?]
[Did Yena finish her homework? Lol]
“Today, we’re doing Newdalak! You know who the guest is, right?”
Yena energetically started the broadcast again.
She really is a bright person every time I see her.
[Newdalak (not newbie, not a lagger either lol)]
“I can’t tell who’s doing what, hehe.”
“Isn’t Yena the one who should be lagging?”
“Hey now, don’t cross the line.”
After managing things appropriately through the manager, Yena turned her head.
I was also streaming, but the newly hired managers were handling everything well.
I really chose the right path.
After about a 10-minute waiting time, Yena and I finished getting ready to dive in.
“Lady Lily?”
“Yes. I’m ready.”
“Alrighty then. Let’s sweep everything away.”
Lily and I looked at the space full of green leaves.
Even now, the cool breeze of mana brushed past me and Yena.
[Appropriate level 70, playtime 1 hour ~ 1 hour 30 minutes, max party size 10.]
[This is an undiscovered dungeon. Extra rewards are obtained for the first clear.]
[Unexpected situations may occur.]
[Do you wish to enter the Highland of the Green Forest?]