“Damn it.”
Even my underwear had been changed. Of course, the prison uniform was relatively comfortable, being stiff and odorless, but being guarded solely because of my ability to create anything was far from pleasant.
All my personal belongings were confiscated, and I could only helplessly watch as the escape tools I had meticulously prepared were categorized as ‘scrap metal’ and collected.
“0032, please proceed forward.”
Standing in front of the white wall marked in centimeters, I was handed a sign that read “Asiate 0032.”
A flash went off.
“Please turn to your right.”
How many times did I turn my body here and there and endure the flashes?
“Please sign to confirm that the above physical characteristics are factual.”
A glance around revealed a printer and a computer. The way they proceeded with documentation rather than just arbitrarily bossing people around indicated that the empire had reached a certain level of stability.
“0032, from today onwards, you will be assigned to the production department. Sturm… Schutz…”
“Just call me Lieutenant.”
“Ahem. You have been assigned directly under Lieutenant Hans Schultz, so please receive all orders and schedules from Lieutenant Schultz.”
Even they struggled with the German pronunciation.
As far as I knew, some ranks were obtained from the SS.
So, those dressed in uniforms closer to green were regular soldiers…
– Clack, clack, clack, clack. Boom.
Draped in heavy black armor covering their shoulders and thighs, the soldiers with the ‘SS’ insignia proudly attached to their collars were likely the SS.
“H, Heil Hitler.”
“Heil Hitler.”
A simple exchange of Nazi salutes occurred.
“Is the registration process complete, Soldat?”
“Yes, the final signature process is complete. It’s just been registered in the system.”
“Sturmbannführer Schultz called. From here, we’ll take over.”
“Yes. Heil Hitler.”
“Heil Hitler.”
Judging from yesterday’s attitude of Hans, while the SS outwardly appear to follow the ‘rules,’ that’s not actually the case. Especially for those directly under Hans.
“Let’s move.”
I began walking with a motion of encouragement and soon found myself under a high, broad ceiling.
In the center, like a prison, was a large watchtower where a few people were busily organizing documents or—
[Corporal Michael, Corporal Michael, immediately proceed to Area B5 and respond to the call.]
Broadcasting with a microphone.
Despite the large space, the lighting was adequate, and judging by the brightness, the power seemed to be distributed appropriately.
Below the watchtower were living areas resembling a cafeteria.
Armed soldiers in groups of three or four were moving in and out through some corridors.
Some ‘inferior individuals’ were closely monitored as they were employed for labor.
“Augh, damn it. The pipes are broken again!”
“Call any laborers quickly and have them attempt repairs. I’ll end up sleeping on a cold floor again if the heating pipes keep acting up like this.”
“What can you do with those damn bums? All the quality ones have been taken by the SS.”
“…There’s nothing to be done. Telling them to roughly patch up any missing parts will have to suffice.”
Mostly soldiers in green uniforms.
They were different from those escorting me.
They appeared shabby, didn’t they?
“Is it alright to ask questions if I have any?”
“The Sturmbannführer said to assist with providing information within possible limits.”
“Is it expected that repairing pipes like this will be my main job?”
“The Sturmbannführer will personally issue your main tasks and additional duties. Since 0032 has been assigned to the Schutzstaffel— the SS—there’s no need to respond to National Defence Army personnel.”
“Are you referring to those in the green uniforms?”
“…Even though I am technically a prisoner?”
While walking along the railing, the SS moving with me didn’t even blink.
Even when, occasionally, officers wearing caps issued orders to ‘National Defence Army’ personnel.
Even when we encountered officers carrying documents reporting for duty—
Instead, the officers turned their bodies to step aside.
The SS soldiers showed no intention of stopping.
Now that I look, there is a clear difference in armament.
“…Heil Hitler!”
Though National Defence Army soldiers carry weapons with a lack of attachments and questionable durability,
My escorts on both sides had telescopic sights, handles, tactical flashlights, and lasers.
Had the supply discrepancy between the National Defence Army and the SS become this evident?
Even though the SS is a special unit responsible for the security and protection of the inner command posts, and reconnaissance and expansion are the National Defence Army’s responsibilities.
“This way.”
The corridor we turned into had a different vibe from the beginning.
In addition to the SS guards stationed outside each door, there were maids or laborers sweeping and mopping the corridor.
Outside, the majority wore green uniforms, but from here on, it was all grey.
Everyone looked impeccably neat, and the air quality was—
“Please come in.”
The door opened, and I entered following the leading soldier.
Instead of the Nazi salute seen outside, they performed a regular raised-hand salute.
“Bringing him as ordered.”
“You’ve done well. You’re free to go.”
—Static noise.
The sound came through the radio on the desk.
[Heil Hitler. Sturmbannführer, we’re in touch regarding issues with heating pipes in the National Defence Army residential quarters, requesting additional manpower.]
“Respond that the heating expert is already busy with current tasks. If there’s any protest, reply that we’re also facing difficulties in facility operations.”
[Yes, understood.]
The radio was turned off, and Hans removed his glasses.
“I apologize for keeping you with such a tight schedule in the morning. Was the detention room floor not too cold?”
“More or less.”
“While a comfortable body is conducive to good work, starting today, you’ll be staying in a private room.”
“Does the lieutenant supervise the personnel?”
“All personnel in the National Defence Army and the SS are under my control. Though this does make work somewhat hectic.”
“Not busy at all, it seems.”
“Deliberate negligence. If the National Defence Army, who complies only with the commands of higher-ups, is content with the current state…”
Would a coup d’état be difficult?
A smirk played on Hans’ face as he took out my paper cartridge.
“The performance of your improvised cartridge was truly remarkable. It easily pierced through even bulletproof vests at close range.”
It was designed to kill a giant spider, after all.
“Though I have doubts about the reliability of the paper casing. Hence—”
The drawer opened, and a regular shotgun shell was laid on the desk.
“If I supply you with these types, can you create them in the same structure?”
“I’ll need a working space.”
“If I provide a personal room, would it be impossible to arrange a workspace?”
What then?
Siphon off gunpowder?
Pick locks and escape?
But… leaving this 0th Empire alone, now that it’s grown to this scale, is a problem.
Above all, this Hans Schultz in front of me.
This guy is certainly someone I’d rather not keep around.
“When would you like to start? Or, shall we begin with the meal I can offer you first?”
“…Might not be bad.”
“Very well. Let’s start with sausages and fermented cabbage.”
Of course, German-style meals.
At this rate, I won’t even dream of rice and X-PAM.
—Static noise.
[Heil Hitler. Excuse me, Sturmbannführer. I need confirmation regarding the heating equipment.]
“Didn’t we say there were no technicians available?”
[It might be best if you checked directly. It’s—]
Before he could finish speaking, a dull sound came from outside.
“…Explain again. What’s this about calling me repeatedly?”
While Hans was distracted by the radio, I got up, opened the door, and gently stepped toward the railing crowded with people.
A few laborers were rolling on the floor while steam spouted through the pipes.
The National Defence Army personnel seemed at a loss and officers were yelling into their radios.
“Send people immediately! Damn it, how many times has this pipe problem occurred now—”
Only the response from the SS was different.
While some SS officers leaned on the railing, they chuckled as if it was someone else’s problem.
“They’ll be requesting blankets in droves. Poor bastards.”
“Should we suggest they wear two pairs of socks?”
“Why? Do you want their feet to smell twice as bad? They hardly get to bathe anyway, don’t they?”
They mocked each other despite being on the same side.
If this is how they act, it makes sense they’re after a coup.
“What’s with you, you yellow-bellied son of a… Hey, you.”
Why did he just pick on me out of nowhere?
“What’s your problem with those beady eyes staring so fiercely? Aren’t you supposed to be at your work station?”
“…Excuse me, but the soldiers mentioned an Asian prisoner transferred here today—”
“Let go. It’s good timing. You look interesting. Hey, come here.”
This is why Nazis…
I tried to pry the hand that grabbed my hair, but in return, received a kick.
Tears welled up from the pain coursing through me.
“Keep your head up and look properly. Can you see your fellow countrymen sprawled out by those pipes?”
People were screaming, their faces both red and white from the burns caused by scalding steam.
Coming closer while clearing away the scattered tools was someone in a white coat.
Seeing the red cross on the red armband, I knew he was a doctor.
Though, the doctor had blond hair.
While trying to take something out of his pocket to closely examine the laborers’ conditions, he was stopped by a National Defence Army officer.
Getting upset at having his arm grabbed, the woman pushed it away and seemed to protest to the officer.
“Do you think we have resources to waste on these inferior individuals?! Shoot them!”
Two gunshots echoed across the broad space.
Blood splattered on the floor, and some laborers carrying cargo were dragged in to dispose of the bodies.
Just the doctor was shaking uncontrollably.
“The doctor of the 0th Empire—
A punch sank deep into my stomach.
With nothing in my stomach, I could only cough up saliva.
“What kind of a person is this that Hans sent here? Should I check the personnel department for an audit?”
The sound of a pistol being cocked rang out.
Hans, Hans Schultz, sent me here.
How do you say lieutenant in German?
S, Sturm, Sturm…
The whole corridor was filled with the sound of boots.
But the gun pressed against my head had no intention of stopping.
The grating sound was right in my ears, then—
“What are you doing?”
A chilly yet familiar voice sounded.
“Sturmbannführer, my apologies, but this inferior person was slacking and—”
“Is that a reason for execution in my area?”
“I’m sorry, immediate—”
“…Raise that ‘inferior person’ up.”
Clutching my painful stomach, I was picked up by my collar and forced to look forward.
The soldiers who brought me here were pale.
Hans didn’t look so bad, did he?
“Corporal, no.”
Hans gritted his teeth.
This was the moment the atmosphere turned frosty.
As the hissing from the pipe decreased and the noise around died down,
Even the breathing of the people around me seemed to have ceased.
“Yes, that’s correct.”
“Unterscharführer, transfer that ‘technician’ to me.”
“N, understood.”
The touch handling me grew slightly softer.
Rather, the two soldiers assisting Hans took over directly and supported me.
“Yes, that’s correct.”
“What’s the difference between inferior individuals and us?”
“Our people are competent, while inferior individuals are not, Sturmbannführer.”
“What’s the difference between our empire and the Third Empire?”
“Our people are competent, while the foundation of the Third Empire was not, Sturmbannführer.”
“Ability is most important, isn’t it?”
“That’s correct, Sturmbannführer.”
“Then, what’s the difference between inferior individuals and technicians?”
“Inferior individuals are incompetent, but technicians have the knowledge to build the empire, Sturmbannführer.”
“Sturmbannführer, but that technician—”
“Mr. Xuan Woo.”
Bowing slightly, Hans said with his face close to my slightly bent one,
His eyes were slightly bloodshot.
“No, please. Call me Hans. You’re worthy of that much. Aren’t you?”
Rough breathing came from directly behind me.
It was from that corporal, giving me a stern warning against associating with Nazis.
“Hey, corporal?”
“Sir, Sturmbannführer.”
“What did your subordinate do to my direct subordinate?”
“…Direct subordinate?”
“Yes, to my direct subordinate.”
“Did you also participate?”
“No, Sir, Sturmbannführer. Corporal Marcus grabbed this technician by the hair, kicked them, and hit them in the stomach with a fist.”
“I see. Is there someone to verify this fact?”
The hands raised in perfect synchronization.
With some strength in my legs, the soldiers supporting me turned my body to let me see the corporal.
“I see.”
– Crrraaac.
The sound of leather gloves tightening filled the air.
The sound of people stepping back one step echoed through the corridor.
“Corporal Marcus, ensure this doesn’t happen again—”
With a dull thud, the corporal was slammed to the ground.
A tooth flew out and clattered on the floor.
“Someone incapable of distinguishing between the competent and incompetent has no place in the SS.”
After ripping the rank insignia off the seemingly unconscious corporal, Hans took a deep breath and exhaled.
“Assign Marcus to