“Alright, before we dive into team selection, let me explain today’s agenda.”
With caster Kim Yong-woo’s words, various windows displaying multiple spears appeared in front of him.
The windows contained today’s agenda and detailed information about team members.
Clicking on the ‘Siege War Method’ window positioned at the very front, the screen transitioned to a model castle in the center.
“I think many people are wondering how the mock siege war will proceed, right?”
“That’s right. This third mock siege war will be held with three teams, unlike last year.”
“Exactly. To give a simple understanding before we begin, let me show you an example with a model.”
Before long, Freytion was casting magic in the center of the plaza rather than in the commentary booth.
Model soldiers burst through the door of the model castle.
There were rows of ordinary soldiers clad in regular armor and generals looking sleek in armored suits.
And finally, the Grand General appeared wearing a helmet the same color as his castle’s flag.
As the Grand General signaled, the soldiers moved to their respective positions to defend the castle.
[How cute]
[So adorably chubby, lol]
[Look at those tiny ones]
[Well made though]
[Let’s hurry up and pick teams, go go]
“Each team will consist of one Grand General, three Generals, and ten ordinary soldiers. However, unlike last time, the key point this time is the ‘General’.”
As Freytion’s staff glowed, the physique and strength of the Generals increased.
Even if ten ordinary soldiers rushed in, they wouldn’t stand a chance against just one General.
To demonstrate, Freytion moved a group of soldiers and one General to the center, a ‘flat ground’.
The ten soldiers charged at the opposing team’s General with an assortment of weapons, but the General toyed with them as if they were a joke.
In less than a minute, the ordinary soldiers were wiped out.
[Is that how it goes?]
[But shouldn’t ten ordinary soldiers be able to at least hold off one General?]
[A minute wipeout is a bit much]
[Nope, nope, nope, nope, nope]
[If those soldiers could stop the General, it’d be super boring]
[Last year, using soldiers as a strategy to beat the General was a total snooze fest]
[This is definitely different]
[I don’t care, just bring on the Grand General Lily, go go]
“Since this is just a model example, it won’t take a minute to resolve everything; however, ordinary soldiers won’t be able to stop a General.”
With another gesture, the broken soldiers were restored and returned to their castle.
With a gesture, the broken soldiers are restored and return to my castle.
“But does that mean the soldiers just fall over and do nothing? Not at all! Resource gathering and the general’s ‘buff’ support are quite important, you know.”
The soldiers move.
They cross the river blocking the castle and head towards the ‘forest’ located between the castle and the fortress.
The soldiers are heading to the ‘Resource Tower’ situated in the forest.
After standing at the resource tower for about 10 seconds, a sky-blue ore is produced.
Walking with the ore, I arrive at the castle, and the indication that the ore has increased by +1 appears above the fortress.
“This ore can be used to purchase attack buffs, defense buffs, speed buffs, and other buffs for the entire team. Of course! Since it’s for the whole team, the soldiers are enhanced as well.”
The scene shifts.
While the soldiers are mining resources, the generals are diligently hunting monsters.
“The simulation siege war has a maximum level of 10, and you can gain levels by defeating monsters in the ‘forest’ or on the ‘plains’. Raising levels increases stats and ‘core damage.'”
With those upgraded stats, you simply break the core, and that’s the game.
“And the key point of this simulation siege war is that there are three teams.”
[How to deal with team problems?]
[For real, with three teams, one team will definitely get ganged up on.]
[If it’s Lily, total massacre is possible.]
Soldiers from each team meet on the plains.
They eye each other, and soon enough, they start bickering.
Then, surprisingly, the purple soldiers and blue soldiers attack the red soldiers instead of each other.
The red soldiers are confused.
In no time, most of the red soldiers are dead, and the remaining ones flee to the forest.
“The simulation siege war allows alliances between teams. However, if two teams are attacking you at the same time…”
As one red soldier rushes to inform the castle’s general of this fact, the general gets angry and quickly begins to grow stronger.
The immensely strengthened general takes down both of the opposing team’s generals in an instant.
“The entire team receives stat increases and levels up. This effect lasts until the number of ‘generals’ on that team equals the combined total of the opposing two teams’ ‘generals.'”
[That makes it a bit tricky.]
[Protection law for losers!]
[Teams have to be careful, huh?]
[Yeah, anyway, Leo can win 1 vs 100, right?]
[Leo is definitely the king.]
[Lily, furious at the teaming, is planning to tear them all apart! LOL]
[Anyway, victory belongs to Lily. Victory belongs to Lily. Victory belongs to Lily. Victory belongs to Lily. Victory belongs to Lily. Victory belongs to Lily.]
“And the most important Grand General.”
The grand general adorned with a magnificent helmet moves.
A Grand General who is much stronger than the General.
The Grand General instantly charged in, cutting down ordinary soldiers in a single blow and overcoming the General blocking the way.
“The Grand General starts at level 3 and can reach a maximum level of 13. Additionally, he starts with one extra attack buff.”
However, since he only has one life, he must be careful when facing opponents.
“If he recklessly steps in and dies early on, the team’s strength will decrease by more than half.”
Clap clap clap clap─!
“Ah, Freytion, great job. The explanation was very entertaining.”
“Haha! It was nothing special.”
“Oh, I have a question. Can I ask something?”
“I’m curious about something.”
Leo, Chuka Chip, and Yena all left the empty room for interviews.
As I watched the broadcast alone, I turned to the audience and asked.
[Lily, what are you curious about?]
[What are you curious about?]
[Ask quickly!]
[What is it! Hurry up and say!]
[I’m dying to know and you won’t tell me, LOL]
“If you betray an alliance and fight an opponent, what happens to the buffs?”
For example, if Team A becomes strong as an alliance with Teams B and C, but then B betrays C and fights alongside A, what happens to Team A’s buffs?
Would both Teams C and A become stronger at the same time?
[I don’t know?]
[Probably simultaneous application?]
[Only C would be affected, it seems.]
[Looks like only C receives it?]
[Then B would be at a disadvantage.]
[???: Pay the price for betrayal.]
[I think Team A’s buffs might disappear.]
“Will we know soon?”
─If an alliance breaks, what happens? For example, if an allied team fights against another team?
─In that case, the previous buffs will disappear, and only the newly defined common enemy team will receive buffs.
If that’s the case, alliances can be used effectively.
Of course, I’m more accustomed to fighting alone than forming alliances.
Personally, I might prefer getting buffs and fighting over having an ally.
─Alright! The interviews for the players taking on the General position are ready! Wow, I see some familiar faces here! First up, Blak! Hello~!
“Nice to meet you. I’m Blak.”
Blak stood up and greeted warmly.
The team leader-level players, including Blak, were sitting somewhat away from the commentary booth, but the conversation felt natural as if they were right next to each other.
─Blak, you’re participating as a team leader this time. Can you share your thoughts?
“Well, being both the host and a participant makes me feel pretty good yet strange. Still, since I’m participating, I think our team will probably win.”
It’s quite mysterious while I’m participating like this. But since I’m here, I might just think our team will win.
─Ah~ as expected from a ranker! That confidence is great! I hope you win for sure. And! Since you’re probably the team leader, are you going to pick your teammates?
─That’s right.
─By any chance! Do you have any team members in mind?
[If not Lily, who would you pick? LOL]
[If I’m matching, I might pick Freytion]
[Laguiel isn’t a bad option either]
[Definitely have to pick Lily, no doubt]
Black pondered and glanced at the players next to him.
One is the master of dual spears and part of the top three teams in the pro scene, Chota Choka Chuka Chip.
And the other is Leo, the Spirit Sorcerer with four attributes that even professionals are hesitant to deal with.
None of them are opponents to be underestimated.
─Ah~ they probably won’t pick anyone who isn’t good.
─Who’s considered good?
─I think everyone feels the same way, but personally, I have a very favorable opinion of the new face, Lady Lily.
[Lily is definitely the choice LOL]
─Lady Lily! Ah, I also received an invitation here and I’ve heard a lot about you. I’m really looking forward to this!
─Then let’s have another chat during the team selection later, and the next person is… Chota Choka Chuka… Chip!
─Hello!! Ha ha!
Chuka Chip, with sparkling golden eyes, looks very cheerful compared to her appearance in the room.
─Ah! Chuka Chip! Nice to meet you. Your name was long last time we met, and it’s still long now! Any thoughts on changing your nickname?
─It’s my trademark, so I probably won’t? Hee.
She smiles mischievously. However, that expression is captured beautifully on camera, drawing cheers from many.
The caster nodded with a smile.
─From what I’ve heard, many are looking forward to a showdown with Lady Lily, who wields the same spear. What do you think, Chuka Chip?
─Hmm… she might be a super rookie these days, but… I still handle spears better, don’t you think?
─Oh! So, if the opportunity arises to choose Lady Lily for a duel, you wouldn’t pick her?
─I honestly don’t mind either way. But for Lady Lily’s sake, wouldn’t it make more sense to choose her… just in case I don’t want to embarrass myself?