없는 곳에 와버렸다. 나는 방안을 둘러보며 혼란스러워했다. 이게 현실이라고? 정말로? 나는 아직도 꿈을 꾸고 있는 건 아닐까?
“하나야, 괜찮아?”
보라가 다시 방으로 들어와 나를 안아주었다. 그녀의 따뜻한 온기가 나를 조금씩 현실로 끌어들이는 것 같았다.
“우리 하나야, 힘내야 해. 언니들이 항상 네 곁에 있을게.”
나는 보라의 말을 들으며 눈물을 흘렸다. 이제야 조금씩 현실이 받아들여졌다. 이게 바로 내 삶이구나. 이제부터는 다시 시작해야 한다. 아무리 힘들어도, 나는 포기할 수 없다.
“보라 언니, 하루 언니… 고마워. 나도 열심히 할게.”
나는 눈물을 닦으며 마음을 다잡았다. 이제부터는 새로운 삶을 시작해야 한다. 아무리 작은 방이라도, 아무리 힘든 상황이라도, 나는 다시 일어설 것이다.
“좋아! 이제부터는 나도 열심히 살아보자!”
나는 방안을 둘러보며 결심했다. 이 작은 방이 나의 새로운 시작점이 될 것이다. 보라와 하루가 나를 믿어주는 만큼, 나도 그들을 실망시키지 않을 것이다.
“하나야, 우리 같이 힘내자!”
보라와 하루가 나를 향해 미소를 지으며 말했다. 나는 그들의 미소를 보며 다시 한번 마음을 다졌다. 이제부터는 새로운 나를 만들어보자. 작은 방에서도 큰 꿈을 꿀 수 있다. 나는 이렇게 새로운 삶을 시작했다.
Would I live in a house that doesn’t exist?
But until Bora and Haru left work, I could vividly feel it. I had no choice but to eat ramen while shedding tears. The house was cold, there was no delicious food, and it was a situation where tears were inevitable.
“I want to go to school… I want to stay in a warm room…”
Everything I had enjoyed until now disappeared in an instant, and the sense of loss was overwhelming. It felt like the heart of a politician who had just moved into a tiny studio with no space to stretch their legs.
“Haru… Bora…”
I could only call out their names while sobbing. They stayed with me until the end, caring for me…
I hated myself for being so stubborn. They must have been thinking of me, but I got angry for no reason. I wished I could turn back time to when we were at the research institute.
Cold wind rushed in through the newspaper-covered window cracks. I had no choice but to shiver and crawl under the blanket. Even the blanket wasn’t that warm. I just closed my eyes, wishing desperately to escape this hell.
I woke up in bed, drenched in cold sweat. The sudden change in situation left me feeling numb. Dazed, I gathered my senses and looked around.
Outside, the sun was just rising. I checked the clothes I was wearing. I wasn’t in tattered clothes like in the dream. It was my usual warm dinosaur pajamas. The floor wasn’t hard and cold either.
Instead, it was a soft, cozy bed that half of my body sank into. The room was warm, with the heater running. Coming from a dream where cold wind was blowing through the house, it was hard to adjust to this room.
I quietly got out of bed, praying this wasn’t a dream, and pinched my cheek. Thankfully, it hurt. This situation was reality, not a dream. My heart was pounding, probably because I had such a vivid dream after a long time.
I slipped on my slippers and headed outside. Walking to the office felt unfamiliar, strange. Slowly walking down the empty hallway, I arrived at the office. Only Bora was there. It was 6 a.m., so only the person on duty was left.
Bora was slumped over the desk with a book in front of her. I didn’t know what book it was, but it didn’t matter.
Right now, I just wanted to be held in Bora’s arms. I felt like I could forget the bad dream if she patted me. I placed my hand on Bora’s thigh and shook her.
After a few shakes, Bora woke up. Seeing me like this, she looked surprised.
“Hana! Are you forgiving us now?”
I nodded. I, the merciful one, had to forgive. After all, I’m the one keeping this research institute afloat, so I had to make this decision. I spread my arms out to Bora, signaling for a hug.
Bora laughed, understanding my gesture, and got up from her chair to hug me. Bora’s embrace was the best. It was so warm that the bad dream I had earlier was easily forgotten. I leaned against Bora’s chest.
“Hana, did you have a nightmare? Why are you so sweaty?”
Bora said, looking at my damp forehead. The cold sweat hadn’t dried yet.
“Bora, I had a scary dream…”
“Really? What kind of dream?”
“It was a dream where the research institute went under, and you, Haru, and I were living in a tiny room.”
“Really? That must have been tough.”
“Yeah. I never want to go through that again.”
Bora looked surprised. Probably because I, who had never lived in a tiny room, said something like that.
“Bora, let’s go eat!”
Bora looked at the clock and said, “If we go now, we’ll be first in line.”
The Starlight Research Institute served breakfast, lunch, and dinner, so it opened early in the morning. I was so excited at the thought of eating delicious food that I waved my arms around.
I’m going to eat until I’m stuffed!